[clouchdb-cvs] CVS clouchdb/public_html

peddy peddy at common-lisp.net
Sat Mar 1 19:19:17 UTC 2008

Update of /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/public_html
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv28981/public_html

Modified Files:
	index.html style.css 
Log Message:
- Updated docs with complex view key info
- Updated examples with complex view examples

--- /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/public_html/index.html	2008/02/18 03:16:01	1.16
+++ /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/public_html/index.html	2008/03/01 19:19:16	1.17
@@ -219,8 +219,8 @@
   NB: If you try these examples I suggest also viewing the results via
   CouchDb's bulit-in HTML UI
-  at <a href="http://localhost:5894/_utils/browse/index.html">http://localhost:8888/_utils/browse/index.html</a>,
-  (or <a href="http://localhost:8888/_utils/browse/index.html">http://localhost:5984/_utils/browse/index.html</a>
+  at <a href="http://localhost:5984/_utils/browse/index.html">http://localhost:5894/_utils/browse/index.html</a>,
+  (or <a href="http://localhost:8888/_utils/browse/index.html">http://localhost:8888/_utils/browse/index.html</a>
   if you're using ClouchDb versions prior to 7.2), of course you'll
   need to adjust the URL for the actual CouchDb server and port in
@@ -302,11 +302,11 @@
 ;; Get revision information for this document (formatted for legibility)
 CLOUCHDB-USER> <b>(get-document "someid" :revision-info t)</b>
 ((:|_id| . "someid") (:|_rev| . "4275808446") (:SIZE . "large") (:COLOR . "green") 
- (:|_rev|S_INFO 
-  ((:|rev| . "4275808446") (:STATUS . "disk")) 
-  ((:|rev| . "3181950830") (:STATUS . "disk"))))
-;; Since the first revision is still available (:status . "disk") we 
-;; can still retrieve it
+ (:|_revs_info|
+  ((:|rev| . "4275808446") (:|status| . "disk")) 
+  ((:|rev| . "3181950830") (:|status| . "disk"))))
+;; Since the first revision is still available (i.e., :|status| == "disk") 
+;; we can still retrieve it:
 CLOUCHDB-USER> <b>(get-document "someid" :revision "3181950830")</b>
 ((:|_id| . "someid") (:|_rev| . "3181950830") (:SIZE . "large") (:COLOR . "blue"))
@@ -317,11 +317,11 @@
                                   (:tags . ("country" "European"))
                                   ;; Field using map property value:
                                   (:demographics . ((:population . 10230000)
-                                                     ;; A nested map property:
-                                                     (:religion . ((:agnostic . 0.59)
-                                                                   (:roman-catholic . 0.26)
-                                                                   (:protestant . 2.5)))
-                                                     (:political-system . "democracy"))))
+                                                    ;; A nested map property:
+                                                    (:religion . ((:agnostic . 0.59)
+                                                                  (:roman-catholic . 0.26)
+                                                                  (:protestant . 2.5)))
+                                                    (:political-system . "democracy"))))
                                 :id "czechrepublic")</b>
 ((:|ok| . T) (:|id| . "czechrepublic") (:|rev| . "4272625130"))
 ;; Let's see what this document looks like (formatted for legibility)
@@ -336,12 +336,12 @@
 ((:TOTAL_ROWS . 3) (:OFFSET . 0) 
   ((:|id| . "C731D3A3698DA144FB35EDA9737917F2") (:KEY . "C731D3A3698DA144FB35EDA9737917F2") 
-   (:VALUE (:|rev| . "3363852140")))
-  ((:|id| . "czechrepublic") (:KEY . "czechrepublic") (:VALUE (:|rev| . "4272625130"))) 
-  ((:|id| . "someid") (:KEY . "someid") (:VALUE (:|rev| . "4275808446")))))
+   (:|value| (:|rev| . "3363852140")))
+  ((:|id| . "czechrepublic") (:KEY . "czechrepublic") (:|value| (:|rev| . "4272625130"))) 
+  ((:|id| . "someid") (:KEY . "someid") (:|value| (:|rev| . "4275808446")))))
-<h4>Example 3</h4>
+<h4><a name="example-3">Example 3</a></h4>
@@ -369,46 +369,86 @@
                                   (:country . "NL"))
                                 :id "amst") </b>
 ((:|ok| . T) (:|id| . "amst") (:|rev| . "3679905075"))
+CLOUCHDB-USER> <b>(create-document '((:city . "Rotterdam")
+                                  (:country . "NL"))
+                                :id "rott") </b>
+((:|ok| . T) (:|id| . "rott") (:|rev| . "46041399"))
 CLOUCHDB-USER> <b>(create-document '((:city . "Chicago")
                                   (:country . "US"))
                                 :id "chi") </b>
 ((:|ok| . T) (:|id| . "chi") (:|rev| . "1627558845"))
 ;; Create a persistent view document to find cities in the
-;; Netherlands and also to find cities by country key. 
+;; Netherlands, cities by country key, and cities by country 
+;; and city. 
 ;; Note: Expressions within the (ps) expressions are <a href="http://www.cliki.net/Parenscript/">Parenscript</a>,
-;; a lispy way to generate JavaScript.
+;; a lispy way to generate JavaScript. Unquoted keyword symbols in Lisp 
+;; field names should be referenced in Parenscript with the double
+;; asterix names, as in the examples below. This is because JavaScript
+;; is case sensitive and unquoted Lisp symbols are converted to upper
+;; case. The double asterix syntax causes Parenscript to generate 
+;; upper case JavaScript property names.
 CLOUCHDB-USER> <b>(create-view "cities"
+                            ;; Index of cities in the Netherlands
+                            (cons "nl"
+                                  (ps (lambda (doc)
+                                        (with-slots (*country* *city*) doc
+                                          (if (eql "NL" *country*)
+                                              (map *city* doc))))))
+                            ;; Index by country
                             (cons "country"
                                   (ps (lambda (doc)
-                                        (with-slots (country) doc
-                                          (map country doc)))))
-                            (cons "nl"
+                                        (with-slots (*country*) doc
+                                          (map *country* doc)))))
+                            ;; Index by country and city
+                            (cons "multi"
                                   (ps (lambda (doc)
-                                        (with-slots (country) doc
-                                          (if (eql "NL" country)
-                                              (map country doc)))))))</b>
+                                        (with-slots (*country* *city*) doc
+                                          (map (list *country* *city*) doc))))))</b>
 ((:|ok| . T) (:|id| . "_design/cities") (:|rev| . "3690565831"))
 ;; Invoke "nl" view to find cities in the Netherlands
 CLOUCHDB-USER> <b>(invoke-view "cities" "nl")</b>
-((:TOTAL_ROWS . 1) (:OFFSET . 0) 
- (:ROWS 
-  ((:|id| . "amst") (:KEY . "NL") (:VALUE (:|_id| . "amst") 
-   (:|_rev| . "3679905075") (:CITY . "Amsterdam") (:COUNTRY . "NL")))))
+((:|total_rows| . 2) (:|offset| . 0) 
+ (:|rows| 
+  ((:|id| . "amst") (:|key| . "Amsterdam") (:|value| (:|_id| . "amst") 
+   (:|_rev| . "3679905075") (:CITY . "Amsterdam") (:COUNTRY . "NL")))
+  ((:|id| . "rott") (:|key| . "Rotterdam") (:|value| (:|_id| . "rott") 
+   (:|_rev| . "46041399") (:CITY . "Rotterdam") (:COUNTRY . "NL")))))
+;; Use "nl" view to find a specific city in the Netherlands
+CLOUCHDB-USER> <b>(invoke-view "cities" "nl" :key "Rotterdam")</b>
+((:|total_rows| . 2) (:|offset| . 0) 
+ (:|rows| 
+  ((:|id| . "rott") (:|key| . "Rotterdam") (:|value| (:|_id| . "rott") 
+   (:|_rev| . "46041399") (:CITY . "Rotterdam") (:COUNTRY . "NL")))))
-;; Invoke "country" view created above and search for US cities
+;; Invoke "country" view to search for US cities
 CLOUCHDB-USER> <b>(invoke-view "cities" "country" :key "US")</b>
-((:TOTAL_ROWS . 3) (:OFFSET . 1) 
- (:ROWS 
-  ((:|id| . "chi") (:KEY . "US") (:VALUE (:|_id| . "chi") 
+((:|total_rows| . 3) (:|offset| . 1) 
+ (:|rows| 
+  ((:|id| . "chi") (:|key| . "US") (:|value| (:|_id| . "chi") 
    (:|_rev| . "1627558845") (:CITY . "Chicago") (:COUNTRY . "US"))) 
-  ((:|id| . "nyc") (:KEY . "US") (:VALUE (:|_id| . "nyc") 
+  ((:|id| . "nyc") (:|key| . "US") (:|value| (:|_id| . "nyc") 
    (:|_rev| . "1023292373") (:CITY . "New York City") (:COUNTRY . "US")))))
-;; Note: the two responses above have been formatted for legibility. Also,
-;; see CouchDb documentation for why 3 is returned for TOTAL_ROWS when
-;; there are only two results.
+;; Find the US city Chicago using the "multi" index:
+CLOUCHDB-USER> <b>(invoke-view "cities" "multi" :key '("US" "Chicago"))</b>
+((:|total_rows| . 3) (:|offset| . 1) 
+ (:|rows| 
+  ((:|id| . "chi") (:|key| . "US") (:|value| (:|_id| . "chi") 
+   (:|_rev| . "1627558845") (:CITY . "Chicago") (:COUNTRY . "US")))))
+;; Use "multi" index to find all cities with country codes that start with "N"
+CLOUCHDB-USER> <b>(invoke-view "cities" "multi" :start-key '("N") :end-key '("O"))</b>
+((:|total_rows| . 3) (:|offset| . 0) 
+ (:|rows| 
+  ((:|id| . "amst") (:|key| . "Amsterdam") (:|value| (:|_id| . "amst") 
+   (:|_rev| . "3679905075") (:CITY . "Amsterdam") (:COUNTRY . "NL")))
+  ((:|id| . "rott") (:|key| . "Rotterdam") (:|value| (:|_id| . "rott") 
+   (:|_rev| . "46041399") (:CITY . "Rotterdam") (:COUNTRY . "NL"))))))
@@ -887,6 +927,11 @@
   matches the keyword field name in the document, wild card symbols,
   or a function.
+  Note that this function does not represent any CouchDb API, nor does
+  it communicate with the database other than when functions are used
+  in the query and these functions communicate with the database.
 <table summary="query operators">
    <caption><em>Query Operators</em></caption>
@@ -910,13 +955,13 @@
-       The function should accept a single parameter, which will
-       contain the value of the previous match or the initial document
-       if the function is the first element in the query list. Query
-       operators following the function are applied to the result of
-       the function or, if the function is the last operator in the
-       query, the function return value is collected in the
-       query-document results list.
+       The function should accept a single parameter. This parameter
+       will contain the value matched by the previous query term, or
+       the initial document if the function is the first element in
+       the query list. Query operators following the function are
+       applied to the result of the function or, if the function is
+       the last operator in the query, the function return value is
+       collected in the query-document results list.
@@ -970,7 +1015,7 @@
 <b>=></b> (((:IS (:DIFFERENT . "Different Deep Value"))) "Deep Value")
-;; Query using a function
+;; Functions
 ;; Query the results of (<a href="#sym-get-all-documents">get-all-documents</a>), extracting all
 ;; document :|id| values in the :|rows| property.
@@ -1019,13 +1064,46 @@
 <hr/><h4><a name="views-api-reference">Views API</a></h4>
-  Views are the mechanism with which documents are queried in
-  CouchDb. There are two types of views in CouchDb: ad hoc and
-  persistent. As you might expect, persistent views are stored in the
-  database. Ad hoc views are not, they are sent from the client each
-  time they're used. Native CouchDb views are expressed in JavaScript
-  though it is not necessary to use JavaScript directly thanks
-  to <a href="http://www.cliki.net/Parenscript/">Parenscript</a>.
+  Views are the query mechanism for CouchDb. There are two types of
+  views in CouchDb: ad hoc and persistent. As you might expect
+  persistent views are stored in the database. Ad hoc views are not,
+  they are sent from the client each time they're used. Native CouchDb
+  views are expressed in JavaScript. While it is possible to use
+  JavaScript with the Clouchdb API, it may be more natural to use the
+  <a href="http://www.cliki.net/Parenscript/">Parenscript</a> library
+  instead. Parenscript is library for generating JavaScript using Lisp
+  syntax.
+  Note that CouchDb and JavaScript are case sensitivie. Field names in
+  documents created using un-quoted keyword symbol field names (e.g.,
+  :name) will be converted to upper case by Lisp and result in upper
+  case field names in CouchDb and JavaScript.
+<table summary="query operators" width="80%" align="center">
+   <caption><em>Field Name Case Comparison</em></caption>
+   <tr>
+     <th>Clouchdb</th>
+     <th>Parenscript</th>
+     <th>CouchDb/JavaScript</th>
+   </tr>
+   <tr>
+     <td>:name, :NAME, :NaMe</td>
+     <td>*name*, *NAME* *NaMe*</td>
+     <td>NAME</td>
+   </tr>
+   <tr>
+     <td>:|name|</td>
+     <td>name</td>
+     <td>name</td>
+   </tr>
+   <tr>
+     <td>:|mixedCase|</td>
+     <td>mixed-case</td>
+     <td>mixedCase</td>
+   </tr>
@@ -1051,12 +1129,11 @@
   Keyword parameters 
     <b>key</b> A value to match against the document property or
     properties mapped in the view. Only documents matching this
-    value are returned.
+    value are returned. Values may be strings or s-expresions.
     <b>start-key</b> Return documents with mapped keys greater than or
@@ -1091,7 +1168,7 @@
 <pre class="code">
 (create-document '((:name . "Laraby")))
-(ad-hoc-view "function(doc) { if (doc.name == 'Laraby') { map(null,doc.name) } }")
+(ad-hoc-view "function(doc) { if (doc.NAME == 'Laraby') { map(null,doc.NAME) } }")
@@ -1103,8 +1180,8 @@
 <pre class="code">
 (create-document '((:name . "Laraby")))
 (ad-hoc-view (ps (lambda (doc)
-                   (with-slots (name) doc
-                     (if (eql name "Laraby")
+                   (with-slots (*name*) doc
+                     (if (eql *name* "Laraby")
                        (map nil doc))))))
@@ -1119,17 +1196,20 @@
 <pre class="code">
 (ad-hoc-view (ps (lambda (doc)
-                   (if (eql doc.name "Laraby")
+                   (if (eql doc.*name* "Laraby")
                      (map nil doc))))))
-<p>See (<a href="#sym-create-view">create-view</a>) </p>
+<p>See (<a href="#sym-create-view">create-view</a>) and <a href="#example-3">Example 3</a></p>
 <p>[Function]<br />
 <a name="sym-create-view"><b>create-view</b></a> {view-definition}*</p>
-Creates a view document containing one or more view definitions
+  Creates a view document containing one or more view definitions. The
+  view definitions may be specified in a JavaScript string
+  or <a href="http://www.cliki.net/Parenscript/">Parenscript</a>
+  s-expresions.
@@ -1149,6 +1229,8 @@
 See (<a href="#sym-invoke-view">invoke-view</a>)
+(<a href="#sym-ad-hoc-view">ad-hoc-view</a>)
+and <a href="#example-3">Example 3</a>
@@ -1234,7 +1316,10 @@
 (invoke-view <b>"names" "name" :key "Laraby"</b>)
-See (<a href="#sym-create-view">create-view</a>) (<a href="#sym-ad-hoc-view">ad-hoc-view</a>)</p>
+See (<a href="#sym-create-view">create-view</a>)
+(<a href="#sym-ad-hoc-view">ad-hoc-view</a>)
+and <a href="#example-3">Example 3</a>
--- /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/public_html/style.css	2007/12/01 14:19:59
+++ /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/public_html/style.css	2008/03/01 19:19:16	1.2
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
   padding: 7px;
   background-color: #DDFFEE;
   border: 1px solid #99CCBB;
+  font-size: 1.2em;
 p.def {

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