[clouchdb-cvs] CVS clouchdb/src

peddy peddy at common-lisp.net
Sun Dec 9 16:03:21 UTC 2007

Update of /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv2019/src

Modified Files:
	changelog.txt clouchdb.lisp examples.lisp tests.lisp 
Log Message:

  - Fixed ad-hoc-view and invoke-view functions so that they now use
    all CouchDb view options
  - Added generic keyword parameter to URL parameter translation code
  - Changed default CouchDb port to IANA assigned 5984 
  - Added more comments

--- /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src/changelog.txt	2007/12/01 14:19:59
+++ /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src/changelog.txt	2007/12/09 16:03:21	1.2
@@ -1,4 +1,12 @@
+  - Fixed ad-hoc-view and invoke-view functions so that they now use
+    all CouchDb view options
+  - Added generic keyword parameter to URL parameter translation code
+  - Changed default CouchDb port to IANA assigned 5984 
+  - Added more comments
   - Changed 'scheme' parameter of set-connection to 'protocol'
--- /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src/clouchdb.lisp	2007/12/08 15:16:21	1.2
+++ /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src/clouchdb.lisp	2007/12/09 16:03:21	1.3
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 (in-package :clouchdb)
 (defvar *host* "localhost" "CouchDb server host name")
-(defvar *port* "8888" "CouchDb port")
+(defvar *port* "5984" "As of version 7.2, the IANA assigned CouchDb port (was 8888)")
 (defvar *db-name* "default" "Default database name")
 (defvar *protocol* "http" "http or https")
@@ -38,6 +38,47 @@
 (defparameter *temp-db-counter* 0 "Used in the creation of temporary databases")
+;; URL Parameter helpers
+(defun true-if-true (value)
+  "Return \"true\" if value is non-nil, otherwise nil"
+  (when value "true"))
+(defun false-if-false (value)
+  "Return \"false\" if value is nil, otherwise nil"
+  (unless value "false"))
+(defvar *view-options*
+  '((:key . ((:name . "key") (:fn . doublequote)))
+    (:start-key . ((:name . "startkey") (:fn . doublequote)))
+    (:start-key-docid . ((:name . "startkey_docid") (:fn . doublequote)))
+    (:end-key . ((:name . "endkey") (:fn . doublequote)))
+    (:count . ((:name . "count") (:fn . value-as-string)))
+    (:update . ((:name . "update") (:fn . false-if-false)))
+    (:descending . ((:name . "descending") (:fn . true-if-true)))
+    (:skip . ((:name . "skip") (:fn . value-as-integer))))
+  "Definitions for how invoke-view keyword parameters are translated
+  into CouchDb parameters")
+(defun transform-param (param value table)
+  "Use a keyword transformation table to traslate between function
+  keyword parameter names and values, and URL parameter names and
+  values."
+  (let ((transf (cdr (assoc param table))))
+    (when transf
+      (let ((value (funcall (cdr (assoc :fn transf)) value)))
+        (when value
+          (cons (cdr (assoc :name transf)) value))))))
+(defun transform-params (keyword-params options)
+  "Transform each keyword parameter using the specified set of
+options, use only those transformations that return a non-nil result."
+  (loop for param on keyword-params by #'cddr
+     when (transform-param (first param) (second param) options)
+     collect it))
 ;; Conditions
@@ -92,6 +133,12 @@
 	((stringp value)
+(defun value-as-integer (value)
+  (cond ((numberp value)
+         value)
+        ((stringp value)
+         (parse-integer value))))
 (defun string-join (list &optional (delim #\,)) 
   "Join a bunch of strings into one with a delimiter. Implementation
 by Russel McManus on c.l.l."
@@ -123,15 +170,6 @@
   convert :db-name to *db-name*"
   (intern (cat "*" (string-upcase (symbol-name key)) "*")))
-(defun make-lets (args)
-  "Convert a list of keyword/value pairs to a form suitable for the
-innerds of a let. For example, convert '(:db-name (fn1 x x) :host
-'host') to ((*db-name* (fn1 x x) (*host* 'host'))"
-  (if (null args)
-      nil
-      (cons (list (keyword-to-special (first args)) (second args))
-	    (make-lets (cddr args)))))
 (defmacro ensure-db ((&key (db-name nil db-name-p)) &body body)
   "Warp request in code to check for errors due to non-existant data
 bases. Since in a document operation, CouchDb does not distinguish
@@ -192,10 +230,12 @@
 (defun db-request (uri &rest keys &key &allow-other-keys)
   "Used by all Couchdb APIs to make the actual REST request."
-  ;;(format t "uri: ~S~% keys: ~S~%" (make-uri uri) keys)
+;;  (format t "uri: ~S~% keys: ~S~%" (make-uri uri) keys)
   (let ((*text-content-types* *text-types*))
     (multiple-value-bind (body status headers uri stream must-close reason-phrase)
 	(apply #'drakma:http-request (make-uri uri) keys)
+;;      (format t "  -> uri: ~S~%" uri)
+;;      (format t "  -> headers: ~S~%" headers)
       (if must-close 
 	  (json:decode-json-from-string body)
@@ -206,7 +246,9 @@
 (defun set-connection (&key (host nil host-p) (db-name nil db-name-p) 
 		       (protocol nil protocol-p) (port nil port-p))
-  "Set top-level connection information."
+  "Set top-level connection information. The port may be specified as
+a string or number. As of CouchDb version 7.2 the default port is
+5984, prior to that it was 8888."
   (when host-p (setf *host* host))
   (when db-name-p (setf *db-name* db-name))
   (when port-p (setf *port* (value-as-string port)))
@@ -216,9 +258,12 @@
 (defmacro with-connection ((&rest args &key db-name port protocol host)
 			   &body body)
   "Execute body in the context of the optionally specified host,
-db-name, port or protocol."
+db-name, port or protocol. Port may be a string or a number, protocol
+is http or https. As of CouchDb version 7.2 the default port is 5984,
+prior to that it was 8888."
   (declare (ignore db-name port protocol host))
-  `(let (,@(make-lets args))
+  `(let (,@(loop for var on args 
+              by #'cddr collect (list (keyword-to-special (car var)) (second var))))
      , at body))
 (defun document-properties (document)
@@ -362,8 +407,9 @@
 	  ;; If an ID was specified and that ID does not match the
 	  ;; :_id property of the current document, strip the document
 	  ;; of all special (CouchDb managed) properties, since these
-	  ;; are specific to the current document. This will create a
-	  ;; new document with the same contents as the old one.
+	  ;; are specific to the current document. In this case, the
+	  ;; presence of the ID parameter means 'create a new document
+	  ;; with the same contents as the old one'.
 	  ((and id current-id (not (equal current-id id)))
 	   (setf doc (document-properties doc))))
     (let ((res (ensure-db ()
@@ -426,12 +472,14 @@
 ;; Views API
-(defun ad-hoc-view (view)
+(defun ad-hoc-view (view &rest options &key key start-key start-key-docid
+                    end-key count update descending skip)
   "Execute query using an ad-hoc view."
   (ensure-db ()
     (db-request (cat *db-name* "/_temp_view")
 		:method :post
 		:content-type "text/javascript"
+                :parameters (transform-params options *view-options*)
 		:content view)))
 (defun create-view (id &rest view-defs)
@@ -456,10 +504,18 @@
   (ensure-db ()
     (delete-document :id (cat "_design/" id) :revision revision)))
-(defun invoke-view (id view &key (key nil))
+(defun invoke-view (id view &rest options &key key start-key start-key-docid
+                    end-key count update descending skip)
   "Invoke a view by specifiying the document ID that contains the view
-and the name of the contained view."
+and the name of the contained view. The key parameter specifies an
+optional value to match against the view's mapped field. The start-key
+and end-key values specify the optional begin and end range of the
+mapped field(s) of each document to return. If descending is t,
+returns results in reverse order. If update is t, does not refresh
+view for query, use for higher performance but possible data
+  (declare (ignore key start-key start-key-docid end-key count update descending skip))
   (ensure-db ()
     (db-request (cat *db-name* "/_view/" id "/" view)
 		:method :get
-		:parameters (if key `(("key" . ,(doublequote key)))))))
+                :parameters (transform-params options *view-options*))))
--- /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src/examples.lisp	2007/12/01 14:19:59
+++ /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src/examples.lisp	2007/12/09 16:03:21	1.2
@@ -33,7 +33,11 @@
 ;; represent the defaults.
 ;(defparameter *host* "localhost")
+;; Port for CouchDb versions prior to 7.2
 ;(defparameter *port* "8888")
+;; Port CouchDb 7.2 and later
+;(defparameter *port* "5984") 
 ;(defparameter *scheme* "http")
@@ -52,7 +56,7 @@
     ;; Create a document with ID of "haussmann"
     (create-document '(;; Fields with scalar values:
 		       (:name . "Georges-Eugene Haussmann") 
-		       ;; Note: above should be "Georges-Eugène", but
+		       ;; Note: above should be "Georges-Eugène" but
 		       ;; there's a character handling bug somewhere
 		       (:aka . "Baron Haussmann")
 		       (:born . "1809-03-27")
--- /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src/tests.lisp	2007/12/01 14:19:59
+++ /project/clouchdb/cvsroot/clouchdb/src/tests.lisp	2007/12/09 16:03:21	1.2
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
    (*db-name* nil) 
    (*host* "localhost") 
-   (*port* "8888") 
+   (*port* "5984") 
    (*protocol* "http")))
@@ -233,6 +233,11 @@
   (ensure-condition 'id-missing (put-document '((:a "test")))))
 (addtest (clouchdb-doc-api-tests)
+  (:documentation "Get a non-existant document (error)")
+  get-non-existant-document
+  (ensure-condition 'document-missing (get-document "does-not-exist")))
+(addtest (clouchdb-doc-api-tests)
   (:documentation "Test revision info")
   (ensure-same 11 (progn 

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