[climacs-cvs] CVS climacs

thenriksen thenriksen at common-lisp.net
Tue Sep 12 19:49:19 UTC 2006

Update of /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv17172

Modified Files:
	core.lisp file-commands.lisp fundamental-syntax.lisp gui.lisp 
	lisp-syntax-swine.lisp packages.lisp search-commands.lisp 
Log Message:
Try to naively unbreak typeout panes a little more. Also some fixes
related to accepting buffers.

--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/core.lisp	2006/09/08 18:12:03	1.9
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/core.lisp	2006/09/12 19:49:18	1.10
@@ -373,38 +373,43 @@
 			 :value-key #'identity))
 		      :partial-completers '(#\Space)
 		      :allow-any-input t)
-    (cond (success
-	   (values object type))
+    (cond ((and success (plusp (length string)))
+           (if object
+               (values object type)
+               (values string 'string)))
 	  ((and (zerop (length string)) defaultp)
-	    (values default default-type))
-	  (t (values string 'string)))))
+           (values default default-type))
+	  (t
+           (values string 'string)))))
+(defgeneric switch-to-buffer (pane buffer))
+(defmethod switch-to-buffer ((pane extended-pane) (buffer climacs-buffer))
+  (with-accessors ((buffers buffers)) *application-frame*
+   (let* ((position (position buffer buffers))
+          (pane (current-window)))
+     (when position
+       (setf buffers (delete buffer buffers)))
+     (push buffer buffers)
+     (setf (offset (point (buffer pane))) (offset (point pane)))
+     (setf (buffer pane) buffer)
+     (full-redisplay pane)
+     buffer)))
+(defmethod switch-to-buffer ((pane typeout-pane) (buffer climacs-buffer))
+  (let ((usable-pane (or (find-if #'(lambda (pane)
+                                      (typep pane 'extended-pane))
+                                  (windows *application-frame*))
+                         (split-window t))))
+    (switch-to-buffer usable-pane buffer)))
-(defgeneric switch-to-buffer (buffer))
-(defmethod switch-to-buffer ((buffer climacs-buffer))
-  (let* ((buffers (buffers *application-frame*))
-	 (position (position buffer buffers))
-	 (pane (current-window)))
-    (when position
-      (setf buffers (delete buffer buffers)))
-    (push buffer (buffers *application-frame*))
-    (setf (offset (point (buffer pane))) (offset (point pane)))
-    (setf (buffer pane) buffer)
-    (full-redisplay pane)
-    buffer))
-(defmethod switch-to-buffer ((name string))
+(defmethod switch-to-buffer (pane (name string))
   (let ((buffer (find name (buffers *application-frame*)
 		      :key #'name :test #'string=)))
-    (switch-to-buffer (or buffer
+    (switch-to-buffer pane
+                      (or buffer
 			  (make-new-buffer :name name)))))
-(defmethod switch-to-buffer ((symbol (eql 'nil)))  
-  (let ((default (second (buffers *application-frame*))))
-    (when default
-      (switch-to-buffer default))))
 ;; ;;; FIXME: see the comment by (SETF SYNTAX) :AROUND.  -- CSR,
 ;; ;;; 2005-10-31.
 ;; (defmethod (setf buffer) :around (buffer (pane extended-pane))
--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/file-commands.lisp	2006/08/20 13:06:39	1.24
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/file-commands.lisp	2006/09/12 19:49:18	1.25
@@ -224,27 +224,22 @@
 ;;; Buffer commands
-(define-command (com-switch-to-buffer :name t :command-table pane-table) ()
+(define-command (com-switch-to-buffer :name t :command-table pane-table)
+    ((buffer 'buffer :default (or (second (buffers *application-frame*))
+                                  (any-buffer))))
   "Prompt for a buffer name and switch to that buffer.
-If the a buffer with that name does not exist, create it. Uses the name of the next buffer (if any) as a default."
-  (let* ((default (second (buffers *application-frame*)))
-	 (buffer (if default
-		     (accept 'buffer
-			     :prompt "Switch to buffer"
-			     :default default)
-		     (accept 'buffer
-			     :prompt "Switch to buffer"))))
-    (switch-to-buffer buffer)))
+If the a buffer with that name does not exist, create it. Uses
+the name of the next buffer (if any) as a default."
+  (switch-to-buffer (current-window) buffer))
-(set-key 'com-switch-to-buffer
+(set-key `(com-switch-to-buffer ,*unsupplied-argument-marker*)
 	 '((#\x :control) (#\b)))
 (define-command (com-kill-buffer :name t :command-table pane-table)
     ((buffer 'buffer
              :prompt "Kill buffer"
-             :default (buffer (current-window))
-             :default-type 'buffer))
+             :default (buffer (current-window))))
   "Prompt for a buffer name and kill that buffer.
 If the buffer needs saving, will prompt you to do so before killing it. Uses the current buffer as a default."
   (kill-buffer buffer))
@@ -253,22 +248,22 @@
 	 '((#\x :control) (#\k)))
-(define-command (com-toggle-read-only :name t :command-table base-table)
+(define-command (com-toggle-read-only :name t :command-table buffer-table)
     ((buffer 'buffer :default (current-buffer *application-frame*)))
   (setf (read-only-p buffer) (not (read-only-p buffer))))
 (define-presentation-to-command-translator toggle-read-only
-    (read-only com-toggle-read-only base-table
+    (read-only com-toggle-read-only buffer-table
                :gesture :menu)
   (list object))
-(define-command (com-toggle-modified :name t :command-table base-table)
+(define-command (com-toggle-modified :name t :command-table buffer-table)
     ((buffer 'buffer :default (current-buffer *application-frame*)))
   (setf (needs-saving buffer) (not (needs-saving buffer))))
 (define-presentation-to-command-translator toggle-modified
-    (modified com-toggle-modified base-table
+    (modified com-toggle-modified buffer-table
               :gesture :menu)
   (list object))
\ No newline at end of file
--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/fundamental-syntax.lisp	2006/09/11 20:13:32	1.6
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/fundamental-syntax.lisp	2006/09/12 19:49:18	1.7
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
   (let ((point (point pane)))
     (multiple-value-bind (cursor-x cursor-y line-height)
 	(offset-to-screen-position (offset point) pane)
-      (updating-output (pane :unique-id -1 :cache-value (offset point))
+      (updating-output (pane :unique-id -1 :cache-value (cons (offset point) current-p))
 	(draw-rectangle* pane
 			 (1- cursor-x) cursor-y
 			 (+ cursor-x 2) (+ cursor-y line-height)
--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/gui.lisp	2006/09/06 20:07:21	1.230
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/gui.lisp	2006/09/12 19:49:18	1.231
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@
 (defclass typeout-pane (application-pane esa-pane-mixin)
+(defmethod full-redisplay ((pane typeout-pane)))
 (defgeneric buffer-pane-p (pane)
   (:documentation "Returns T when a pane contains a buffer."))
@@ -119,6 +121,17 @@
 (make-command-table 'climacs-help-table :inherit-from '(help-table)
                     :errorp nil)
+;; We have a special command table for typeout panes because we want
+;; to keep being able to do window, buffer, etc, management, but we do
+;; not want any actual editing commands.
+(make-command-table 'typeout-pane-table
+                    :errorp nil
+                    :inherit-from '(global-esa-table
+                                    base-table
+                                    pane-table
+                                    window-table
+                                    development-table
+                                    climacs-help-table))
 (defvar *bg-color* +white+)
 (defvar *fg-color* +black+)
@@ -212,6 +225,10 @@
   "Return the current buffer."
   (buffer (car (windows application-frame))))
+(defun any-buffer ()
+  "Return some buffer, any buffer, as long as it is a buffer!"
+  (first (buffers *application-frame*)))
 (define-presentation-type read-only ())
 (define-presentation-method highlight-presentation 
     ((type read-only) record stream state)
@@ -322,15 +339,16 @@
                (setf (needs-saving buffer) t)))))
 (defmethod find-applicable-command-table ((frame climacs))
-  (or
-   (let ((syntax (and (buffer-pane-p (current-window))
-		      (syntax (buffer (current-window))))))
-      (and syntax
-	   (slot-exists-p syntax 'command-table)
-	   (slot-boundp syntax 'command-table)
-	   (slot-value syntax 'command-table)
-	   (find-command-table (slot-value syntax 'command-table))))
-   (find-command-table 'global-climacs-table)))
+  (cond ((typep (current-window) 'typeout-pane)
+         (find-command-table 'typeout-pane-table))
+        ((buffer-pane-p (current-window))
+         (or (let ((syntax (syntax (buffer (current-window)))))
+               ;; Why all this absurd checking? Smells fishy.
+               (and (slot-exists-p syntax 'command-table)
+                    (slot-boundp syntax 'command-table)
+                    (slot-value syntax 'command-table)
+                    (find-command-table (slot-value syntax 'command-table))))
+             (find-command-table 'global-climacs-table)))))
 (define-command (com-full-redisplay :name t :command-table base-table) ()
   "Redisplay the contents of the current window.
@@ -431,16 +449,27 @@
 		       :width 900))))
     (values vbox extended-pane)))
+(defgeneric setup-split-pane (orig-pane new-pane)
+  (:documentation "Perform split-setup operations `new-pane',
+  which is supposed to be a pane that has been freshly split from
+  `orig-pane'."))
+(defmethod setup-split-pane ((orig-pane extended-pane) (new-pane extended-pane))
+  (setf (offset (point (buffer orig-pane))) (offset (point orig-pane))
+        (buffer new-pane) (buffer orig-pane)
+        (auto-fill-mode new-pane) (auto-fill-mode orig-pane)
+        (auto-fill-column new-pane) (auto-fill-column orig-pane)))
+(defmethod setup-split-pane ((orig-pane typeout-pane) (new-pane extended-pane))
+  (setf (buffer new-pane) (any-buffer)))
 (defun split-window (&optional (vertically-p nil) (pane (current-window)))
       ((frame-manager *application-frame*) *application-frame*)
     (multiple-value-bind (vbox new-pane) (make-pane-constellation)
       (let* ((current-window pane)
 	     (constellation-root (find-parent current-window)))
-        (setf (offset (point (buffer current-window))) (offset (point current-window))
-	      (buffer new-pane) (buffer current-window)
-              (auto-fill-mode new-pane) (auto-fill-mode current-window)
-              (auto-fill-column new-pane) (auto-fill-column current-window))
+        (setup-split-pane current-window new-pane)
 	(push new-pane (windows *application-frame*))
 	(setf *standard-output* new-pane)
 	(replace-constellation constellation-root vbox vertically-p)
@@ -510,11 +539,7 @@
       (setf (windows *application-frame*)
             (append (cdr (windows *application-frame*))
                     (list (car (windows *application-frame*))))))
-  ;; Try to avoid setting the point in a typeout pane. FIXME: This is a kludge.
-  (if (and (subtypep 'typeout-pane (type-of (car (windows *application-frame*))))
-           (> (length (windows *application-frame*)) 1))
-      (other-window)
-      (setf *standard-output* (car (windows *application-frame*)))))
+  (setf *standard-output* (car (windows *application-frame*))))
 ;;; For the ESA help functions.
--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/lisp-syntax-swine.lisp	2006/09/12 17:24:56	1.7
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/lisp-syntax-swine.lisp	2006/09/12 19:49:18	1.8
@@ -1013,7 +1013,7 @@
       (esa:display-message "No buffer ~A" (buffer-name location))
       (return-from goto-location))
-    (switch-to-buffer buffer)
+    (switch-to-buffer (current-window) buffer)
     (goto-position (point (current-window))
                    (char-position (source-position location)))))
--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/packages.lisp	2006/09/11 20:13:32	1.118
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/packages.lisp	2006/09/12 19:49:18	1.119
@@ -344,6 +344,7 @@
+             #:any-buffer
--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/search-commands.lisp	2006/09/06 20:07:21	1.14
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/search-commands.lisp	2006/09/12 19:49:18	1.15
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@
                    (buffers buffers)
                    (mark mark)) state
     (flet ((head-to-buffer (buffer)
-             (switch-to-buffer buffer)
+             (switch-to-buffer (current-window) buffer)
              (setf mark (point (current-window)))
              (beginning-of-buffer mark)))
       (unless (eq (current-buffer) (first buffers))

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