[clouchdb-cvs] CVS clouchdb/src

peddy peddy at common-lisp.net
Mon Jul 20 21:32:53 UTC 2009

Update of /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src
In directory cl-net:/tmp/cvs-serv19281/src

Modified Files:
	tests.lisp clouchdb.lisp 
Log Message:
Added support to (document-property) and (setf (document-property)) to
allow gettting/setting/creating nested document property using a
property list. Added corresponding tests.

--- /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src/tests.lisp	2009/07/18 21:14:49	1.26
+++ /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src/tests.lisp	2009/07/20 21:32:52	1.27
@@ -143,19 +143,139 @@
                                 (document-property (car e) doc)))
+;; (document-property) tests
+(addtest (clouchdb-general-tests)
+  (:documentation "Test accessing document property with property list")
+  general-tests-document-property-single
+  (ensure-same 2
+               (document-property ':one
+                                  '((:one . 2) (:a . ((:b . ((:c . "found")))))))))
+(addtest (clouchdb-general-tests)
+  (:documentation "Test accessing document property with property list")
+  general-tests-document-property-single-list
+  (ensure-same 2
+               (document-property '(:one)
+                                  '((:one . 2) (:a . ((:b . ((:c . "found")))))))))
 (addtest (clouchdb-general-tests)
   (:documentation "Test accessing document property with property list")
   (ensure-same "found"
                (document-property '(:a :b :c)
-                                  '((:one . 2)(:a . ((:b . ((:c . "found")))))))))
+                                  '((:one . 2) (:a . ((:b . ((:c . "found")))))))))
+;; (setf document-property) tests
 (addtest (clouchdb-general-tests)
-  (:documentation "Test accessing document property with property list")
+  (:documentation "Set existing document property with single property")
+  general-tests-document-property-modify
+  (let ((doc '((:one . 2) (:a . ((:b . ((:c . "not searched for"))))))))
+    (ensure-same "found" 
+                 (document-property :a 
+                                    (setf (document-property :a doc) "found")))))
+(addtest (clouchdb-general-tests)
+  (:documentation "Set existing document property with single element list property")
+  general-tests-document-property-single-list-modify
+  (let ((doc '((:one . 2) (:a . ((:b . ((:c . "not searched for"))))))))
+    (ensure-same "found" 
+                 (document-property 
+                  :a 
+                  (setf (document-property '(:a) doc) "found")))))
+(addtest (clouchdb-general-tests)
+  (:documentation "Set existing document property with property list")
-  (let ((doc '((:one . 2) (:a . ((:b . ((:c . "not found"))))))))
-    (setf (document-property '(:a :b :c) doc) "found")
-    (ensure-same "found" (document-property '(:a :b :c) doc))))
+  (let ((doc '((:one . 2) (:a . ((:b . ((:c . "not found")))))))
+        (properties '(:a :b :c)))
+    (ensure-same "found" 
+                 (document-property 
+                  properties
+                  (setf (document-property properties doc) "found")))))
+(addtest (clouchdb-general-tests)
+  (:documentation "Add top level document property
+  with (setf (document-property))")
+  general-tests-document-property-add-top-level
+  (let ((doc '((:one . 1) (:two . 2))))    
+    (ensure-same 3 (document-property 
+                    :three 
+                    (setf (document-property :three doc) 3)))))
+(addtest (clouchdb-general-tests)
+  (:documentation "Add document property list to document.")
+  general-tests-document-property-add-property-list
+  (let ((doc '((:one . 1) (:two . 2)))
+        (properties '(:three :four)))
+    (ensure-same 4 
+                 (document-property 
+                  properties
+                  (setf (document-property properties doc) 4)))))
+(addtest (clouchdb-general-tests)
+  (:documentation "Replace document property with nested property list.")
+  general-tests-document-property-replace-property-list
+  (let ((doc '((:one . 1) (:two . 2) (:three . 3)))
+        (properties '(:three :four)))
+    (ensure-same 4 
+                 (document-property 
+                  properties
+                  (setf (document-property properties doc) 4)))))
+(addtest (clouchdb-general-tests)
+  (:documentation "Change nested document property.")
+  general-tests-document-property-replace-property-list1
+  (let ((doc '((:one . 1) (:two . ((:four . ((:nine . 8))))) (:three . 3)))
+        (properties '(:two :four :nine)))
+    (ensure-same 9
+                 (document-property 
+                  properties
+                  (setf (document-property properties doc) 9)))))
+(addtest (clouchdb-general-tests)
+  (:documentation "Truncate deep document property list.")
+  general-tests-document-property-replace-property-list2
+  (let ((doc '((:one . 1) (:two . ((:four . ((:nine . 9))))) (:three . 3)))
+        (properties '(:two :four)))
+    (ensure-same 4
+                 (document-property 
+                  properties
+                  (setf (document-property properties doc) 4)))))
+(addtest (clouchdb-general-tests)
+  (:documentation "Create document with single property (setf (document-property))")
+  general-tests-document-property-create-property
+  (ensure-same 44 
+               (document-property 
+                :value 
+                (setf (document-property ':value nil) 44))))
+(addtest (clouchdb-general-tests)
+  (:documentation "Create document with property list (setf (document-property))")
+  general-tests-document-property-create-propert-list1
+  (ensure-same 44 
+               (document-property 
+                :value 
+                (setf (document-property '(:value) nil) 44))))
+(addtest (clouchdb-general-tests)
+  (:documentation "Create document with property list (setf (document-property))")
+  general-tests-document-property-create-propert-list-multi
+  (ensure-same 44 
+               (document-property 
+                '(:some :nested :value)
+                (setf (document-property '(:some :nested :value) nil) 44))))
 (addtest (clouchdb-general-tests)
   (:documentation "Test case-encoded field name functions")
--- /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src/clouchdb.lisp	2009/07/18 21:14:49	1.43
+++ /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src/clouchdb.lisp	2009/07/20 21:32:53	1.44
@@ -277,7 +277,8 @@
         ((db-p input) (couchdb-database-url input))
         (t (error 'invalid-type
                   :input input
-                  :description "Database must be a string or a database structure"))))
+                  :description 
+                  "Database must be a string or a database structure"))))
 (defun make-uri (&rest rest)
   "Return a URI containing protocol://host:port/ and the concatenation
@@ -358,18 +359,42 @@
   "Allows setting of existing document properties in
 place (destructively). The name paramter may be either a single
 keyword identifier (document property identifier) or it may be a list
-of identifiers."
-  (let ((name (as-keyword-symbol name)))
-    (cond ((listp name)
-           (if (> (length name) 1)
-               (setf (document-property (rest name)
-                                        (document-property (car name) doc))
-                     value)
-               (setf (document-property (car name) doc) value)))
-          ((hash-table-p doc)
-           (setf (gethash name doc) value))
-          (t (rplacd (assoc name doc) value)))
-    doc))
+of identifiers. If the specified document property does not already
+exist it is created."
+  (labels ((recursive-compose (pl val)
+             (if (null pl)
+                 val
+                 (list (cons (car pl) 
+                             (recursive-compose (cdr pl) val))))))
+    (let ((kw-name (as-keyword-symbol name)))
+      (cond ((and (listp name) (> (length name) 1))
+             (cond ((null (document-property (car name) doc))
+                    ;; Specified property does not exist in current
+                    ;; document, fill in potentially nested value.
+                    (setf doc (nconc doc (recursive-compose name value))))
+                   ((not (assoclp (document-property (car name) doc)))
+                    ;; Value being set is replacing existing value
+                    ;; which is not a more deeply nested document
+                    ;; value. 
+                    (rplacd (assoc (as-keyword-symbol (car name)) doc)
+                            (recursive-compose (rest name) value))
+                    doc)
+                   (t
+                    (setf (document-property 
+                           (rest name)
+                           (document-property (car name) doc))
+                          value)
+                    doc)))
+            ((listp name)
+             (setf (document-property (car name) doc) value))
+            ((hash-table-p doc)
+             (setf (gethash kw-name doc) value))
+            (t 
+             (let ((v (assoc kw-name doc)))
+               (if (or (null v) (not (listp v)))
+                   (setf doc (nconc doc (list (cons kw-name value))))
+                   (rplacd v value))
+               doc))))))
 (defun set-document-property (doc &rest args)
   "Set a property of a document. If the named property does not exist,
@@ -377,9 +402,7 @@
 destructively modify input document, so be sure to use return value."
   (let ((doc (copy-tree doc)))
     (loop for (name value) on args by #'cddr
-       do (if (assoc name doc)
-              (setf (document-property name doc) value)
-              (setf doc (cons `(,(as-keyword-symbol name) . ,value) doc))))
+       do (setf doc (setf (document-property name doc) value)))
 (defun document-id (doc)
@@ -473,7 +496,6 @@
   (let ((*text-content-types* *text-types*))
     (multiple-value-bind (body status headers uri stream must-close reason-phrase)
 	(apply #'drakma:http-request (make-uri uri) args)
-      ;;(declare (ignore must-close reason-phrase stream uri headers status))
       (when *debug-requests*
         (format t "uri: ~s~%args: ~s~%must-close:~s~%reason-phrase:
         ~s~%status: ~s~%headers: ~s~%stream:~s~%body:~s~%" uri args
@@ -763,16 +785,17 @@
 	   (setf doc (document-properties doc))))
     (when attachments
       (setf doc (cons (encode-attachments attachments) doc)))
-    (let ((res (ensure-db () (db-request (cat (url-encode (db-name *couchdb*)) "/" 
-                                              (url-encode (if id id current-id)))
-                                         :content-type "text/javascript"
-                                         :external-format-out +utf-8+
-                                         :content-length nil
-                                         :content (document-to-json 
-                                                   (document-update-notify 
-                                                    (db-document-update-fn *couchdb*) 
-                                                    doc))
-                                         :method :put))))
+    (let ((res (ensure-db () 
+                 (db-request (cat (url-encode (db-name *couchdb*)) "/" 
+                                  (url-encode (if id id current-id)))
+                             :content-type "text/javascript"
+                             :external-format-out +utf-8+
+                             :content-length nil
+                             :content (document-to-json 
+                                       (document-update-notify 
+                                        (db-document-update-fn *couchdb*) 
+                                        doc))
+                             :method :put))))
       (when (document-property :|error| res)
         (error (if (equal "conflict" (document-property :|error| res)) 
@@ -913,7 +936,8 @@
                                 (url-encode (value-as-string rev)))
                            :method :delete))))
                (when (document-property :|error| res)
-                 (error 'doc-error :id id :reason (document-property :|reason| res)))
+                 (error 'doc-error :id id 
+                        :reason (document-property :|reason| res)))
     (cond ((stringp doc-or-id)
            (del doc-or-id 
@@ -1200,8 +1224,33 @@
 		:method :get
                 :parameters (transform-params options *view-options*))))
+(defun add-ps-fns (id type &rest list-defs)
+  "Add lists in list-defs to document identified by id. If the
+document does not exist, create it. If any list function definitions
+already exist in the document, update them."
+  (let* ((list-id (cat "_design/" id))
+         (doc (get-document list-id :if-missing :ignore)))
+    (dolist (list-def (mapcar #'json-to-document list-defs))
+      (setf doc (setf (document-property (list type (caar list-def)) doc)
+                      (cdar list-def))))
+    (put-document doc :id list-id)))
+(defun add-ps-lists (id &rest list-defs)
+  "Add lists in list-defs to document identified by id. If the
+document does not exist, create it. If any list function definitions
+already exist in the document, update them."
+  (apply #'add-ps-fns id :|lists| list-defs))
-;; (defun add-ps-lists (id &rest list-defs)
-;;   (let ((doc (get-document id :if-missing '((:lists)))))
-;;     (put-document (set-document-property
-;;                    :id id
\ No newline at end of file
+(defun invoke-list (doc-id list-id)
+  ""
+  (multiple-value-bind (body status headers uri stream must-close reason-phrase)
+      (let ((url (make-uri (url-encode (db-name *couchdb*))
+                                     "/_design/"
+                                     (url-encode doc-id) 
+                                     "/_list/"
+                                     (url-encode list-id))))
+        (format t "uri: ~S~%" url)
+        (drakma:http-request url))
+    (when stream
+      (close stream))
+    body))
\ No newline at end of file

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