[closer-devel] slots on layers

Pascal Costanza pc at p-cos.net
Fri Oct 3 14:24:16 UTC 2008


Back to this topic... ;)

I wanted to write a response where I comment on the fact that I find  
dynamic-wind quite questionable - primarily because the dynamic  
environments established with dynamic-wind are not first-class.  
Dynamic-wind is actually also a controversial feature in the Scheme  
community - it can be shown that call/cc with dynamic-wind can be  
implemented in terms of call/cc without dynamic-wind, but not the  
other way around, so in a 'minimal' language, dynamic-wind is actually  
not necessary.

But after spending some more thought on this, I think I can propose a  
solution that should make everybody happy.

Assume we have a function current-dynamic-environment and a macro with- 
dynamic-environment with which you can get and set the current dynamic  
environment. The idea is that specifically registered special  
variables can be captured in such dynamic environments. For example,  
all special slots in special classes, and the current layer context  
will be such registered special variables. On top of that, it will be  
possible to switch off support for  dynamic environments completely  
for people who really don't like them. (There will be a restriction  
wrt side effects - assignments to such special variables will probably  
not be recorded correctly in all situations. But that shouldn't be a  
too strong restriction, because you typically rebind such variables  
rather than set them. I will provide a detailed description when  
assignments work and when they don't.)

Now, if you have support for call/cc in some other library, you can  
add support for ContextL dynamic enviroments like this:

(defun dcall/cc (continuation)
   (let ((dynamic-environment (current-dynamic-environment)))
     (call/cc (lambda (k)
                (funcall continuation (lambda (value)
                                          (funcall k value))))))))

It should also be possible to integrate support for both ContextL  
dynamic environments and dynamic-wind into one construct, if necessary.

Next, there should be a way to support partial continuations. My  
current idea is to have something like a function mark-dynamic- 
environment that marks a portion of the current dynamic environment,  
and that current-dynamic-environment can refer to such marks. So for  
example, something like this:

(let ((mark (mark-current-dynamic-environment)))
        ... (current-dynamic-environment mark) ...

The idea is that current-dynamic-environment captures the current  
environment up until the specified mark (and if no mark is given, the  
whole dynamic environment is captured).

There should then also be a form of with-dynamic-environment with  
reestablishes such a partial dynamic environment - don't know exactly  
how to do that yet.

Partial dynamic environments should make it easier to work correctly  
with partial continuations, and since that's what you typically get  
for Common Lisp, I think that's quite important.

So, do you think that the sketched solution covers the major concerns?


Pascal Costanza, mailto:pc at p-cos.net, http://p-cos.net
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Programming Technology Lab
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussel, Belgium

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