[climacs-devel] I can't get the Automaton system to load

Aleksandar Bakic a_bakic at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 29 06:19:35 UTC 2005

> Does your build file load climacs-tests or automaton or automaton-test?

No, currently I type

(asdf::oos 'asdf:load-op :climacs.tests)

to load them.

> I've gotten the latest release version of ASDF (1.78, not 1.87 as you
> mentioned) and put it in /usr/local/lib/sbcl.

Mine is 1.87. The CVS access is:

cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous at cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/cclan

;;; This is asdf: Another System Definition Facility.  $Revision: 1.87 $


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