[climacs-cvs] CVS climacs

thenriksen thenriksen at common-lisp.net
Mon Sep 4 09:00:31 UTC 2006

Update of /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv26441

Modified Files:
	packages.lisp misc-commands.lisp 
Added Files:
Log Message:
Added GNU Emacs-style rectangle editing.

--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/packages.lisp	2006/09/04 07:05:21	1.115
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/packages.lisp	2006/09/04 09:00:30	1.116
@@ -420,7 +420,17 @@
-           #:make-buffer-from-stream)
+           #:make-buffer-from-stream
+           #:*killed-rectangle*
+           #:map-rectangle-lines
+           #:extract-and-delete-rectangle-line
+           #:insert-rectangle-at-mark
+           #:clear-rectangle-line
+           #:open-rectangle-line
+           #:replace-rectangle-line
+           #:insert-in-rectangle-line
+           #:delete-rectangle-line-whitespace)
   (:documentation "Package for editor functionality that is
   syntax-aware, but yet not specific to certain
   syntaxes. Contains stuff like indentation, filling and other
--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/misc-commands.lisp	2006/09/02 10:17:52	1.23
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/misc-commands.lisp	2006/09/04 09:00:30	1.24
@@ -755,3 +755,108 @@
 (define-command (com-visible-region :name t :command-table marking-table) ()
   "Toggle the visibility of the region in the current pane."
   (setf (region-visible-p (current-window)) (not (region-visible-p (current-window)))))
+(define-command (com-kill-rectangle :name t :command-table deletion-table)
+    ()
+  "Kill the rectangle bounded by current point and mark.   
+The rectangle will be put in a rectangle kill buffer, from which it can
+later be yanked with Yank Rectangle. This kill buffer is completely
+disjunct from the standard kill ring and can only hold a single rectangle at a time."
+  (setf *killed-rectangle*
+        (map-rectangle-lines (current-buffer)
+                             #'extract-and-delete-rectangle-line
+                             (current-point)
+                             (current-mark))))
+(set-key 'com-kill-rectangle
+         'deletion-table
+         '((#\x :control) (#\r) (#\k)))
+(define-command (com-delete-rectangle :name t :command-table deletion-table)
+    ()
+  "Delete the rectangle bounded by current point and mark.
+The rectangle will be deleted and NOT put in the kill buffer."
+  (map-rectangle-lines (current-buffer)
+                       #'extract-and-delete-rectangle-line
+                       (current-point)
+                       (current-mark)))
+(set-key 'com-delete-rectangle
+         'deletion-table
+         '((#\x :control) (#\r) (#\d)))
+(define-command (com-yank-rectangle :name t :command-table editing-table)
+    ()
+  "Insert the rectangle from the rectangle kill buffer at mark.  
+The rectangle kill buffer will not be emptied, so it is possible to yank
+the same rectangle several times."
+  (insert-rectangle-at-mark (current-buffer)
+                            (current-point)
+                            *killed-rectangle*))
+(set-key 'com-yank-rectangle
+         'editing-table
+         '((#\x :control) (#\r) (#\y)))
+(define-command (com-clear-rectangle :name t :command-table deletion-table)
+    ()
+  "Clear the rectangle bounded by current point and mark by filling it with spaces."
+  (map-rectangle-lines (current-buffer)
+                       #'clear-rectangle-line
+                       (current-point)
+                       (current-mark)))
+(set-key 'com-clear-rectangle
+         'editing-table
+         '((#\x :control) (#\r) (#\c)))
+(define-command (com-open-rectangle :name t :command-table editing-table)
+    ()
+  "Open the rectangle bounded by current point and mark.  
+The rectangle will not be deleted, but instead pushed to the right, with
+the area previously inhabited by it filled with spaces."
+  (map-rectangle-lines (current-buffer)
+                       #'open-rectangle-line
+                       (current-point)
+                       (current-mark)))
+(set-key 'com-open-rectangle
+         'editing-table
+         '((#\x :control) (#\r) (#\o)))
+(define-command (com-string-rectangle :name t :command-table editing-table)
+    ((string 'string :prompt "String rectangle"))
+  "Replace each line of the rectangle bounded by current point of mark with `string'.
+The length of the string need not be equal to the width of the rectangle."
+  (map-rectangle-lines (current-buffer)
+                       #'(lambda (mark startcol endcol)
+                           (replace-rectangle-line mark startcol endcol string))
+                       (current-point)
+                       (current-mark)))
+(set-key 'com-string-rectangle
+         'editing-table
+         '((#\x :control) (#\r) (#\t)))
+(define-command (com-string-insert-rectangle :name t :command-table editing-table)
+    ((string 'string :prompt "String rectangle"))
+  "Insert `string' in each line of the rectangle bounded by current point of mark.
+Text in the rectangle will be shifted right."
+  (map-rectangle-lines (current-buffer)
+                       #'(lambda (mark startcol endcol)
+                           (insert-in-rectangle-line mark startcol endcol string))
+                       (current-point)
+                       (current-mark)))
+(define-command (com-delete-whitespace-rectangle :name t :command-table editing-table)
+    ()
+  (map-rectangle-lines (current-buffer)
+                       #'delete-rectangle-line-whitespace
+                       (current-point)
+                       (current-mark)))

--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/rectangle.lisp	2006/09/04 09:00:31	NONE
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/rectangle.lisp	2006/09/04 09:00:31	1.1
;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: CLIMACS-CORE -*-

;;;  (c) copyright 2006 by
;;;           Troels Henriksen (athas at sigkill.dk)

;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
;;; version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; Library General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the
;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
;;; Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.

;;; Implementation of rectangle editing.

(in-package :climacs-core)

(defvar *killed-rectangle* nil
  "The killed rectangle as a list of lines.")

(defun map-rectangle-lines (buffer function start end)
  "Map over lines in rectangle, calling `function' for each line.

The rectangle is defined by the marks `start' and `end'. For each
line, `function' will be called with arguments of a mark situated at
the beginning of the line, the starting column of the rectangle and
the ending column of the rectangle. This function returns a list of
the return values of `function'."
  (let ((startcol (column-number start))
        (endcol (column-number end))
        (mark (clone-mark (point buffer))))
    (when (> startcol endcol)
      (rotatef startcol endcol))
    (when (mark> start end)
      (rotatef start end))
    (setf (offset mark) (offset start))
    (loop do (beginning-of-line mark)
          until (mark> mark end)
          collect (funcall function (clone-mark mark) startcol endcol)
          until (not (forward-line mark (syntax buffer) 1 nil)))))

(defmacro with-bounding-marks (((start-mark end-mark) mark startcol endcol
                                &key force-start force-end) &body body)
  "Evaluate `body' with `start-mark' and `end-mark' bound to marks
delimiting the rectangle area. The rectangle area is defined as the
part of the line that `mark' is situated in, that lies between the
columns `startcol' and `endcol'. If `force-start' or `force-end' is
non-NIL, the line will be padded with space characters in order to put
`start-mark' or `end-mark' at their specified columns respectively."
  (let ((mark-val-sym (gensym))
        (startcol-val-sym (gensym))
        (endcol-val-sym (gensym)))
      (let ((,mark-val-sym ,mark)
            (,startcol-val-sym ,startcol)
            (,endcol-val-sym ,endcol))
       (move-to-column ,mark-val-sym ,startcol-val-sym ,force-start)
       (let ((,start-mark (clone-mark ,mark-val-sym)))
        (let ((,end-mark (clone-mark ,mark-val-sym)))
         (move-to-column ,end-mark ,endcol-val-sym ,force-end)
         , at body))))))

(defun extract-and-delete-rectangle-line (mark startcol endcol)
  "For the line that `mark' is in, delete and return the string
between column `startcol' and `endcol'. If the string to be returned
is not as wide as the rectangle, it will be right-padded with space
  (with-bounding-marks ((start-mark end-mark) mark startcol endcol)
    (let ((str (concatenate 'string (buffer-substring (buffer mark)
                                                      (offset start-mark)
                                                      (offset end-mark))
                            (make-string (- endcol (column-number end-mark)) :initial-element #\Space))))
      (delete-range start-mark (- (offset end-mark) (offset start-mark)))

(defun delete-rectangle-line (mark startcol endcol)
  "For the line that `mark' is in, delete the string
between column `startcol' and `endcol'."
  (with-bounding-marks ((start-mark end-mark) mark startcol endcol)
    (delete-range start-mark (- (offset end-mark) (offset start-mark)))))

(defun open-rectangle-line (mark startcol endcol)
  "For the line that `mark' is in, move the string between column
`startcol' and `endcol' to the right, replacing the area previously
inhabited by it with space characters."
  (with-bounding-marks ((start-mark end-mark) mark startcol endcol)
    (unless (mark= start-mark end-mark)
      (insert-sequence start-mark (make-string (- endcol startcol) :initial-element #\Space)))))

(defun clear-rectangle-line (mark startcol endcol)
  "For the line that `mark' is in, replace the string between column
`startcol' and `endcol' with space characters."
  (with-bounding-marks ((start-mark end-mark) mark startcol endcol)
    (let ((size (- (offset end-mark) (offset start-mark))))
      (delete-range start-mark size)
      (insert-sequence start-mark (make-string size :initial-element #\Space)))))

(defun delete-rectangle-line-whitespace (mark startcol endcol)
  "For the line that `mark' is in, delete all whitespace characters
from `startcol' up to the first non-whitespace character."
  (with-bounding-marks ((start-mark end-mark) mark startcol endcol)
    (let ((target-mark (clone-mark start-mark)))
      (re-search-forward target-mark "[^ ]")
      (when (= (line-number start-mark) (line-number target-mark))
        (delete-range start-mark (- (offset target-mark) (offset start-mark) 1))))))

(defun replace-rectangle-line (mark startcol endcol string)
  "For the line that `mark' is in, replace the string between column
`startcol' and `endcol' with `string'."
  (with-bounding-marks ((start-mark end-mark) mark startcol endcol :force-start t)
    (delete-range start-mark (- (offset end-mark) (offset start-mark)))
    (insert-sequence start-mark string)))

(defun insert-in-rectangle-line (mark startcol endcol string)
    "For the line that `mark' is in, move the string between column
`startcol' and `endcol' to the right, replacing the area previously
inhabited by it with the contents of `string'."
  (with-bounding-marks ((start-mark end-mark) mark startcol endcol :force-start t)
    (insert-sequence start-mark string)))

(defun insert-rectangle-at-mark (buffer mark rectangle)
  "Yank the killed rectangle, positioning the upper left corner at
current point."
  (let ((insert-column (column-number mark)))
    (dolist (line rectangle) 
      (move-to-column mark insert-column t)
      (insert-sequence mark line)
      (unless (forward-line mark (syntax buffer) 1 nil)
        (open-line mark)
        (forward-object mark)))))

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