[clouchdb-cvs] CVS clouchdb/src

peddy peddy at common-lisp.net
Fri Nov 27 22:48:33 UTC 2009

Update of /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src
In directory cl-net:/tmp/cvs-serv11039/src

Modified Files:
Log Message:
- Added basic authentication support

--- /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src/clouchdb.lisp	2009/11/22 16:41:25	1.46
+++ /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src/clouchdb.lisp	2009/11/27 22:48:32	1.47
@@ -121,6 +121,16 @@
   (:documentation "The base type of all errors signaled by clouchdb"))
+(define-condition authorization-error (clouchdb-error)
+  ((result :initarg :result :reader result)
+   (db :initarg :db :reader db)
+   (uri :initarg :uri :reader uri)
+   (text :initarg :text :reader text))
+  (:report (lambda (condition stream)
+	     (format stream "Authorizion failed for URI \"~A\", reason \"~A\"" 
+                     (uri condition)
+                     (text condition)))))
 (define-condition db-existential-error (clouchdb-error)
   ((text :initarg :uri :reader uri)
    (db :initarg :db :reader db)
@@ -283,7 +293,8 @@
 (defun make-uri (&rest rest)
   "Return a URI containing protocol://host:port/ and the concatenation
 of the remaining parameters."
-  (concatenate 'string (couchdb-host-url *couchdb*) "/"
+  (concatenate 'string 
+               (couchdb-host-url *couchdb*) "/"
 	       (apply #'concatenate 'string rest)))
 (defmacro ensure-db ((&key (db-name nil db-name-p)) &body body)
@@ -504,8 +515,11 @@
           (values (json-to-document body) status)
           (values body status reason-phrase)))))
-(defun make-db (&key host port name protocol user password
-                document-fetch-fn document-update-fn (db *couchdb*))
+(defun make-db (&key host port name protocol 
+                (user nil user-supplied-p) 
+                (password nil password-supplied-p)
+                document-fetch-fn document-update-fn 
+                (db *couchdb*))
   "Create, populate and return a database structure from the current
 special variables and any supplied keyword parameters, the latter take
 precedence over the special variables."
@@ -513,21 +527,19 @@
           :port (or port (db-port db) *default-port*)
           :name (or name (db-name db) *default-db-name*)
           :protocol (or protocol (db-protocol db) *default-protocol*)
-          :user (or user (db-user db))
-          :password (or password (db-password db))
+          :user (if user-supplied-p user (db-user db))
+          :password (if password-supplied-p password (db-password db))
           :document-fetch-fn (or document-fetch-fn (db-document-fetch-fn db))
           :document-update-fn (or document-update-fn (db-document-update-fn db))))
-(defun set-connection (&key host db-name protocol port
-                       (db *couchdb*) document-update-fn
-                       document-fetch-fn)
+(defun set-connection (&rest args &key host port name protocol user password 
+                       document-fetch-fn document-update-fn db)
   "Set top-level connection information. The port may be specified as
 a string or number. As of CouchDb version 7.2 the default port is
 5984, prior to that it was 8888."
-  (setf *couchdb* (make-db :db db :host host :name db-name 
-                      :protocol protocol :port port
-                      :document-update-fn document-update-fn
-                      :document-fetch-fn document-fetch-fn)))
+  (declare (ignore host port name protocol user password document-update-fn
+                   document-fetch-fn db))
+  (setf *couchdb* (apply #'make-db args)))
 (defmacro with-connection ((&key db name port protocol
                                  host document-update-fn
@@ -560,6 +572,12 @@
          ((db-p ,db) ,db)
          (t nil)))
+(defun make-db-auth (db)
+  "Return user name password values or nil if no user name specified
+for db"
+  (let ((user (db-user db)))
+    (if user (list user (db-password db)))))
 ;; CouchDB Database Management API
@@ -581,9 +599,16 @@
   (let ((*couchdb* (db-or-db-name db)))
     (multiple-value-bind (res status)
         (db-request (cat (url-encode (db-name *couchdb*)) "/")
-                    :method :put :content "")
+                    :method :put :content ""
+                    :basic-authorization (make-db-auth *couchdb*))
       (cond ((eq 201 status)
+            ((equal "unauthorized" (document-property :|error| res))
+             (error 'authorization-error
+                    :text (document-property :|reason| res)
+                    :result res
+                    :db *couchdb*
+                    :uri (make-uri (db-name *couchdb*))))
             ((equal "file_exists" (document-property :|error| res))
              (ecase if-exists
                ((:ignore) (list (cons :|ok| t) (cons :|ignored| t)))
@@ -595,7 +620,8 @@
                            :db *couchdb*
                            :uri (make-uri (db-name *couchdb*)))
                   (ignore () :report "Ignore error and continue" nil)))))
-            ((equal "illegal_database_name" (document-property :|reason| res))
+            ((or (equal "illegal_database_name" (document-property :|reason| res))
+                 (equal "illegal_database_name" (document-property :|error| res)))
              (error 'illegal-database-name
                     :result res
                     :db *couchdb*
@@ -606,15 +632,25 @@
 database named in *couchdb*. Normally deletion of non-existent databases
 generates an error condition, but this can be avoided by
 specifying :ignore in the if-missing parameter."
-  (let* ((*couchdb* (db-or-db-name db))
-         (res (db-request (cat (url-encode (db-name *couchdb*)) "/")
-                          :method :delete)))
-    (if (and (document-property :|error| res) (not (eq :ignore if-missing)))
-	(restart-case 
-	    (error 'db-does-not-exist
-		   :result res :db *couchdb* :uri (make-uri))
-	  (ignore () :report "Ignore error and continue" nil)))
-    res))
+  (let* ((*couchdb* (db-or-db-name db)))
+    (multiple-value-bind (res status)
+        (db-request (cat (url-encode (db-name *couchdb*)) "/")
+                    :method :delete
+                    :basic-authorization (make-db-auth *couchdb*))
+      (cond ((eq 200 status)
+             res)
+            ((equal "unauthorized" (document-property :|error| res))
+             (error 'authorization-error
+                    :text (document-property :|reason| res)
+                    :result res
+                    :db *couchdb*
+                    :uri (make-uri (db-name *couchdb*))))
+            ((and (document-property :|error| res) (not (eq :ignore if-missing)))
+             (restart-case 
+                    (error 'db-does-not-exist
+                           :result res :db *couchdb* :uri (make-uri))
+                  (ignore () :report "Ignore error and continue" nil))))
+      res)))
 (defun compact-db (&key (db *couchdb*))
   "Start compaction on current database, or specified database if
@@ -674,12 +710,49 @@
     (ensure-db ()
       (db-request "_replicate"
                   :method :post
+                  :basic-authorization (make-db-auth *couchdb*)
                   :content-type "application/json"
                   (cat "{\"source\":\"" (make-db-identifier source) "\","
                        "\"target\":\"" (make-db-identifier target) "\"}"))))
+;; _config API
+;; (defun get-config (key)
+;;   ""
+;;   (multiple-value-bind (res status)
+;;       (db-request (cat "_config/" key) :method :get
+;;                   :basic-authorization (make-db-auth *couchdb*))
+;;     (cond ((eq 200 status)
+;;            res)
+;;           ((equal "unauthorized" (document-property :|error| res))
+;;            (error 'authorization-error
+;;                   :text (document-property :|reason| res)
+;;                   :result res
+;;                   :db *couchdb*
+;;                   :uri (make-uri (db-name *couchdb*))))
+;;           (t res))))
+;; (defun put-config (key value)
+;;   ""
+;;   (multiple-value-bind (res status)
+;;       (db-request (cat "_config/" key) :method :put
+;;                   :content value
+;;                   :basic-authorization (make-db-auth *couchdb*))
+;;     (cond ((eq 200 status)
+;;            res)
+;;           ((equal "unauthorized" (document-property :|error| res))
+;;            (error 'authorization-error
+;;                   :text (document-property :|reason| res)
+;;                   :result res
+;;                   :db *couchdb*
+;;                   :uri (make-uri (db-name *couchdb*))))
+;;           (t res))))
 ;; CouchDB Document Management API
@@ -935,6 +1008,10 @@
                                 (url-encode id)
                                 (url-encode (value-as-string rev)))
+                           ;; Authorization here is for delete-view,
+                           ;; it's not required for normal document
+                           ;; deletes
+                           :basic-authorization (make-db-auth *couchdb*)
                            :method :delete))))
                (when (document-property :|error| res)
                  (error 'doc-error :id id 
@@ -1138,6 +1215,7 @@
                      (url-encode id))
                 :method :put
                 :external-format-out +utf-8+
+                :basic-authorization (make-db-auth *couchdb*)
 		:content-type "application/json"
                 :content-length nil

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