[clo-cvs] CVS public_html

eenge eenge at common-lisp.net
Fri Jan 27 02:50:07 UTC 2006

Update of /project/clo/cvsroot/public_html
In directory common-lisp:/project/clo/public_html

Modified Files:
	index.shtml rss.xml 
Log Message:
mentioning svn access

--- /project/clo/cvsroot/public_html/index.shtml	2006/01/27 01:24:27	1.119
+++ /project/clo/cvsroot/public_html/index.shtml	2006/01/27 02:50:07	1.120
@@ -47,6 +47,14 @@
        <h1 id="news">Latest news</h1>
+       Thanks to Erik Huelsmann for helping me set up Subversion on common-lisp.net.
+       Now all projects have a default Subversion repository set up in /project/project-name/svn
+       correctly configured to email mails to project-name-cvs at common-lisp.net.  If you want to
+       continue using arch, darcs or CVS, that's fine and if you want to move onto Subversion
+       that should now be very easy to do.  <a href="/mailman/listinfo/clo-devel">Let me know</a>
+       if there are any questions or problems.
+       <p>2006-01-26<br>
        We experienced an hour or so of downtime today, again.  The
        server was powercycled (electrician flipped wrong breaker) and didn't
        come back up correctly because of a corrupted filesystem (well,
@@ -57,10 +65,6 @@
        should now be a thing of the past) though users should see no real changes.
        <a href="/mailman/listinfo/clo-devel">Let me know</a> if there are any problems.
-       <p>2006-01-18<br>
-       We had a significant outtage over night (2 hours), all is back to normal now.  Read
-       more <a href="http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.lisp/browse_frm/thread/c80fba591bbf07f2/4a73973b548a3851#4a73973b548a3851">here</a>.
        <p><a href="older-news.shtml">Older news...</a>  </p>
       <a class="topOfPage" href="#top" title="Go to top of page">top</a>
--- /project/clo/cvsroot/public_html/rss.xml	2006/01/27 01:24:27	1.10
+++ /project/clo/cvsroot/public_html/rss.xml	2006/01/27 02:50:07	1.11
@@ -6,6 +6,20 @@
 <description>RSS feed of latest news from http://common-lisp.net/</description>
+<title>Subversion setup</title>
+Thanks to Erik Huelsmann for helping me set up Subversion on common-lisp.net.
+Now all projects have a default Subversion repository set up in /project/project-name/svn
+correctly configured to email mails to project-name-cvs at common-lisp.net.  If you want to
+continue using arch, darcs or CVS, that's fine and if you want to move onto Subversion
+that should now be very easy to do.  <a href="/mailman/listinfo/clo-devel">Let me know</a> 
+if there are any questions or problems.
+<pubDate>Thu, 26 Jan 2006 21:50:00 -0500</pubDate>

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