[clouchdb-cvs] CVS clouchdb/public_html

peddy peddy at common-lisp.net
Sun Jun 29 17:13:38 UTC 2008

Update of /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/public_html
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv26809

Added Files:
Log Message:

trying re-add again

--- /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/public_html/index.html	2008/06/29 17:13:38	NONE
+++ /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/public_html/index.html	2008/06/29 17:13:38	1.1
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
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 <div class="header">
   <h1>clouchdb</h1> A Common Lisp library for interacting with
   CouchDb databases.

  Author: Peter Eddy (peter.eddy at gmail.com)

  <li><h3><a href="#overview">Overview</a></h3></li>
  <li><h3><a href="#news">News</a></h3></li>
  <li><h3><a href="#download">Download and Installation</a></h3></li>
  <li><h3><a href="#examples">Examples</a></h3></li>
  <li><h3><a href="#support">Support and mailing lists</a></h3></li>
  <li><h3><a href="#reference">API Reference</a></h3>
      <li><h4><a href="#db-api-reference">Connection and Database API</a></h4></li>
      <li><h4><a href="#doc-api-reference">Document API</a></h4></li>
      <li><h4><a href="#views-api-reference">Views API</a></h4></li>
  <li><h3><a href="#symbols">Symbol Index</a></h3></li>
  <li><h3><a href="#issues-and-bugs">Issues and Bugs</a></h3></li>

<h2><a name="overview">Overview</a></h2>

  Clouchdb is a Common Lisp library for interacting
  with <a href="http://couchdb.org">CouchDb</a>
  databases. <a href="http://couchdb.org">CouchDb</a> is a document
  based, schema-less database server.

<h3>Design Goals</h3>

<p> The library was written with the goals that it be: </p>

  <li><strong>Lightweight</strong> This library is designed to be an
    as lightweight as possible wrapper of the CouchDb REST API while
    still providing a resonable level of comfort for to the Lisp
    developer. In support of the latter goal, the library
    automatically translates between CouchDb's native Json
    (JavaScript) data representation language and simple Lisp data

  <li><strong>Interoperable</strong> CouchDb is a schema-less,
    document-oriented database in which no two documents need share a
    common structure. Clouchdb does not currently provide structure or
    object database mapping functionality in order not to negate the
    unique nature of the CouchDb database and also in order not to
    impose any library-specific requirements on database documents. In
    other words, documents created with the Clouchdb library should be
    fully interoperable with database documents created via other

  <li><strong>Simple</strong> Clouchdb is intended to be used easily
    from the Lisp REPL in order to facilitate experimentation and
    prototyping. Towards this end the API is designed to be as
    expressive and economical as possible. Simple document inspection
    and modification functions have been provided in substitution for
    an object database mapping scheme. These simple tools might serve
    as the basis for more elaborate custom mapping schemes.


  Clouchdb, comes with
  a <a href="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD
  Style License</a> for maximum agreeableness.

<h2><a name="news">News</a></h2>

  <li><b>Jun 28, 2008</b> Released version 0.0.10 to support CouchDb
    version 0.8+ and updated this documentation to reflect those
    changes. This new release is compatible only with CouchDb
    0.8.0-incubating (and hopefully later releases). For CouchDb
    releases prior to 0.8 please use clouchdb release 0.0.9.
  <li><b>Jun 15, 2008</b> Added function create-ps-view and macro
    ps-view to support the new CouchDb 8.0 style views (which use
    map/reduce and emit). This code is checked into source control but
    not yet in a release. See examples.lisp and test.lisp for usage
  <li><b>Jun 7, 2008</b> Note: CouchDb's views API has changed in
   source control, breaking this library. If you want to use CouchDb
   and this library, you'll have better luck sticking to the 7.2
   pre-release version of CouchDb.
  <li><b>Mar 1, 2008</b> Released version 0.0.9 with proper support
    for complex keys in views. The functions ad-hoc-view and
    invoke-view's :key, :start-end and :end-key parameters now accept
    s-exprs in addtion to string
    values. See <a href="#views-api-reference">Views API</a>
    documentaion and <a href="#example-3">Example 3</a> for details.
  <li><b>Feb 16, 2008</b> Released version 0.0.8 with the following
    significant changes. Please read if you're updating from prior
      <li>Changed document field name encoding to get rid of
        cl-json/parenscript style * and - case encoding. Now using the
        less irritating CL symbol quoting, i.e.: <b>:|MixedCase|</b>
        instead of <b>:-mixed-case</b> (or whatever it was, I could
        never get it right on the first try). <strong>Note:</strong>
        This will break existing code wherever there is this case
        sensitivity, especially in standard CouchDb property names
        like :ID, :_ID, :REV, and :_REV, which are now :|id|, :|_id|,
        :|rev| and :|_rev|. Sorry about this. On the bright side you
        should never have to deal with field names like
        :*A-L-L-U-P-P-E-R-C-A-S-E again.
      <li> Changed (set-document-property) so that it no longer
        modifies its document, but instead returns a copy with
        specified changes. Also now allows multiple properties to be
        set in one invocation. Be sure any existing code uses the
        return value from this function.
      <li>Added <a href="#sym-query-document">query-document</a>
        function to make it easier to extract data from complex
        Removed dependence on cl-json.
  <li><b>Dec 20, 2007</b> Released version 0.0.7 with fixes for what
    had been cl-json's inability to distinguish certain database field
    value types in the document associative list.
  <li><b>Dec 19, 2007</b> Released version 0.0.6 with full support for
    utf-8 character encoding. This change includes support for
    non-Latin characters in document IDs and in document
    content. Additionally the encoding of spaces in document IDs has
    been changed from "+" to "%20", this fixes a problem where the "+"
    characters were not removed from document IDs when they were
  <li><b>Dec 17, 2007</b> Released version 0.0.5 with fixes for
    encoding of URL parameters. This fix allows use of legal CouchDb
    characters for database names and document IDs which must be
    escaped in urls.
  <li><b>Dec 9, 2007</b> - Version 0.0.4: Updated
    (<a href="#sym-invoke-view">invoke-view</a>) and
    (<a href="#sym-ad-hoc-view">ad-hoc-view</a>) to use all options
    supported by corresponding CouchDb API. Somehow I'd missed these
  <li><b>Nov 28, 2007</b> -
    CouchDb 7.2 now uses IANA assigned port 5984 instead of 8888.
    As of release 0.0.4, clouchdb's default has been changed to
    reflect this fact. If you're using pre-7.2 CouchDb versions with
    clouchdb 0.0.4, be sure to set your port to 8888. There should
    be no other compatibility issues.

<h2><a name="download">Download and Installation</a></h2>
  The current download link for clouchdb can be found at
  <a href="http://www.cliki.net/clouchdb">Clicki.net</a>. Clouchdb may
  also be installed <a href="http://www.cliki.net/asdf">ASDF</a>.


  <li><a href="http://www.weitz.de/drakma/">Drakma</a></li>
  <li><a href="http://www.cliki.net/Parenscript/">Parenscript</a></li>
  <li><a href="http://www.cliki.net/LIFT/">LIFT</a> testing framework</li>
  <li>An available <a href="http://couchdb.org">CouchDb</a> server,
  minimum supported version is 0.7 (in pre-0.0.10 releases), 
  the current release is compatible with CouchDb 0.8+ only.

<h3>ASDF Install</h3>

Something like the following should be all that's necessary to install
and load clouchdb using ASDF-INSTALL:

<pre class="code">
(asdf-install:install 'clouchdb)  
(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op '#:clouchdb)

<p> ASDF-INSTALL will install library dependencies, though you must
  a <a href="http://couchdb.org/CouchDB/CouchDBWeb.nsf/direct/Downloads">CouchDb
  server</a> separately.

<h3>Unit tests</h3>

  The clouchdb distribution comes with a unit test suite which uses
  the LIFT testing framework. To run the tests, follow the following steps:

<pre class="code">
(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op '#:clouchdb-tests)
(in-package :clouchdb-tests)
;; If CouchDb is running on a different host
(set-connection :host "db-host")


  The distribution also includes an examples package:

<pre class="code">
(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op '#:clouchdb-examples)
(in-package :clouchdb-examples)
  The file examples.lisp contains comments describing each example in detail.

<h3>CVS Access</h3>

  Clouchdb project hosting is graciously provided by common-lisp.net,
  the CVS repository may be checked out anonymously as follows:

<pre class="code">
cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anonymous:anonymous at common-lisp.net:/project/clouchdb/cvsroot co clouchdb

<h2><a name="support">Support and mailing lists</a></h2>

  The following email lists have been provided
  by the <a href="http://common-lisp.net">common-lisp.net</a> for
  clouchdb development and information:
  <li> <a href="http://common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/clouchdb-announce">
  <li> <a href="http://common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/clouchdb-devel">

<h2><a name="examples">Examples</a></h2>

<p> The following
  clouchdb <a href="http://common-lisp.net/project/slime/">SLIME</a>
  sessions demonstrate various aspects of the three major functional
  areas of the CouchDb API: Database API, Document API and View API.
  NB: If you try these examples I suggest also viewing the results via
  CouchDb's bulit-in HTML UI
  at <a href="http://localhost:5984/_utils/browse/index.html">http://localhost:5894/_utils/browse/index.html</a>,
  adjust the URL host and port for the actual CouchDb server and port
  in use.

<h4>Example 1</h4>
<p>The following example session demonstrates:</p>
  <li> Setting the CouchDb host and database name</li>
  <li> Finding CouchDb server version</li>
  <li> Creation of a database</li>
  <li> Creation of a document in that database</li>
  <li> Fetching a document and adding a new field</li>

<pre class="code">
;; Create a package to try out clouchdb
CL-USER> <b>(defpackage :clouchdb-user (:use :cl :clouchdb))</b>
#<Package "CLOUCHDB-USER">

CL-USER> <b>(in-package :clouchdb-user)</b>
#<Package "CLOUCHDB-USER">

;; If CouchDb is running on a different host set that host
;; name (default is "localhost"), also set the database name
;; to be used in this session (default database name is "default")
CLOUCHDB-USER> <b>(set-connection :host "odeon" :db-name "test-db")</b> 
; No value

;; Get CouchDb Server Information by specifying a nil DB name
CLOUCHDB-USER> <b>(get-db-info :db-name nil)</b>
((:|couchdb| . "Welcome") (:|version| . "0.8.0-incubating"))

;; Create database "test-db", which we named above
CLOUCHDB-USER> <b>(create-db)</b>
((:|ok| . T))

;; Create a document with one field, and give it an ID of "gjc"
CLOUCHDB-USER> <b>(create-document '((:name . "Gaius Julius Caesar")) :id "gjc")</b>
((:|ok| . T) (:|id| . "gjc") (:|rev| . "1479031852"))

;; Fetch the document we just created 
CLOUCHDB-USER> <b>(get-document "gjc")</b>
((:|_id| . "gjc") (:|_rev| . "1479031852") (:NAME . "Gaius Julius Caesar"))

;; Add a field to "gjc"
CLOUCHDB-USER> <b>(put-document (cons '(:lover . "Servilia Caepionis") *))</b>
((:|ok| . T) (:|id| . "gjc") (:|rev| . "1460552879"))

;; Get the updated document
CLOUCHDB-USER> <b>(get-document "gjc")</b>
((:|_id| . "gjc") (:|_rev| . "1460552879") (:LOVER . "Servilia Caepionis") 
 (:NAME . "Gaius Julius Caesar"))

<h4>Example 2</h4>
  <li> Recreating a database</li>
  <li> Creating a document that uses a CouchDb generated ID</li>
  <li> Updating a document value using set-document-property</li>
  <li> Viewing document revision information</li>
  <li> Fetching an old document revision</li>
  <li> Creating a document with array and map field values</li>
  <li> Getting a list of all documents, and filtering that list</li>

<pre class="code">
;; Create, or drop and recreate, the current database
CLOUCHDB-USER> <b>(create-db :if-exists :recreate)</b>
((:|ok| . T))

;; Create a document that will have it's ID assigned by the CouchDb server
CLOUCHDB-USER> <b>(create-document '((:size . "medium") (:color . "blue")))</b>
((:|ok| . T) (:|id| . "C731D3A3698DA144FB35EDA9737917F2") (:|rev| . "3363852140"))

;; CouchDb generated IDs are too large to use easily in an
;; interactive example like this, so create another document
;; with a shorter ID to demonstrate property value updates
CLOUCHDB-USER> <b>(create-document '((:size . "large") (:color . "blue")) 
                                :id "someid")</b>
((:|ok| . T) (:|id| . "someid") (:|rev| . "3181950830"))

;; Change :color property
CLOUCHDB-USER> <b>(put-document 
                 (set-document-property (get-document "someid")
                                        :color "green")</b>
((:|ok| . T) (:|id| . "someid") (:|rev| . "4275808446"))

;; Show that the new property stuck
CLOUCHDB-USER> <b>(get-document "someid")</b>
((:|_id| . "someid") (:|_rev| . "4275808446") (:SIZE . "large") (:COLOR . "green"))

;; Get revision information for this document
CLOUCHDB-USER> <b>(get-document "someid" :revision-info t)</b>
((:|_id| . "someid") (:|_rev| . "4275808446") (:SIZE . "large") (:COLOR . "green") 
  ((:|rev| . "4275808446") (:|status| . "available")) 
  ((:|rev| . "3181950830") (:|status| . "available"))))

;; Since the first revision is still available we can still retrieve it:
CLOUCHDB-USER> <b>(get-document "someid" :revision "3181950830")</b>
((:|_id| . "someid") (:|_rev| . "3181950830") (:SIZE . "large") (:COLOR . "blue"))

;; In the following document, the :tags field has an array value,
;; the :demographics field has a map value, and the :religion map 
;; key also has an associated map value.
CLOUCHDB-USER> <b>(create-document '((:name . "Czech Republic")
                                  (:tags . ("country" "European"))
                                  ;; Field using map property value:
                                  (:demographics . ((:population . 10230000)
                                                    ;; A nested map property:
                                                    (:religion . ((:agnostic . 0.59)
                                                                  (:roman-catholic . 0.26)

[1286 lines skipped]

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