[clo-cvs] CVS public_html

CVS User mmommer mmommer at common-lisp.net
Sat Nov 12 17:29:05 UTC 2011

Update of /project/clo/cvsroot/public_html
In directory tiger.common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv14799

Modified Files:
Log Message:
remove old email address from donate page

--- /project/clo/cvsroot/public_html/donate.shtml	2011/11/12 17:07:30	1.68
+++ /project/clo/cvsroot/public_html/donate.shtml	2011/11/12 17:29:05	1.69
@@ -32,9 +32,6 @@
       <!--#include virtual="donorslist.shtml" -->
-      <p>Note: if I have mistakenly listed you as anonymous when I shouldn't have (or the other way around) please
-      email me at <a href="mailto:<!--#include virtual="maintainer-email-address.txt" -->"><!--#include virtual="maintainer-email-address.txt" --></a> and I'll take care of it. </p>
       <a class="topOfPage" href="#top" title="Go to top of

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