[clx-devel] Multiple new events in extension

Eric Wolf eric at boese-wolf.eu
Sun Aug 5 08:37:12 UTC 2012

Hi there,

I contribute to the implementation of xkb extension
for clx. I tried to declare several new events,
but if I'm try to process those with "event-case"
all xkb specific events are mapped to the first
xkb event I declared, resulting in total garbish.

You can get the code with

git clone -b adding-events git://github.com/filonenko-mikhail/clx-xkeyboard.git

place a link to the repository somewhere, where
asdf can find xkeyboard.asd

(require 'clx)
(require 'xkeyboard) ;some errors about redefined constants pop up, but
                     ;just let them be redefined
(load "test/simple-xkb-event-viewer.lisp")

a new window pops up and if you press some
modifiers, you will see new-keyboard-notify events,
which should be state-notify events.

I don't even have an idea how to debug
this. I tried to look into the clx code
for events, but get-internal-event-code
and get-external-event-code seem to work

How can I debug this? Maybe you see the
error in my code?

Yours sincerely,

Eric Wolf

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