[clonsigna-devel] [PATCH 1/1] send-command format string: zero-arg commands no longer include extra space

Joseph Gay ysph at psy.ai
Tue Feb 14 03:38:52 UTC 2012


First of all, thanks for your effort in producing this library!

Below is a tiny patch to address an issue I found with certain servers
(namely Gmail), returning BAD for zero-argument commands sent with a
trailing space. This was inconsistent in that it did not affect e.g.
CAPABILITY, but did affect LOGOUT. If any of you are format gurus, you
might check my syntax, but I believe the format string does what is
needed to make sure that zero-argument commands end with the terminator
while still preserving spaces between arguments for other commands. I
have tested it with several different commands and it behaved as

 src/classes.lisp |    2 +-
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/classes.lisp b/src/classes.lisp
index 40a868a..5ef7618 100644
--- a/src/classes.lisp
+++ b/src/classes.lisp
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ It's usually instantiated by the MAKE-IMAP function and activated by CMD-CONNECT
   (imap-socket-flush-buffer is)
   (let ((s (imap-socket-socket is))
         (line-term (format nil "~a~a" #\Return #\Linefeed))
-        (format-string "~a ~a ~{~a~^ ~}~a"))
+        (format-string "~a ~a~{~#[~:; ~a~]~}~a"))
     (imap-socket-next-message is)
     (when +debug+
       (format t format-string (imap-socket-message-id is) (symbol-name command)  args line-term))

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