[clouchdb-devel] Problems with document-to-json

Christian Haselbach ch at mr-co.de
Fri Jun 13 22:14:02 UTC 2008


Sorry for sending this twice. The subscription was not quite finished. So I'm not sure if the first mail got through.

I'm just experimenting with clouchdb. As noted in the news section of
clouchdb, CouchDB's view API changed in 0.8. I wanted to adjust the
corresponding methods in clouchdb. This worked fine for the ad-hoc view,
but in the create view I ran into a problem with document-to-json. I
think it does not handle nested maps correctly, or at least not like

For example this create document statement:
(create-document '((name . "Hi there2")
                   (content . ((foo . "bar") (bla . "fasel")))
                   (nested . ((foo . ((bla . ((fasel . "zort"))))))))
                 :id "hithere2")
will result in this document:
  "NAME":"Hi there2",

CONTENT looks fine, but NESTED not so much.

Observe the following differencs in document-to-json an
(json:encode-json-to-string '((foo . ((bar . baz)))))
(clouchdb::document-to-json '((foo . ((bar . baz)))))

Is this intendend?

Thanks and regards,

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