[climacs-cvs] CVS climacs

thenriksen thenriksen at common-lisp.net
Tue Feb 5 22:07:31 UTC 2008

Update of /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv2298

Modified Files:
	climacs-lisp-syntax.lisp gui.lisp packages.lisp typeout.lisp 
Log Message:
Added hackish implementation of typeout overlays. They are used for
symbol-completion in Lisp syntax and not really anything else.

They're also not keyboard-sensitive or anything. I plan on making them
appear like an actual window to Climacs, so they fit in with the
command loop, though they'll still be highly ephemeral. They are not
to be used to display information that should stay alive during an
editing session.

--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/climacs-lisp-syntax.lisp	2008/01/23 19:03:21	1.15
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/climacs-lisp-syntax.lisp	2008/02/05 22:07:30	1.16
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
 (def-print-for-menu note-compiler-note "Note" +brown+)
 (defun show-notes (notes view-name definition)
-  (climacs-gui:with-typeout (stream (format nil "Compiler Notes: ~A ~A" view-name definition))
+  (climacs-gui:with-typeout-view (stream (format nil "Compiler Notes: ~A ~A" view-name definition))
     (loop for note in notes
        do (with-output-as-presentation (stream note 'compiler-note)
             (print-for-menu note stream))
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@
                   (with-drawing-options (stream :ink +dark-blue+
                                                 :text-style (make-text-style :fixed nil nil))
                     (princ (dspec item) stream))))
-           (climacs-gui:with-typeout (stream (format nil "~A ~A" type symbol))
+           (climacs-gui:with-typeout-view (stream (format nil "~A ~A" type symbol))
              (loop for xref in xrefs
                 do (with-output-as-presentation (stream xref 'xref)
                      (printer xref stream))
--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/gui.lisp	2008/02/03 09:03:42	1.259
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/gui.lisp	2008/02/05 22:07:31	1.260
@@ -270,20 +270,22 @@
       (setf (windows *application-frame*) (list climacs-pane)
 	    (views *application-frame*) (list (view climacs-pane)))
       (vertically ()
-	(if *with-scrollbars*
-	    (scrolling ()
-	      climacs-pane)
-	    climacs-pane)
-	info-pane)))
+        (if *with-scrollbars*
+            (scrolling ()
+              climacs-pane)
+            climacs-pane)
+        info-pane)))
    (minibuffer (make-pane 'climacs-minibuffer-pane)))
-       (vertically (:scroll-bars nil)
-	 climacs-window
-	 minibuffer)))
+       (overlaying ()
+         (vertically (:scroll-bars nil)
+           climacs-window
+           minibuffer))))
   (:top-level ((lambda (frame)
                  (let ((*kill-ring* (kill-ring frame)))
-                   (esa-top-level frame :prompt "M-x "))))))
+                   (with-frame-manager ((make-instance 'climacs-frame-manager))
+                     (esa-top-level frame :prompt "M-x ")))))))
 (define-esa-top-level ((frame climacs) command-parser
@@ -693,5 +695,5 @@
 ;;; For the ESA help functions.
 (defmethod invoke-with-help-stream ((frame climacs) title continuation)
-  (with-typeout (stream title)
+  (with-typeout-view (stream title)
     (funcall continuation stream)))
--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/packages.lisp	2008/01/29 23:09:22	1.137
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/packages.lisp	2008/02/05 22:07:31	1.138
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
              ;; Typeout
              #:typeout-view #:typeout-view-p
+             #:with-typeout-view #:invoke-with-typeout-view
              #:with-typeout #:invoke-with-typeout))
 (defpackage :climacs-core
--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/typeout.lisp	2008/01/30 07:32:30	1.6
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/typeout.lisp	2008/02/05 22:07:31	1.7
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: CLIMACS-CORE -*-
+;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: CLIMACS-GUI -*-
 ;;;  (c) copyright 2008 by
 ;;;           Troels Henriksen (athas at sigkill.dk)
@@ -18,10 +18,18 @@
 ;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
 ;;; Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.
-;;; Typeout pane support.
+;;; Typeout is the word for "output whatever". It's a facility for
+;;; drawing stuff that doesn't go in a buffer. There are two kinds of
+;;; typeout: typeout views, that act like uneditable views, and
+;;; typeout overlays, that are highly ephemeral and temporary
+;;; creations to be used for short-lived interaction.
 (in-package :climacs-gui)
+;;; Typeout views.
 (defclass typeout-view (drei-view textual-view)
   ((%output-history :accessor output-history
                     :initform (make-instance 'standard-tree-output-record)
@@ -110,34 +118,34 @@
        :name label)))
 ;; Because specialising on the type of `climacs' is so useful...
-(defun invoke-with-typeout (climacs label continuation)
+(defun invoke-with-typeout-view (climacs label continuation)
   "Call `continuation' with a single argument, a
 stream meant for typeout. `Climacs' is the Climacs instance in
 which the typeout pane should be shown, and `label' is the name
 of the created typeout view. Returns NIL."
   (let* ((typeout-view (ensure-typeout-view climacs label))
-         (pane-with-typeout (or (find typeout-view (windows climacs)
+         (pane-with-typeout-view (or (find typeout-view (windows climacs)
                                  :key #'view)
                                 (let ((pane (split-window t)))
                                   (setf (view pane) typeout-view)
-    (let ((new-record (with-output-to-output-record (pane-with-typeout)
-                        (with-output-recording-options (pane-with-typeout :record t :draw t)
+    (let ((new-record (with-output-to-output-record (pane-with-typeout-view)
+                        (with-output-recording-options (pane-with-typeout-view :record t :draw t)
                           (when (last-cursor-position typeout-view)
-                            (setf (stream-cursor-position pane-with-typeout)
+                            (setf (stream-cursor-position pane-with-typeout-view)
                                   (values-list (last-cursor-position typeout-view))))
-                          (funcall continuation pane-with-typeout)
+                          (funcall continuation pane-with-typeout-view)
                           (setf (last-cursor-position typeout-view)
-                                (multiple-value-list (stream-cursor-position pane-with-typeout)))))))
+                                (multiple-value-list (stream-cursor-position pane-with-typeout-view)))))))
       (add-output-record new-record (output-history typeout-view))
       (setf (dirty typeout-view) t)
-(defmacro with-typeout ((stream &optional (label "Typeout")) &body body)
+(defmacro with-typeout-view ((stream &optional (label "Typeout")) &body body)
   "Evaluate `body' with `stream' bound to a stream that can be
 used for typeout. `Label' is the name of the created typeout
-  `(invoke-with-typeout *esa-instance* ,label
+  `(invoke-with-typeout-view *esa-instance* ,label
                         #'(lambda (,stream)
                             , at body)))
@@ -157,48 +165,322 @@
 output is performed."))
 (defmethod stream-write-char ((stream typeout-stream) char)
-  (with-typeout (typeout (label stream))
+  (with-typeout-view (typeout (label stream))
     (stream-write-char typeout char)))
 (defmethod stream-line-column ((stream typeout-stream))
-  (with-typeout (typeout (label stream))
+  (with-typeout-view (typeout (label stream))
     (stream-line-column typeout)))
 (defmethod stream-start-line-p ((stream typeout-stream))
-  (with-typeout (typeout (label stream))
+  (with-typeout-view (typeout (label stream))
     (stream-start-line-p typeout)))
 (defmethod stream-write-string ((stream typeout-stream) string &optional (start 0) end)
-  (with-typeout (typeout (label stream))
+  (with-typeout-view (typeout (label stream))
     (stream-write-string typeout string start end)))
 (defmethod stream-terpri ((stream typeout-stream))
-  (with-typeout (typeout (label stream))
+  (with-typeout-view (typeout (label stream))
     (stream-terpri typeout)))
 (defmethod stream-fresh-line ((stream typeout-stream))
-  (with-typeout (typeout (label stream))
+  (with-typeout-view (typeout (label stream))
     (stream-fresh-line typeout)))
 (defmethod stream-finish-output ((stream typeout-stream))
-  (with-typeout (typeout (label stream))
+  (with-typeout-view (typeout (label stream))
     (stream-finish-output typeout)))
 (defmethod stream-force-output ((stream typeout-stream))
-  (with-typeout (typeout (label stream))
+  (with-typeout-view (typeout (label stream))
     (stream-force-output typeout)))
 (defmethod stream-clear-output ((stream typeout-stream))
-  (with-typeout (typeout (label stream))
+  (with-typeout-view (typeout (label stream))
     (stream-clear-output typeout)))
 (defmethod stream-advance-to-column ((stream typeout-stream) (column integer))
-  (with-typeout (typeout (label stream))
+  (with-typeout-view (typeout (label stream))
     (stream-advance-to-column typeout column)))
 (defmethod interactive-stream-p ((stream typeout-stream))
-  (with-typeout (typeout (label stream))
+  (with-typeout-view (typeout (label stream))
     (interactive-stream-p typeout)))
 (defun make-typeout-stream (climacs label)
   (make-instance 'typeout-stream :climacs climacs :label label))
+;;; Typeout overlays.
+(defclass overlaying-pane (bboard-pane)
+  ((%overlay-pane :accessor overlay-pane
+                  :initform nil
+                  :type (or null pane)
+                  :documentation "The overlay pane. When this is
+set, the overlay tree will be updated.")
+   (%overlay-tree :accessor overlay-tree
+                  :initform nil
+                  :type (or null pane)
+                  :documentation "The pane hierarchy containing
+the overlay pane. Should not be changed manually, will be updated
+when the overlay-pane is set.")
+   (%content-pane :reader content-pane
+                  :initform (error "A content-pane must be provided")
+                  :type pane
+                  :initarg :contents
+                  :documentation "The pane containing the usually
+displayed contents."))
+  (:documentation "This layout pane facilitates the addition and
+removal of an overlay pane positioned at the top of the
+`overlaying-pane' that will obscure the contents. For ease of
+use, the overlay-pane and the pane hierarchy containing this pane
+are handled seperately."))
+(defun find-topmost-parent (sheet)
+  "Find the topmost parent of `sheet', that is the parent of
+`sheet' (or `sheet' itself) that does not have a sheet parent or
+has a graft parent."
+  (if (or (not (sheetp (sheet-parent sheet)))
+          (typep (sheet-parent sheet) 'graft))
+      sheet
+      (find-topmost-parent (sheet-parent sheet))))
+(defmethod (setf overlay-pane) :before (new-overlay (pane overlaying-pane))
+  (when (overlay-pane pane)
+    (sheet-disown-child pane (overlay-tree pane))
+    (setf (overlay-tree pane) nil)))
+(defmethod (setf overlay-pane) :after (new-overlay (pane overlaying-pane))
+  (when new-overlay
+    (let ((topmost-parent (find-topmost-parent new-overlay)))
+      (sheet-adopt-child pane topmost-parent)
+      (setf (overlay-tree pane) topmost-parent))))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((object overlaying-pane) &rest args
+                                       &key overlay)
+  (declare (ignore args))
+  (when overlay
+    (setf (overlay-pane object) overlay))
+  (sheet-adopt-child object (content-pane object)))
+(defmethod allocate-space ((pane overlaying-pane) width height)
+  (allocate-space (content-pane pane) width height)
+  (with-accessors ((overlay overlay-tree)) pane
+    (when overlay
+      (move-sheet overlay 0 0)
+      (allocate-space
+       overlay width (space-requirement-height (compose-space overlay))))))
+(defmethod compose-space ((pane overlaying-pane) &rest args)
+  (apply #'compose-space (content-pane pane) args))
+(defmacro overlaying ((&rest options) &body contents)
+  "Create an overlaying pane with `contents' arranged vertically
+as the contents of the overlaying pane. There will be no initial
+  `(make-pane 'overlaying-pane , at options :contents (vertically () , at contents)))
+(defun pane-overlayer (pane)
+  "Return the `overlaying-pane' that contains `pane'"
+  (if (typep pane 'overlaying-pane)
+      pane
+      (unless (null (sheet-parent pane))
+        (pane-overlayer (sheet-parent pane)))))
+(defun add-typeout (&optional (pane (current-window)))
+  "Return the typeout overlay of `pane', creating one if it
+doesn't exist."
+  (with-look-and-feel-realization
+      ((frame-manager (pane-frame pane)) (pane-frame pane))
+    (let ((overlayer (pane-overlayer pane)))
+      (or (overlay-pane overlayer)
+          (let ((overlay (make-pane 'typeout-overlay
+                          :width (bounding-rectangle-width
+                                  (sheet-region overlayer)))))
+            (outlining () overlay) ; This adds an outlining-pane as
+                                   ; the parent of `overlay'.
+            (setf (overlay-pane overlayer) overlay))))))
+(defun remove-typeout (&optional (pane (current-window)))
+  "Remove the typeout overlay of `pane', defaulting to the
+current window."
+  (setf (overlay-pane (pane-overlayer pane)) nil))
+(defclass typeout-overlay (clim-stream-pane)
+  ()
+  (:default-initargs :background +cornsilk1+
+                     :scroll-bars nil))
+(defun invoke-with-typeout (pane continuation &key erase)
+  "Invoke `continuation' with a single argument - a typeout
+overlay for `pane'. If `erase' is true, the typeout overlay will
+be newly created, and any old overlay will have been deleted."
+  (with-look-and-feel-realization ((frame-manager (pane-frame pane)) (pane-frame pane))
+    (when erase (remove-typeout pane))
+    (let* ((typeout (add-typeout pane)))
+      ;; Expand the typeout to the proper width...
+      (change-space-requirements typeout)
+      (let ((values (multiple-value-list
+                     (funcall continuation typeout))))
+        (remove-typeout pane)
+        (values-list values)))))
+(defmacro with-typeout ((stream &rest args &key erase (window (current-window)))
+                        &body body)
+  "Evaluate `body' with `stream' bound to a typeout overlay for
+`window'. If `erase' is true, the typeout overlay will be newly
+created, and any old overlay will have been deleted."
+  (declare (ignore erase))
+  (with-keywords-removed (args (:window))
+    `(invoke-with-typeout ,window
+                          #'(lambda (,stream)
+                              , at body)
+                          , at args)))
+;;; A frame manager for using typeout when appropriate.
+(defclass climacs-frame-manager (frame-manager)
+  ((%standard-frame-manager
+    :reader standard-frame-manager
+    :initform (find-frame-manager)
+    :type frame-manager
+    :documentation "The frame manager that this
+`climacs-frame-manager' dispatches functions to."
+    :initarg :standard-frame-manager))
+  (:documentation "This class thinly wraps another frame manager
+instance and delegates most frame managing to this other
+manager. It is used to implement Climacs \"look and feel\" where
+;;; A simple dispatching implementation of the frame manager protocol.
+(defmacro define-dispatching-fun (name (frame-manager-arg &rest args))
+  "Defines a dispatching function for the frame manager protocol
+for `climacs-frame-manager'. Will assume that `frame-manager-arg'
+is the frame manager."
+  `(defmethod ,name ((,frame-manager-arg climacs-frame-manager) , at args)
+     (when (standard-frame-manager ,frame-manager-arg)
+       (,name (standard-frame-manager ,frame-manager-arg) , at args))))
+(define-dispatching-fun frame-manager-frames (frame-manager))
+(define-dispatching-fun adopt-frame (frame-manager frame))
+(define-dispatching-fun disown-frame (frame-manager frame))
+(define-dispatching-fun port (frame-manager))
+(define-dispatching-fun note-frame-enabled (frame-manager frame))
+(define-dispatching-fun note-frame-disabled (frame-manager frame))
+(define-dispatching-fun note-frame-iconified (frame-manager frame))
+(define-dispatching-fun note-frame-deiconified (frame-manager frame))
+(define-dispatching-fun note-command-enabled (frame-manager frame command-name))
+(define-dispatching-fun note-command-disabled (frame-manager frame command-name))
+(defmethod frame-manager-notify-user ((frame-manager climacs-frame-manager) message &rest args)
+  (apply #'frame-manager-notify-user frame-manager message args))
+(define-dispatching-fun generate-panes (frame-manager frame))
+(define-dispatching-fun find-pane-for-frame (frame-manager frame))
+;;; Now for the look & feel.
+(defun menu-item-option (menu-item option &optional default)
+  (if (listp menu-item)
+      (getf (menu-item-options menu-item) option default)
+      default))
+(define-presentation-type typeout-menu-item ())
+(defmethod menu-choose-from-drawer
+    ((menu typeout-overlay) presentation-type drawer
+     &key x-position y-position cache unique-id id-test cache-value cache-test
+     default-presentation pointer-documentation)
+  (declare (ignore cache unique-id
+                   id-test cache-value cache-test default-presentation
+                   x-position y-position))
+  (with-room-for-graphics (menu :first-quadrant nil)
+    (funcall drawer menu presentation-type))
+  (let ((*pointer-documentation-output* pointer-documentation))
+    (handler-case
+        (with-input-context (`(or ,presentation-type blank-area) :override t)
+            (object type event) 
+            (prog1 nil (loop for gesture = (read-gesture :stream menu :peek-p t)
+                             until (or (and (typep gesture 'keyboard-event)
+                                            (keyboard-event-character gesture))
+                                       (characterp gesture))
+                             do (read-gesture :stream menu)))
+          (blank-area nil)
+          (t (values object event)))
+      (abort-gesture () nil))))
+(defmethod frame-manager-menu-choose
+    ((frame-manager climacs-frame-manager) items
+     &rest options
+     &key (associated-window (current-window)) printer presentation-type
+     (default-item nil default-item-p)
+     text-style label cache unique-id id-test cache-value cache-test
+     max-width max-height n-rows n-columns x-spacing y-spacing row-wise
+     cell-align-x cell-align-y (scroll-bars :vertical)
+     ;; We provide pointer documentation by default.
+     (pointer-documentation *pointer-documentation-output*))
+  (flet ((drawer (overlay type)
+           (let* ((height (bounding-rectangle-height
+                           (with-new-output-record (overlay)
+                             (when label
+                               (with-text-style (overlay (make-text-style :serif :italic :large))
+                                 (write-string label overlay)
+                                 (terpri overlay)))
+                             (draw-standard-menu overlay type items
+                                                 (if default-item-p
+                                                     default-item
+                                                     (first items))
+                                                 :item-printer (or printer
+                                                                   #'print-menu-item)
+                                                 :max-width max-width
+                                                 :max-height max-height
+                                                 :n-rows n-rows
+                                                 :n-columns n-columns
+                                                 :x-spacing x-spacing
+                                                 :y-spacing y-spacing
+                                                 :row-wise row-wise
+                                                 :cell-align-x cell-align-x
+                                                 :cell-align-y cell-align-y))))
+                  (overlayer (pane-overlayer overlay))
+                  (overlay-tree (overlay-tree overlayer)))
+             ;; Tell it how big it is.
+             (change-space-requirements overlay :height height)
+             ;; Bigger than the available space? User OK with ugly?
+             ;; Then add scrolling.
+             (when (and (> height (bounding-rectangle-height overlayer))
+                        scroll-bars
+                        (not (typep overlay-tree 'scroller-pane)))
+               (setf (overlay-pane overlayer) nil ; To clear the parent/child relationship
+                     (overlay-pane overlayer)
+                     (prog1 overlay
+                       (scrolling (:scroll-bars scroll-bars) ; Now re-add with scroll-bars.
+                         overlay-tree)))
+               ;; The overlayer has default space requirements now,
+               ;; make it reevaluate its life.
+               (change-space-requirements overlayer)))))
+    (multiple-value-bind (object event)
+        (with-typeout (menu :erase t :window associated-window)
+          (when text-style
+            (setf (medium-text-style menu) text-style))
+          (letf (((stream-default-view menu) +textual-menu-view+))
+            (menu-choose-from-drawer menu (or presentation-type 'typeout-menu-item)
+                                     #'drawer
+                                     :cache cache
+                                     :unique-id unique-id
+                                     :id-test id-test
+                                     :cache-value cache-value
+                                     :cache-test cache-test
+                                     :pointer-documentation pointer-documentation)))
+      (unless (null event)             ; Event is NIL if user aborted.

[6 lines skipped]

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