[clpython-devel] Running pybench with clpython

Willem Broekema metawilm at gmail.com
Tue Aug 18 22:00:26 UTC 2009

Hello Luís, welcome to the list.

On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 7:23 PM, Luís Oliveira<luismbo at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to run pybench with clpython. It fails for me pretty early
> by not finding the 'platform' module. Has anyone tried to do this
> before?

Make sure that you have set cl-user::*clpython-module-search-paths* to
include the path to the Python 2.5 (or so) libs, and that the path
ends in a slash. (I'm working on removing the silly slash
requirement.) Then it should be able to find module "platform".

Importing the file will still probably fail though, because it
references "sys.executable" which is not defined yet, and beyond that
there's probably more things missing. Maybe you can hack up the
missing things as you encounter them and see how far you can get?

- Willem

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