[climacs-devel] Re: Lisp Syntax suggestions

John Q Splittist splittist at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 28 19:25:58 UTC 2005

Robert Strandh wrote:
>  > Herewith. Like the last one, produced with cvs diff -u.
> Are you sure?

Am I sure that the attached was the output of cvs diff -u typed a couple 
of minutes before I sent the message? Yes.

But CVS isn't magic, so I've done it again this afternoon, and the 
results are now consistent with your comments. (And I note that Robert 
has now moved the keyboard macro code into ESA, which I wasn't seeing in 
CVS this morning.)

I am aware that Robert is travelling over the next few days, so if he 
doesn't commit these changes (or take issue with them!) in the next 
little while I will.


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