[climacs-devel] LR parser (was Re: Lisp Gardeners to help Climacs)

Nicolas Sceaux nicolas.sceaux at free.fr
Sat Dec 24 13:02:43 UTC 2005

John Q Splittist <splittist at yahoo.com> writes:

> 1. LR parser
>     The lisp-syntax facility in climacs includes a mostly-general
>     LR parser. Currently this has a light layer of macros that make
>     it easier, but not entirely transparent, to specify a grammar.
>     The purpose of this project is to (a) ex-tract the parser
>     functionality from the lisp-syntax file then (b) ab-stract that
>     functionality to make it easier to specify a grammar.

I've made an (naive) attempt at task (a). Patch is attached, and
comments most welcome.


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