[climacs-devel] Case missing from class regexp's print-object method

Aleksandar Bakic a_bakic at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 29 22:02:34 UTC 2005

> Without the patch, I get the "#<error printing object>" sometimes, but when
> calling a traced function I get a debugger prompt.

I am getting the following behaviors:

* (in-package :automaton)

#<The AUTOMATON package, 164/192 internal, 8/8 external>
* (trace make-regexp parse-union-exp parse-concatenation-exp)

* (string-regexp "foo")

  0: (PARSE-UNION-EXP #<error printing object>)
    1: (PARSE-CONCATENATION-EXP #<error printing object>)
      2: (PARSE-CONCATENATION-EXP #<error printing object>)
        3: (PARSE-CONCATENATION-EXP #<error printing object>)
        3: PARSE-CONCATENATION-EXP returned \o
      2: PARSE-CONCATENATION-EXP returned "oo"
    1: PARSE-CONCATENATION-EXP returned "foo"
  0: PARSE-UNION-EXP returned "foo"

* (string-regexp "foo")

debugger invoked on a SB-KERNEL:CASE-FAILURE in thread #<THREAD "initial
thread" {9003431}>:
  NIL fell through ECASE expression.
  Wanted one of (:INTERVAL :AUTOMATON

Type HELP for debugger help, or (SB-EXT:QUIT) to exit from SBCL.

restarts (invokable by number or by possibly-abbreviated name):
  0: [ABORT] Exit debugger, returning to top level.

((SB-PCL::FAST-METHOD PRINT-OBJECT (REGEXP T)) #<error printing object>)

Perhaps Christophe can comment on the difference. Could SBCL be asked to behave
like CMUCL in this regard? If it could, would that solve the original problem?


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