[closer-devel] New warning "No generic function F present when encountering macroexpansion of defmethod."

Pascal Costanza pc at p-cos.net
Wed Nov 4 15:22:50 UTC 2009


OK, I solved this as follows:

+ I turned the warning into a style-warning.

+ I provide a symbol macro warn-on-defmethod-without-generic-function  
that can be used to disable/enable that warning. By default it is set  
to t, except for SBCL where it is set to nil because SBCL already  
warns about this.

If you want to disable the warning locally, just wrap your code in this:

(symbol-macrolet ((warn-on-defmethod-without-generic-function nil))

If you want to enable the warning locally (for whatever strange reason  
you might think of ;), use t instead of nil.

You can also globally disable the warning after you loaded Closer to  
MOP like this:

(define-symbol-macro warn-on-defmethod-without-generic-function nil)

I think this should make most people happy.

The changes are in the repository.


Pascal Costanza, mailto:pc at p-cos.net, http://p-cos.net
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Software Languages Lab
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussel, Belgium

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