[climacs-devel] Re: Pathnames

John Q Splittist splittist at yahoo.com
Fri May 6 20:15:10 UTC 2005

I propose that the 'filename' slot of a buffer be renamed 'filepath'.

This is because it really does hold the path relating to the file whose 
contents are in the buffer, and because it allows an easier distinction 
between the place in the filesystem of the buffer (the filepath), and 
the textual name of the buffer when the buffer corresponds to a file 
(being the path-name.path-type of the filepath).

This is only a terminological change, but it might save some confusion 
later on. Certainly it makes the pathname-filename function make more 
sense: at the moment it gets called on the filename to produce... the 
filname; when renamed as filepath-filename it's called on the filepath 
to produce the filename. Well, it makes it easier for me to understand.

A hopefully working diff is attached. (That is, the change works, and I 
hope the diff does.)


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