[closure-cvs] CVS closure/src/glisp

dlichteblau dlichteblau at common-lisp.net
Sun Oct 7 21:44:37 UTC 2007

Update of /project/closure/cvsroot/closure/src/glisp
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv19989/src/glisp

Modified Files:
	package.lisp util.lisp 
Log Message:
Move the HTML parser and its dependencies into a separate system.
	* INSTALL: Mention the dependency on Closure HTML.

	* closure.asd (RUNES): Depend on closure-html.  (CLOSURE): Removed
	clex, lalr, net/mime, parse.  Added renderer/pt.

	* resources/resources.lisp: Removed DTD parsing.

	* src/glisp/package.lisp: Import gstream symbols from html-glisp
	for re-export.

	CL-CHAR-STREAM->GSTREAM): Removed from this file, because this
	code now lives in HTML-GLISP.

	* src/gui/gui.lisp s/cl-user::*html-dtd*/closure-html:*html-dtd*.
	(*html-dtd*): Removed defvar.

	* src/net/package.lisp: Use closure-mime-types.

	* src/parse/package.lisp: Removed.
	* src/parse/pt.lisp: Removed.
	* src/parse/sgml-dtd.lisp: Removed.
	* src/parse/sgml-parse.lisp: Removed.

	* resources/dtd/DTD-HTML-4.0: Removed.
	* resources/dtd/DTD-HTML-4.0-Frameset: Removed.
	* resources/dtd/DTD-HTML-4.0-Transitional: Removed.
	* resources/dtd/Entities-Latin1: Removed.
	* resources/dtd/Entities-Special: Removed.
	* resources/dtd/Entities-Symbols: Removed.
	* resources/dtd/HTML-3.0: Removed.
	* resources/dtd/NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1: Removed.
	* resources/dtd/catalog: Removed.

--- /project/closure/cvsroot/closure/src/glisp/package.lisp	2007/01/02 13:12:58	1.11
+++ /project/closure/cvsroot/closure/src/glisp/package.lisp	2007/10/07 21:44:37	1.12
@@ -30,6 +30,28 @@
 (defpackage "GLISP"
   (:use :cl)
+  (:import-from :html-glisp
+		"G/CLOSE"
   (:export "DEFSUBST"
--- /project/closure/cvsroot/closure/src/glisp/util.lisp	2007/01/07 19:35:08	1.10
+++ /project/closure/cvsroot/closure/src/glisp/util.lisp	2007/10/07 21:44:37	1.11
@@ -321,285 +321,6 @@
 ;;  (predict f nil)
-;;;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;;;;  Homebrew stream classes
-;; I am really tired of standard Common Lisp streams and thier incompatible implementations.
-;; A gstream is an objects with obeys to the following protocol:
-;; g/read-byte stream &optional (eof-error-p t) eof-value
-;; g/unread-byte byte stream
-;; g/read-char stream &optional (eof-error-p t) eof-value
-;; g/unread-char char stream
-;; g/write-char char stream
-;; g/write-byte byte stream
-;; g/finish-output stream
-;; g/close stream &key abort
-;; Additionally the follwing generic functions are implemented based
-;; on the above protocol and may be reimplemented for any custom
-;; stream class for performance.
-;; g/write-string string stream &key start end
-;; g/read-line stream &optional (eof-error-p t) eof-value
-;; g/read-line* stream &optional (eof-error-p t) eof-value
-;; g/read-byte-sequence sequence stream &key start end
-;; g/read-char-sequence sequence stream &key start end
-;; g/write-byte-sequence sequence stream &key start end
-;; g/write-char-sequence sequence stream &key start end
-;; The following classes exists
-;; gstream
-;; use-char-for-byte-stream-flavour
-;; use-byte-for-char-stream-flavour
-;; cl-stream
-;; cl-byte-stream
-;; cl-char-stream
-(defclass gstream () ())
-;;; use-char-for-byte-stream-flavour 
-(defclass use-char-for-byte-stream-flavour () ())
-(defmethod g/read-byte ((self use-char-for-byte-stream-flavour) &optional (eof-error-p t) eof-value)
-  (let ((r (g/read-char self eof-error-p :eof)))
-    (if (eq r :eof)
-        eof-value
-      (char-code r))))
-(defmethod g/unread-byte (byte (self use-char-for-byte-stream-flavour))
-  (g/unread-char (or (and #+CMU (<= byte char-code-limit) (code-char byte))
-                     (error "Cannot stuff ~D. into a character." byte))
-                 self))
-(defmethod g/write-byte (byte (self use-char-for-byte-stream-flavour))
-  (g/write-char (or (and #+CMU (<= byte char-code-limit) (code-char byte))
-                    (error "Cannot stuff ~D. into a character." byte))
-                self))
-;;; use-byte-for-char-stream-flavour
-(defclass use-byte-for-char-stream-flavour () ())
-(defmethod g/read-char ((self use-byte-for-char-stream-flavour) &optional (eof-error-p t) eof-value)
-  (let ((byte (g/read-byte self eof-error-p :eof)))
-    (if (eq byte :eof)
-        eof-value
-      (let ((res (and #+CMU (<= byte char-code-limit) (code-char byte))))
-        (or res
-            (error "The byte ~D. could not been represented as character in your LISP implementation." byte))))))
-(defmethod g/unread-char (char (self use-byte-for-char-stream-flavour))
-  (g/unread-byte (char-code char) self))
-(defmethod g/write-char (char (self use-byte-for-char-stream-flavour))
-  (g/write-byte (char-code char) self))
-;;; ------------------------------------------------------------
-;;; Streams made up out of Common Lisp streams
-;;; cl-stream
-(defclass cl-stream (gstream)
-  ((cl-stream :initarg :cl-stream)))
-(defmethod g/finish-output ((self cl-stream))
-  (with-slots (cl-stream) self
-    (finish-output cl-stream)))
-(defmethod g/close ((self cl-stream) &key abort)
-  (with-slots (cl-stream) self
-    (close cl-stream :abort abort)))
-;;; cl-byte-stream
-(defclass cl-byte-stream (use-byte-for-char-stream-flavour cl-stream)
-  ((lookahead :initform nil)))
-(defmethod g/read-byte ((self cl-byte-stream) &optional (eof-error-p t) eof-value)
-  (with-slots (cl-stream lookahead) self
-    (if lookahead
-        (prog1 lookahead 
-          (setf lookahead nil))
-      (read-byte cl-stream eof-error-p eof-value))))
-(defmethod g/unread-byte (byte (self cl-byte-stream))
-  (with-slots (cl-stream lookahead) self
-    (if lookahead
-        (error "You cannot unread twice.")
-      (setf lookahead byte))))
-(defmethod g/write-byte (byte (self cl-byte-stream))
-  (with-slots (cl-stream) self
-    (write-byte byte cl-stream)))
-(defmethod g/read-byte-sequence (sequence (input cl-byte-stream) &key (start 0) (end (length sequence)))
-  (with-slots (cl-stream) input
-    (read-byte-sequence sequence cl-stream :start start :end end)))
-(defmethod g/write-byte-sequence (sequence (sink cl-byte-stream) &key (start 0) (end (length sequence)))
-  (with-slots (cl-stream) sink
-    (cl:write-sequence sequence cl-stream :start start :end end)))
-;;; cl-char-stream
-(defclass cl-char-stream (use-char-for-byte-stream-flavour cl-stream)
-  ())
-(defmethod g/read-char ((self cl-char-stream) &optional (eof-error-p t) eof-value)
-  (with-slots (cl-stream) self
-    (read-char cl-stream eof-error-p eof-value)))
-(defmethod g/unread-char (char (self cl-char-stream))
-  (with-slots (cl-stream) self
-    (unread-char char cl-stream)))
-(defmethod g/write-char (char (self cl-char-stream))
-  (with-slots (cl-stream) self
-    (write-char char cl-stream)))
-;;; ------------------------------------------------------------
-;;; General or fall back stream methods
-(defmethod g/write-string (string (stream t) &key (start 0) (end (length string)))
-  (do ((i start (+ i 1)))
-      ((>= i end))
-    (g/write-char (char string i) stream)))
-(defmethod g/read-line ((stream t) &optional (eof-error-p t) eof-value) 
-  (let ((res nil))
-    (do ((c (g/read-char stream eof-error-p :eof)
-            (g/read-char stream nil :eof)))
-        ((or (eq c :eof) (char= c #\newline))
-         (cond ((eq c :eof) 
-                (values (if (null res) eof-value (coerce (nreverse res) 'string))
-                        t))
-               (t
-                (values (coerce (nreverse res) 'string)
-                        nil))))
-      (push c res))))
-(defmethod g/read-line* ((stream t) &optional (eof-error-p t) eof-value) 
-  ;; Like read-line, but accepts CRNL, NL, CR as line termination
-  (let ((res nil))
-    (do ((c (g/read-char stream eof-error-p :eof)
-            (g/read-char stream nil :eof)))
-        ((or (eq c :eof) (char= c #\newline) (char= c #\return))
-         (cond ((eq c :eof) 
-                (values (if (null res) eof-value (coerce (nreverse res) 'string))
-                        t))
-               (t
-                (when (char= c #\return)
-                  (let ((d (g/read-char stream nil :eof)))
-                    (unless (or (eq d :eof) (char= d #\newline))
-                      (g/unread-char d stream))))
-                (values (coerce (nreverse res) 'string)
-                        nil))))
-      (push c res))))
-(defmethod g/read-byte-sequence (sequence (input t) &key (start 0) (end (length sequence)))
-  (let ((i start) c)
-    (loop
-      (when (>= i end)
-        (return i))
-      (setf c (g/read-byte input nil :eof))
-      (when (eq c :eof)
-        (return i))
-      (setf (elt sequence i) c)
-      (incf i))))
-(defmethod g/read-char-sequence (sequence (input t) &key (start 0) (end (length sequence)))
-  (let ((i start) c)
-    (loop
-      (when (>= i end)
-        (return i))
-      (setf c (g/read-char input nil :eof))
-      (when (eq c :eof)
-        (return i))
-      (setf (elt sequence i) c)
-      (incf i))))
-(defmethod g/write-byte-sequence (sequence (sink t) &key (start 0) (end (length sequence)))
-  (do ((i start (+ i 1)))
-      ((>= i end) i)
-    (g/write-byte (aref sequence i) sink)))
-;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;;;  Vector streams
-;; Output
-(defclass vector-output-stream (use-byte-for-char-stream-flavour)
-  ((buffer :initarg :buffer)))
-(defun g/make-vector-output-stream (&key (initial-size 100))
-  (make-instance 'vector-output-stream
-    :buffer (make-array initial-size :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
-                        :fill-pointer 0
-                        :adjustable t)))
-(defmethod g/close ((self vector-output-stream) &key abort)
-  (declare (ignorable self abort))
-  nil)
-(defmethod g/finish-output ((self vector-output-stream))
-  nil)
-(defmethod g/write-byte (byte (self vector-output-stream))
-  (with-slots (buffer) self
-    (vector-push-extend byte buffer 100)))
-(defmethod g/write-byte-sequence (sequence (self vector-output-stream) &key (start 0) (end (length sequence)))
-  (with-slots (buffer) self
-    (adjust-array buffer (+ (length buffer) (- end start)))
-    (replace buffer sequence :start1 (length buffer) :start2 start :end2 end)
-    (setf (fill-pointer buffer) (+ (length buffer) (- end start)))
-    end))
-;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;;;  Echo streams
-(defclass echo-stream (use-byte-for-char-stream-flavour)
-  ((echoed-to :initarg :echoed-to)))
-(defun g/make-echo-stream (echoed-to)
-  (make-instance 'echo-stream :echoed-to echoed-to))
-Hmm unter PCL geht das nicht            ;-(
-(defmethod g/read-byte ((stream stream) &optional (eof-error-p t) eof-value)
-  (read-byte stream eof-error-p eof-value))
-(defmethod g/read-char ((stream stream) &optional (eof-error-p t) eof-value)
-  (read-char stream eof-error-p eof-value))
-(defmethod g/unread-char (char (stream stream))
-  (unread-char char stream))
-(defmethod g/write-char (char (stream stream))
-  (write-char char stream))
-(defmethod g/write-byte (byte (stream stream))
-  (write-byte byte stream))
-(defmethod g/finish-output ((stream stream))
-  (finish-output stream))
-(defmethod g/close ((stream stream) &key abort)
-  (close stream :abort abort))
 ;;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -640,37 +361,6 @@
       (setf (row-major-aref res i) (funcall fun (row-major-aref array i))))
-(defun g/peek-char (&optional (peek-type nil) (source *standard-input*)
-                              (eof-error-p T) eof-value)
-  (cond ((eq peek-type T)
-         (do ((ch (g/read-char source eof-error-p '%the-eof-object%)
-                  (g/read-char source eof-error-p '%the-eof-object%)))
-             ((or (eq ch '%the-eof-object%)
-                  (not (white-space-p ch)))
-              (cond ((eq ch '%the-eof-object%) eof-value)
-                    (t (g/unread-char ch source) ch)) )))
-        ((eq peek-type NIL)
-         (let ((ch (g/read-char source eof-error-p '%the-eof-object%)))
-           (cond ((eq ch '%the-eof-object%) eof-value)
-                 (t (g/unread-char ch source)
-                    ch))))
-        ((characterp peek-type)
-         (do ((ch (g/read-char source eof-error-p '%the-eof-object%)
-                  (g/read-char source eof-error-p '%the-eof-object%)))
-             ((or (eq ch '%the-eof-object%) (eql ch peek-type))
-              (cond ((eq ch '%the-eof-object%) eof-value)
-                    (t (g/unread-char ch source) ch)) )) ) ))
-(defun cl-byte-stream->gstream (stream)
-  (make-instance 'cl-byte-stream :cl-stream stream))
-(defun cl-char-stream->gstream (stream)
-  (make-instance 'cl-char-stream :cl-stream stream))
 ;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (defvar *all-temporary-files* nil

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