Pages not deploying?

Philipp Marek philipp at
Fri Jan 7 09:34:17 UTC 2022

Hi Raymond,

> Not sure what happened but the pages for cmucl-site aren't actually
> deploying.
> For example, the pipeline
> says 
> the
> pages were deployed.  If you download the artifacts and look at
> public/doc/index.html, you'll see that there's an entry for Hemlock 
> docs.
> But when I visit, 
> the
> entry for the Hemlock docs is not there.

Yeah, thanks for the notice - we're looking att it.

> This used to work, but I'm not sure what's changed.

The Gitlab version, most probably ;/

> Also, a side note.  If you browse the archive and navigate to 
> public/doc
> and click on index.html, the URL is
> which doesn't exist.  What can I do to make this work?

I believe that's part of the misconfiguration of gitlab.

I don't think that you personally can fix that.

Sorry about the inconvenience!

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