[clonsigna-devel] (parse-fetch-fields ...) -> nil?

Clint Moore clint at ivy.io
Sat Aug 4 22:35:09 UTC 2012

On Sat, Aug 4, 2012 at 3:24 PM, Clint Moore <clint at ivy.io> wrote:
>   Is anyone else seeing this?
>   Sample code: https://gist.github.com/3260337   err.. ignore
> (handle-messages) :)
>   Anyway, I thought I'd ask before I started digging into what the
> issue might be.  It might be that I'm getting weirdly formatted
> messages also.

Ok, I updated the gist and here's a better version of my test code.  I
hope that there's something elementary I'm getting wrong.  I've only
been writing CL for about 6 months.

(defun i/refresh-imap (login password server)
  (let ((iconn (make-imap :port 993
                          :host server
                          :ssl-p t)))
    (cmd-connect iconn)
    (cmd-login iconn login password)
    (cmd-select iconn "inbox")
    (mapcar (lambda (x)
               (cmd-fetch-fields iconn (write-to-string x))))
            (cdr (iota 100)))))

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