[clouchdb-cvs] CVS clouchdb/src

peddy peddy at common-lisp.net
Fri Dec 21 20:04:34 UTC 2007

Update of /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv2499/src

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Removed dead code in encoder, updated news in docs

--- /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src/encoder.lisp	2007/12/21 19:58:32	1.3
+++ /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src/encoder.lisp	2007/12/21 20:04:34	1.4
@@ -37,98 +37,6 @@
     (#\r . #\Return)
     (#\t . #\Tab)))
-;; (defun val-to-string (val)
-;;   (if (symbolp val)
-;;       (string-downcase (symbol-name val))
-;;       (princ-to-string val)))
-;; (defun string-split (string separators &key (keep-separators nil) (remove-empty-subseqs nil))
-;;   (do ((len (length string))
-;;        (i 0 (1+ i))
-;;        (last 0)
-;;        res)
-;;       ((= i len)
-;;        (let ((split (if (> i last)
-;; 		     (cons (subseq string last i) res)
-;; 		     res)))
-;;          (nreverse (if remove-empty-subseqs
-;;                        (delete "" split :test #'string-equal)
-;;                        split))))
-;;     (when (member (char string i) separators)
-;;       (push (subseq string last i) res)
-;;       (when keep-separators (push (string (char string i)) res))
-;;       (setf last (1+ i)))))
-;; (defparameter *special-chars*
-;;   '((#\! . "Bang")
-;;     (#\? . "What")
-;;     (#\# . "Hash")
-;;     (#\@ . "At")
-;;     (#\% . "Percent")
-;;     (#\+ . "Plus")
-;;     (#\* . "Star")
-;;     (#\/ . "Slash")))
-;;; Parenscript-style symbol -> Javascript-style symbol
-;; (defun constant-string-p (string)
-;;   (let ((len (length string))
-;;         (constant-chars '(#\+ #\*)))
-;;     (and (> len 2)
-;;          (member (char string 0) constant-chars)
-;;          (member (char string (1- len)) constant-chars))))
-;; (defun first-uppercase-p (string)
-;;   (and (> (length string) 1)
-;;        (member (char string 0) '(#\+ #\*))))
-;; (defun untouchable-string-p (string)
-;;   (and (> (length string) 1)
-;;        (char= #\: (char string 0))))
-;; (defun symbol-to-js (symbol)
-;;   "Given a Lisp symbol or string, produces to a valid JavaScript
-;; identifier by following transformation heuristics case conversion. For
-;; example, paren-script becomes parenScript, *some-global* becomes
-;; SOMEGLOBAL. (stolen from parenscript)"
-;;   (when (symbolp symbol)
-;;     (setf symbol (symbol-name symbol)))
-;;   (let ((symbols (string-split symbol '(#\. #\[ #\]) :keep-separators t :remove-empty-subseqs t)))
-;;     (cond ((null symbols) "")
-;; 	  ((= (length symbols) 1)
-;; 	   (let (res
-;;                  (do-not-touch nil)
-;; 		 (lowercase t)
-;; 		 (all-uppercase nil))
-;; 	     (cond ((constant-string-p symbol)
-;; 		    (setf all-uppercase t
-;; 			  symbol (subseq symbol 1 (1- (length symbol)))))
-;; 		   ((first-uppercase-p symbol)
-;; 		    (setf lowercase nil
-;; 			  symbol (subseq symbol 1)))
-;;                    ((untouchable-string-p symbol)
-;;                     (setf do-not-touch t
-;;                           symbol (subseq symbol 1))))
-;; 	     (flet ((reschar (c)
-;; 		      (push (cond
-;;                               (do-not-touch c)
-;;                               ((and lowercase (not all-uppercase))
-;;                                (char-downcase c))
-;;                               (t (char-upcase c)))
-;;                             res)
-;; 		      (setf lowercase t)))
-;; 	       (dotimes (i (length symbol))
-;; 		 (let ((c (char symbol i)))
-;; 		   (cond
-;; 		     ((eql c #\-)
-;; 		      (setf lowercase (not lowercase)))
-;; 		     ((assoc c *special-chars*)
-;; 		      (dolist (i (coerce (cdr (assoc c *special-chars*)) 'list))
-;; 			(reschar i)))
-;; 		     (t (reschar c))))))
-;; 	     (coerce (nreverse res) 'string)))
-;; 	  (t (string-join (mapcar #'symbol-to-js symbols) "")))))
 (defun lisp-special-char-to-json (lisp-char)
     (car (rassoc lisp-char *json-lisp-escaped-chars*)))

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