[closure-cvs] CVS update: closure/src/patch.lisp

Eric Marsden emarsden at common-lisp.net
Sun Mar 13 20:53:58 UTC 2005

Update of /project/closure/cvsroot/closure/src
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv22536

Modified Files:
Log Message:
 - Remove obsolete stuff in patch.lisp (this should get rid of the MATCH-ERROR
   upon startup)
 - Add a patch to clim-clx that allows SBCL to display non-ASCII characters
   via CLX

Date: Sun Mar 13 21:53:57 2005
Author: emarsden

Index: closure/src/patch.lisp
diff -u closure/src/patch.lisp:1.6 closure/src/patch.lisp:1.7
--- closure/src/patch.lisp:1.6	Sun Mar 13 19:00:56 2005
+++ closure/src/patch.lisp	Sun Mar 13 21:53:57 2005
@@ -2,126 +2,23 @@
 ;;;; Last minute patches
-;;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;; from http://paste.lisp.org/display/6063, to allow SBCL to display
+;; non-ASCII characters via CLX
 (in-package :clim-clx)
-(defclass clx-medium (basic-medium)
-  ())
-;; "So einfach und doch so schnell ..."
-;; Only problem: clipping ;( we want to cache regions to gcontexts and
-;; setup clipping by copying.
-;; Further: split into line gcontexts and text-gcontext or cope with
-;; don't care. A rete network might be now bad idea
-(defmethod (setf medium-text-style) :before (text-style (medium clx-medium)))
-(defmethod (setf medium-line-style) :before (line-style (medium clx-medium)))
-(defmethod (setf medium-clipping-region) :after (region (medium clx-medium)))
-(eval-when (compile eval load)
-  (fmakunbound 'medium-gcontext))
-(defvar *gc-hash* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
-(defun medium-gcontext (medium ink)
-  (with-slots (climi::foreground climi::background line-style text-style climi::clipping-region) medium
-    (let ((foreground climi::foreground)
-          (background climi::background)
-          (clipping-region climi::clipping-region))
-      (let* ((key (list foreground background line-style text-style ink :clipping-region))
-             (gc
-              (or (gethash key *gc-hash*)
-                  (setf (gethash key *gc-hash*)
-                        (funcall 'make-medium-gcontext*
-                                 medium foreground background
-                                 line-style text-style ink
-                                 clipping-region)))))
-        (cond ((region-equal clipping-region +nowhere+)
-               )
-              ((region-equal clipping-region +everywhere+)
-               (setf (xlib:gcontext-clip-mask gc :unsorted) :none))
-              (t
-               (let ((rect-seq (clipping-region->rect-seq clipping-region)))
-                 (when rect-seq
-                   #+nil
-                   ;; ok, what McCLIM is generating is not :yx-banded... (currently at least)
-                   (setf (xlib:gcontext-clip-mask gc :yx-banded) rect-seq)
-                   #-nil
-                   ;; the region code doesn't support yx-banding...
-                   ;; or does it? what does y-banding mean in this implementation?
-                   ;; well, apparantly it doesn't mean what y-sorted means
-                   ;; to clx :] we stick with :unsorted until that can be sorted out
-                   (setf (xlib:gcontext-clip-mask gc :unsorted) rect-seq)))))
-        gc))))
-(defmethod make-medium-gcontext* (medium foreground background line-style text-style (ink color) clipping-region)
-  (let* ((drawable (sheet-mirror (medium-sheet medium)))
-         (port (port medium)))
-    (let ((gc (xlib:create-gcontext :drawable drawable)))
-      (setf (xlib:gcontext-font gc) (text-style-to-X-font port text-style)
-            (xlib:gcontext-foreground gc) (X-pixel port ink)
-            )
-      gc)))
-(defmethod make-medium-gcontext* (medium foreground background line-style text-style (ink (eql +flipping-ink+)) clipping-region)
-  (let* ((gc (make-medium-gcontext* medium foreground background line-style text-style +black+ clipping-region))
-         (port (port medium))
-	 (flipper (logxor (X-pixel port (medium-foreground medium))
-			  (X-pixel port (medium-background medium)))))
-    ;; Now, (logxor flipper foreground) => background
-    ;; (logxor flipper background) => foreground
-    (setf (xlib:gcontext-function gc) boole-xor)
-    (setf (xlib:gcontext-foreground gc) flipper)
-    (setf (xlib:gcontext-background gc) flipper)
-    gc))
-(defmethod make-medium-gcontext* (medium foreground background line-style text-style (ink (eql +foreground-ink+)) clipping-region)
-  (make-medium-gcontext* medium foreground background line-style text-style foreground clipping-region))
-(defmethod make-medium-gcontext* (medium foreground background line-style text-style (ink (eql +background-ink+)) clipping-region)
-  (make-medium-gcontext* medium foreground background line-style text-style background clipping-region))
-(defmethod initialize-clx ((port clx-port))
-  (let ((options (cdr (port-server-path port))))
-    (setf (clx-port-display port)
-          #-sbcl
-	  (xlib:open-display (getf options :host "") :display (getf options :display-id 0))
-	  #+sbcl
-	  (xlib:open-default-display))
-    (progn
-      #+NIL
-      (setf (xlib:display-error-handler (clx-port-display port))
-        #'clx-error-handler)
-      )
-    (setf (clx-port-screen port) (nth (getf options :screen-id 0)
-				      (xlib:display-roots (clx-port-display port))))
-    (setf (clx-port-window port) (xlib:screen-root (clx-port-screen port)))
-    (make-graft port)
-    (when clim-sys:*multiprocessing-p*
-      (setf (port-event-process port)
-        (clim-sys:make-process
-         (lambda ()
-           (loop
-             (with-simple-restart
-                 (restart-event-loop
-                  "Restart CLIM's event loop.")
-               (loop
-                 (process-next-event port)))))
-         :name (format nil "~S's event process." port)))) ))
-;;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-(in-package :climi)
-(defmethod clim:sheet-native-transformation ((sheet null)) clim:+identity-transformation+)
-(defmethod clim:medium-sheet ((sheet sheet)) sheet)
+(defun translate (src src-start src-end afont dst dst-start)
+  (let ((min-char-index (xlib:font-min-char afont))
+        (max-char-index (xlib:font-max-char afont)))
+    (if (stringp src)
+        (loop for i from src-start below src-end
+              for j from dst-start
+              for index = (char-code (aref src i))
+              while (<= min-char-index index max-char-index)
+              do (setf (aref dst j) index)
+              finally (return i))
+        (loop for i from src-start below src-end
+              for j from dst-start
+              for index = (if (characterp (aref src i)) (char-code (aref src i)) (aref src i))
+              while (<= min-char-index index max-char-index)
+              do (setf (aref dst j) index)
+              finally (return i)))))

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