[closer-announce] New versions of Closer libraries

Pascal Costanza pc at p-cos.net
Sun Jun 1 21:17:27 UTC 2008


I have just released new versions of all Closer libraries, including  
Closer to MOP and ContextL.

A major change that affects all libraries is that I have dropped  
support for Macintosh Common Lisp, and "replaced" OpenMCL with Clozure  
Common Lisp. Furthermore, the dependency of Closer to MOP to LW-Compat  
has been removed due to requests by users, but a dependency of  
ContextL to the portable-threads librarie of the GBBopen project has  
been added.

Other highlights include:

## Closer to MOP 0.5 ##

+ In MCL, OpenMCL and Clozure Common Lisp, funcallable-standard-object  
is now exported from Closer to MOP.

+ Fixed the lack of :generic-function-argument-precedence-order- 
returns-required-arguments in Allegro Common Lisp.

+ Ensured that a defgeneric form makes a generic function metaobject  
available in the compile-time environment. Otherwise, defmethod may  
not yield a method of the correct method metaobject class.

+ Added support for compute-discriminating-function in Clozure Common  
Lisp and OpenMCL, based on code provided by Slava Akhmechet.

+ Added a classp predicate (due to Willem Broekema).

## ContextL 0.5 ##

+ Added :in as an alternative for :in-layer in the various define- 
layered-xyz macros.

+ ContextL now depends on portable-threads of the GBBopen project.  
This is done for locking critical sections to ensure thread safety of  

+ Added new functions active-layers and (setf current-layer-context).

+ Added a garbage collector for layer caches, such that redefinition  
of layers or certain methods in the ContextL MOP have an effect.

+ Simplified mapping of layer-related names to internal names, which  
should also make things easier to read when debugging ContextL programs.

## MOP Feature Tests 0.45 ##

+ Added new recognized standard feature :generic-function-argument- 

+ Added a new known extra feature for SBCL (since SBCL version 1.0.14).

The libraries can be downloaded from http://common-lisp.net/project/closer/ 
  and are asdf-installable, as usual.


Pascal Costanza, mailto:pc at p-cos.net, http://p-cos.net
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Programming Technology Lab
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussel, Belgium

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