[closure-cvs] CVS closure/src/glisp

dlichteblau dlichteblau at common-lisp.net
Fri Dec 29 21:29:26 UTC 2006

Update of /project/closure/cvsroot/closure/src/glisp
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv9505/src/glisp

Modified Files:
	package.lisp util.lisp 
Log Message:

Use CXML's rune implementation and XML parser.

--- /project/closure/cvsroot/closure/src/glisp/package.lisp	2005/03/13 18:01:15	1.4
+++ /project/closure/cvsroot/closure/src/glisp/package.lisp	2006/12/29 21:29:25	1.5
@@ -285,35 +285,6 @@
-      ;; runes.lisp
-      "RUNE"
-      "ROD"
-      "SIMPLE-ROD"
-      "%RUNE"
-      "CODE-RUNE"
-      "RUNE-CODE"
-      "RUNE-UPCASE"
-      "ROD-UPCASE"
-      "DIGIT-RUNE-P"
-      "RUNE="
-      "RUNE<="
-      "RUNE>="
-      "RUNE-EQUAL"
-      "RUNEP"
-      "SLOOPY-ROD-P"
-      "ROD="
-      "ROD-EQUAL"
-      "MAKE-ROD"
-      "CHAR-RUNE"
-      "RUNE-CHAR"
-      "ROD-STRING"
-      "STRING-ROD"
-      "ROD-SUBSEQ"
--- /project/closure/cvsroot/closure/src/glisp/util.lisp	2005/03/13 18:01:16	1.4
+++ /project/closure/cvsroot/closure/src/glisp/util.lisp	2006/12/29 21:29:25	1.5
@@ -216,14 +216,16 @@
           (t (subseq string start)))))
 (defun sanify-rod (string &optional (begin? t) (end? t) (start 0))
-  (let ((i (position-if #'white-space-rune-p string :start start)))
+  (let ((i (position-if #'runes:white-space-rune-p string :start start)))
     (cond (i
-           (let ((j (position-if-not #'white-space-rune-p string :start i)))
+           (let ((j (position-if-not #'runes:white-space-rune-p
+				     string
+				     :start i)))
              (if j
-                 (concatenate 'rod (subseq string start i)
+                 (concatenate 'runes:rod (subseq string start i)
                               (if (and (= i start) begin?) '#() '#(32))
                               (sanify-rod string nil end? j))
-               (concatenate 'rod (subseq string start i)
+               (concatenate 'runes:rod (subseq string start i)
                             (if (not end?) '#(32) '#())))))
           (t (subseq string start)))))

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