[closure-cvs] CVS closure/src/renderer

dlichteblau dlichteblau at common-lisp.net
Fri Dec 29 21:29:43 UTC 2006

Update of /project/closure/cvsroot/closure/src/renderer
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv9505/src/renderer

Modified Files:
	clim-draw.lisp list-item.lisp raux.lisp renderer.lisp 
Log Message:

Use CXML's rune implementation and XML parser.

--- /project/closure/cvsroot/closure/src/renderer/clim-draw.lisp	2005/07/11 15:57:56	1.4
+++ /project/closure/cvsroot/closure/src/renderer/clim-draw.lisp	2006/12/29 21:29:34	1.5
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 ;;;   Created: 2003-03-08
 ;;;    Author: Gilbert Baumann <gilbert at base-engineering.com>
 ;;;   License: MIT style (see below)
-;;;       $Id: clim-draw.lisp,v 1.4 2005/07/11 15:57:56 crhodes Exp $
+;;;       $Id: clim-draw.lisp,v 1.5 2006/12/29 21:29:34 dlichteblau Exp $
 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ;;;  (c) copyright 1997-2003 by Gilbert Baumann
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
     (let ((x 0))
       (loop for i from start to (1- end) do
             (let* ((rune (aref runes i)))
-              (if (white-space-rune-p rune) (setf rune 32))
+              (if (white-space-rune-p rune) (setf rune #/U+0020))
                 (let ((cw (+ (if (white-space-rune-p rune)
                                  (+ (rune-width font rune) word-spacing)
@@ -236,12 +236,12 @@
                 (type css-font-desc $font))
        (let ((x 0)
              ($rune 0))
-         (declare (type rune $rune))
+         (declare (type fixnum $rune))
          (declare (type fixnum x))
          (loop for i #-GCL of-type #-GCL fixnum from ,start to (the fixnum (1- ,end)) do
                    (declare (fixnum i))
-                 (setq $rune (aref (the rod ,runes) i))
+                 (setq $rune (rune-code (aref (the rod ,runes) i)))
                  (if (white-space-rune-p*/no-nl $rune)
                      (setf $rune 32))
                  (let (($cw 0))
@@ -278,10 +278,10 @@
       (let ((buffer-size (length buffer)))
-             (lambda (rune index x cw)
+             (lambda (code index x cw)
-               (let ((fid (css-font-desc-glyph-fid (text-style-font text-style) rune))
-                     (i   (css-font-desc-glyph-index (text-style-font text-style) rune)))
+               (let* ((fid (css-font-desc-glyph-fid (text-style-font text-style) code))
+		      (i   (css-font-desc-glyph-index (text-style-font text-style) code)))
                  (when (or (not (eq font fid))
                            (= bptr buffer-size))
                    ;; we have to spill
--- /project/closure/cvsroot/closure/src/renderer/list-item.lisp	2005/06/13 10:14:23	1.3
+++ /project/closure/cvsroot/closure/src/renderer/list-item.lisp	2006/12/29 21:29:38	1.4
@@ -112,19 +112,19 @@
     (:circle (coerce (vector (elt +list-style-type-glyphs/circle+ 0)) 'rod))
     (:square (coerce (vector (elt +list-style-type-glyphs/square+ 0)) 'rod))
-     (map 'rod #'char-code 
+     (map 'rod #'char-rune 
           (format nil "~D." n)))
-     (map 'rod #'char-code 
+     (map 'rod #'char-rune 
           (format nil "~(~@R~)." n)))
-     (map 'rod #'char-code 
+     (map 'rod #'char-rune 
           (format nil "~:@(~@R~)." n)))
-     (map 'rod #'char-code 
+     (map 'rod #'char-rune 
           (format nil "~(~A~)." (integer->abc n))))
-     (map 'rod #'char-code 
+     (map 'rod #'char-rune 
           (format nil "~:@(~A~)." (integer->abc n))))
      (map 'rod #'identity nil))))
--- /project/closure/cvsroot/closure/src/renderer/raux.lisp	2005/03/13 18:03:24	1.5
+++ /project/closure/cvsroot/closure/src/renderer/raux.lisp	2006/12/29 21:29:38	1.6
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 (defun pt-data (x)
   (cond ((text-element-p x)
-	 (map 'string #'code-char (element-text x)))
+	 (map 'string #'rune-char (element-text x)))
 	((apply 'concatenate 'string
                 (mapcar #'pt-data (element-children x))))))
--- /project/closure/cvsroot/closure/src/renderer/renderer.lisp	2005/03/13 18:03:25	1.10
+++ /project/closure/cvsroot/closure/src/renderer/renderer.lisp	2006/12/29 21:29:39	1.11
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 ;;;   Created: long ago
 ;;;    Author: Gilbert Baumann <gilbert at base-engineering.com>
 ;;;   License: MIT style (see below)
-;;;       $Id: renderer.lisp,v 1.10 2005/03/13 18:03:25 gbaumann Exp $
+;;;       $Id: renderer.lisp,v 1.11 2006/12/29 21:29:39 dlichteblau Exp $
 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ;;;  (c) copyright 1997-2002 by Gilbert Baumann
@@ -91,15 +91,15 @@
 (defvar +list-style-type-glyphs/disc+
     (list ;;u/black-circle u/bullet u/white-bullet u/white-circle
-          (char-code #\o)))
+          (char-rune #\o)))
 (defvar +list-style-type-glyphs/circle+
     (list ;;u/white-circle u/white-bullet u/bullet u/black-circle
-          (char-code #\*)))
+          (char-rune #\*)))
 (defvar +list-style-type-glyphs/square+
     (list ;;u/black-square u/white-square u/white-bullet u/bullet
-          (char-code #\-)))
+          (char-rune #\-)))
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
 ;;; ---- Believed to be correct -----------------------------------------------
 (defsubst rune-width (font rune)
-  (css-font-desc-glyph-width font rune))
+  (css-font-desc-glyph-width font (rune-code rune)))
 (defun parse-url* (url)
   (cond ((url:url-p url) url)
--- /project/closure/cvsroot/closure/src/renderer/renderer2.lisp	2006/11/06 19:43:01	1.15
+++ /project/closure/cvsroot/closure/src/renderer/renderer2.lisp	2006/12/29 21:29:39	1.16
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 ;;;   Created: somewhen late 2002
 ;;;    Author: Gilbert Baumann <gilbert at base-engineering.com>
 ;;;   License: MIT style (see below)
-;;;       $Id: renderer2.lisp,v 1.15 2006/11/06 19:43:01 thenriksen Exp $
+;;;       $Id: renderer2.lisp,v 1.16 2006/12/29 21:29:39 dlichteblau Exp $
 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ;;;  (c) copyright 1997-2003 by Gilbert Baumann
@@ -2261,8 +2261,8 @@
                        collect (table-column-maximum-width (table-column table i))))
            (min (reduce #'+ mins))
            (max (reduce #'+ maxs))
-           (gutter (* (1+ (table-number-of-columns table)) (table-horizontal-border-spacing table))))
-      ;;
+           (gutter (* (1+ (table-number-of-columns table)) (table-horizontal-border-spacing table)))) 
+     ;;
       (setf table.width
               ;; | 2. If the 'table' or 'inline-table' element has 'width: auto', the
@@ -2761,12 +2761,13 @@
     ;; first off the first thing must be a block-open
     (unless (eq (caar q) :open)
-      (error "Barf!"))
+      (error "Barf! (1)"))
     (push (my-setup-style (cadar q) (car ss) cbss) ss)
     (setf mes (car ss))
     (unless (cooked-style-block-element-p (car ss))
-      (error "Barf!"))
+      (error "Barf! (2) -- Expected cooked-style-block-element, found ~A"
+	     (cooked-style-display (car ss))))
     (setf me (cadar q))
     (pop q)
@@ -2960,9 +2961,8 @@
 (defun make-black-chunk* (char style)
    :style style
-   :data (map '(simple-array (unsigned-byte 16) (*))
-              #'identity
-              (list char))))
+   :data (map 'rod ;; war: (simple-array (unsigned-byte 16) (*))
+	   #'identity (list char))))
 ;;; first-letter pseudo elements
@@ -3072,7 +3072,7 @@
           for i fixnum from 0 do
             ,@(AND (EQL :PRE WHITE-SPACE)
-                   (list `((= c 10)
+                   (list `((eql c #/U+0010)
                            (let ((ocontext context))
                              ,(OR LETTER-SPACING-APPLICABLE-P
                                   '(unless (= blacki i)
@@ -3152,10 +3152,10 @@
                                                    (reverse ncontext))
                                    :%here ,(IF LETTER-SPACING-APPLICABLE-P
                                                `(if (eql word-spacing :normal)
-                                                    (list (make-black-chunk* 32 (car ss)))
-                                                    (list (make-black-chunk* 32 (car ss))
+                                                    (list (make-black-chunk* #/U+0020 (car ss)))
+                                                    (list (make-black-chunk* #/U+0020 (car ss))
                                                           (make-kern-chunk word-spacing)))
-                                               `(list (make-black-chunk* 32 (car ss))))))
+                                               `(list (make-black-chunk* #/U+0020 (car ss))))))
                             (push (make-instance
@@ -3169,30 +3169,30 @@
                                                    (reverse ncontext))
                                    :%here ,(IF LETTER-SPACING-APPLICABLE-P
                                                `(if (eql word-spacing :normal)
-                                                    (list (make-black-chunk* 32 (car ss)))
-                                                    (list (make-black-chunk* 32 (car ss))
+                                                    (list (make-black-chunk* #/U+0020 (car ss)))
+                                                    (list (make-black-chunk* #/U+0020 (car ss))
                                                           (make-kern-chunk word-spacing)))
-                                               `(list (make-black-chunk* 32 (car ss)))))
+                                               `(list (make-black-chunk* #/U+0020 (car ss)))))
                             ,(IF LETTER-SPACING-APPLICABLE-P
                                  `(if (eql word-spacing :normal)
-                                   (push (make-black-chunk* 32 (car ss)) res)
+                                   (push (make-black-chunk* #/U+0020 (car ss)) res)
-                                     (push (make-black-chunk* 32 (car ss)) res)
+                                     (push (make-black-chunk* #/U+0020 (car ss)) res)
                                      (push (make-kern-chunk word-spacing) res)))
-                                 `(push (make-black-chunk* 32 (car ss)) res) )
+                                 `(push (make-black-chunk* #/U+0020 (car ss)) res) )
                             (setf blacki (+ i 1))))
                             ,(IF LETTER-SPACING-APPLICABLE-P
                                  `(if (eql word-spacing :normal)
-                                   (push (make-black-chunk* 32 (car ss)) res)
+                                   (push (make-black-chunk* #/U+0020 (car ss)) res)
-                                     (push (make-black-chunk* 32 (car ss)) res)
+                                     (push (make-black-chunk* #/U+0020 (car ss)) res)
                                      (push (make-kern-chunk word-spacing) res)))
-                                 `(push (make-black-chunk* 32 (car ss)) res) )))))))
+                                 `(push (make-black-chunk* #/U+0020 (car ss)) res) )))))))
@@ -4969,6 +4969,9 @@
 ;; $Log: renderer2.lisp,v $
+;; Revision 1.16  2006/12/29 21:29:39  dlichteblau
+;; Use CXML's rune implementation and XML parser.
 ;; Revision 1.15  2006/11/06 19:43:01  thenriksen
 ;; Remove compiler-killing evil character from comment.

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