[climacs-cvs] CVS esa

dmurray dmurray at common-lisp.net
Sat May 13 16:48:04 UTC 2006

Update of /project/climacs/cvsroot/esa
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv15009

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Moved more help functionality into base ESA. There is now
a gf HELP-STREAM FRAME TITLE that provides the stream for the
help commands to operate on. The basic method provides a separate
output window. (Climacs provides a typeout pane.)

ESA help commands now comprise:
 Describe Key Briefly C-h c
 Where Is C-h w
 Describe Bindings C-h b
 Describe Key C-h k
 Describe Command C-h f
 Apropos Command C-h a

Command docstrings should consist of a first line with a short
description, followed by paragraphs separated by a double #\Newline.
(There is no need to put a second #\Newline between the first line
and the rest of the docstring. The rest of the docstring will be
wrapped to the [initial] width of the help stream.)

Much of this was just moving Mr Henriksen's code to ESA.

--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/esa/esa.lisp	2006/05/12 18:51:54	1.18
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/esa/esa.lisp	2006/05/13 16:48:04	1.19
@@ -643,7 +643,7 @@
 (define-command-table global-esa-table)
 (define-command (com-quit :name t :command-table global-esa-table) ()
-  "Exit Climacs.
+  "Exit.
 First ask if modified buffers should be saved. If you decide not to save a modified buffer, you will be asked to confirm your decision to exit."
   (frame-exit *application-frame*))
@@ -673,6 +673,16 @@
 ;;; Help
+(defgeneric help-stream (frame title))
+(defmethod help-stream (frame title)
+  (open-window-stream
+   :label title
+   :input-buffer (#+mcclim climi::frame-event-queue
+			   #-mcclim silica:frame-input-buffer
+			   *application-frame*)
+   :width 400))
 (defun read-gestures-for-help (command-table)
   (loop for gestures = (list (esa-read-gesture))
 	  then (nconc gestures (list (esa-read-gesture)))
@@ -786,6 +796,16 @@
       (helper start-table))
+(defun find-all-commands-and-keystrokes-with-inheritance (start-table)
+  (let ((results '()))
+    (map-over-command-table-commands
+     (lambda (command)
+       (let ((keys (find-keystrokes-for-command-with-inheritance command start-table)))
+	 (push (cons command keys) results)))
+     start-table
+     :inherited t)
+    results))
 (defun sort-by-name (list)
   (sort list #'string< :key (lambda (item) 
                               (symbol-name (if (listp (cdr item)) 
@@ -831,31 +851,56 @@
 (defun print-docstring-for-command (command-name command-table &optional (stream *standard-output*))
   "Print documentation for `command-name', which should 
-   be a symbol bound to a function, to `stream. If no 
+   be a symbol bound to a function, to `stream'. If no 
    documentation can be found, this fact will be printed to the stream."
   (declare (ignore command-table))
   ;; This needs more regex magic. Also, it is only an interim
   ;; solution.
   (with-text-style (stream '(:sans-serif nil nil))
-    (let ((command-documentation (or (documentation command-name 'function)
-                                     "This command is not documented.")))
-      ;; Remove single linebreaks but preserve double linebreaks.
-      (loop for char across command-documentation
-         with newline = nil
-         do
-         (if (char-equal char #\Newline)
-             (if newline
-                 (progn
-                   (terpri stream)
-                   (terpri stream)
-                   (setf newline nil))
-                 (setf newline t))
-             (progn
-               (when newline
-                 (princ #\Space stream)
-                 (setf newline nil))
-               (princ char stream)))))))
+    (let* ((command-documentation (or (documentation command-name 'function)
+                                     "This command is not documented."))
+	   (first-newline (position #\Newline command-documentation))
+	   (first-line (subseq command-documentation 0 first-newline)))
+      ;; First line is special
+      (format stream "~A~%" first-line)
+      (when first-newline
+	(let* ((rest (subseq command-documentation first-newline))
+	       (paras (delete ""
+			      (loop for start = 0 then (+ 2 end)
+				    for end = (search '(#\Newline #\Newline) rest :start2 start)
+				    collecting
+				    (nsubstitute #\Space #\Newline (subseq rest start end))
+				    while end)
+			      :test #'string=)))
+	  (dolist (para paras)
+	    (terpri stream)
+	    (let ((words (loop with length = (length para)
+			       with index = 0
+			       with start = 0
+			       while (< index length)
+			       do (loop until (>= index length)
+					while (member (char para index) '(#\Space #\Tab))
+					do (incf index))
+				  (setf start index)
+				  (loop until (>= index length)
+					until (member (char para index) '(#\Space #\Tab))
+					do (incf index))
+			       until (= start index)
+			       collecting (string-trim '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline)
+							(subseq para start index)))))
+	      (loop with margin = (stream-text-margin stream)
+		    with space-width = (stream-character-width stream #\Space)
+		    with current-width = 0
+		    for word in words
+		    for word-width = (stream-string-width stream word)
+		    when (> (+ word-width current-width)
+				   margin)
+		      do (terpri stream)
+			 (setf current-width 0)
+		    do (princ word stream)
+		       (princ #\Space stream)
+		       (incf current-width (+ word-width space-width))))
+	    (terpri stream)))))))
 (defun describe-command-binding-to-stream (gesture command &key 
                                            (command-table (find-applicable-command-table *application-frame*))
@@ -872,27 +917,34 @@
     (with-text-style (stream '(:sans-serif nil nil))
       (princ "The gesture " stream)
-      (with-text-style (stream '(:fix nil nil))
+      (with-drawing-options (stream :ink +dark-blue+
+				    :text-style '(:fix nil nil))
         (princ gesture stream))
       (princ " is bound to the command " stream)
       (if (command-present-in-command-table-p command-name real-command-table)
-          (present command-name `(command-name :command-table ,command-table) :stream stream)
+          (with-text-style (stream '(nil :bold nil))
+	    (present command-name `(command-name :command-table ,command-table) :stream stream))
           (present command-name 'symbol :stream stream))
       (princ " in " stream)
       (present real-command-table 'command-table :stream stream)
       (format stream ".~%")
       (when command-args
-        (apply #'format stream "This binding invokes the command with the arguments ~@{~A~^, ~}.~%" command-args))
+        (apply #'format stream
+	       "This binding invokes the command with the arguments ~@{~A~^, ~}.~%"
+	       command-args))
       (terpri stream)
-      (print-docstring-for-command command-name command-table stream))))
+      (print-docstring-for-command command-name command-table stream)
+      (scroll-extent stream 0 0))))
-(defun describe-command-to-stream (command-name &key 
-                                   (command-table (esa:find-applicable-command-table *application-frame*))
-                                   (stream *standard-output*))
+(defun describe-command-to-stream
+    (command-name &key 
+     (command-table (find-applicable-command-table *application-frame*))
+     (stream *standard-output*))
   "Describe `command' to `stream'."
   (let ((keystrokes (find-keystrokes-for-command-with-inheritance command-name command-table)))
     (with-text-style (stream '(:sans-serif nil nil))
-      (present command-name `(command-name :command-table ,command-table) :stream stream)
+      (with-text-style (stream '(nil :bold nil))
+	(present command-name `(command-name :command-table ,command-table) :stream stream))
       (princ " calls the function " stream)
       (present command-name 'symbol :stream stream)
       (princ " and is accessible in " stream)
@@ -905,14 +957,16 @@
       (when (plusp (length keystrokes))
         (princ "It is bound to " stream)
         (loop for gestures-list on (first keystrokes)
-           do (with-text-style (stream '(:fix nil nil))
+           do (with-drawing-options (stream :ink +dark-blue+
+					    :text-style '(:fix nil nil))
                 (format stream "~{~A~^ ~}"
                         (mapcar #'gesture-name (reverse (first gestures-list)))))
            when (not (null (rest gestures-list)))
            do (princ ", " stream))
         (terpri stream))
       (terpri stream)
-      (print-docstring-for-command command-name command-table stream))))
+      (print-docstring-for-command command-name command-table stream)
+      (scroll-extent stream 0 0))))
 ;;; help commands
@@ -950,16 +1004,10 @@
 (define-command (com-describe-bindings :name t :command-table help-table)
     ((sort-by-keystrokes 'boolean :prompt "Sort by keystrokes?"))
-  "Pop up a help window showing which keys invoke which commands.
+  "Show which keys invoke which commands.
 Without a numeric prefix, sorts the list by command name. With a numeric prefix, sorts by key."
-  (let* ((window (car (windows *application-frame*))) 
-	 (stream (open-window-stream
-		  :label (format nil "Help: Describe Bindings")
-		  :input-buffer (#+mcclim climi::frame-event-queue
-				 #-mcclim silica:frame-input-buffer
-				 *application-frame*)
-		  :width 400))
-	 (command-table (command-table window)))
+  (let ((stream (help-stream *application-frame* (format nil "Help: Describe Bindings")))
+	 (command-table (find-applicable-command-table *application-frame*)))
     (describe-bindings stream command-table
 		       (if sort-by-keystrokes
@@ -967,6 +1015,117 @@
 (set-key `(com-describe-bindings ,*numeric-argument-p*) 'help-table '((#\h :control) (#\b)))
+(define-command (com-describe-key :name t :command-table help-table)
+    ()
+  "Display documentation for the command invoked by a given gesture sequence. 
+When invoked, this command will wait for user input. If the user inputs a gesture 
+sequence bound to a command available in the syntax of the current buffer,
+documentation and other details will be displayed in a typeout pane."
+  (let ((command-table (find-applicable-command-table *application-frame*)))
+    (display-message "Describe Key:")
+    (redisplay-frame-panes *application-frame*)
+    (multiple-value-bind (command gestures)
+        (read-gestures-for-help command-table)
+      (let ((gesture-name (format nil "~{~A~#[~; ~; ~]~}"
+                                  (mapcar #'gesture-name gestures))))
+        (if command
+            (let ((out-stream
+		   (help-stream *application-frame*
+				(format nil "~10THelp: Describe Key for ~A" gesture-name))))
+              (describe-command-binding-to-stream gesture-name command
+                                                  :command-table command-table
+                                                  :stream out-stream))
+            (display-message "Unbound gesture: ~A" gesture-name))))))
+(set-key 'com-describe-key
+         'help-table
+         '((#\h :control) (#\k)))
+(define-command (com-describe-command :name t :command-table help-table)
+    ((command 'command-name :prompt "Describe command"))
+  "Display documentation for the given command."
+  (let* ((command-table (find-applicable-command-table *application-frame*))
+	 (out-stream (help-stream *application-frame*
+				  (format nil "~10THelp: Describe Command for ~A"
+					  (command-line-name-for-command command
+									 command-table
+									 :errorp nil)))))
+    (describe-command-to-stream command
+                                :command-table command-table
+                                :stream out-stream)))
+(set-key `(com-describe-command ,*unsupplied-argument-marker*)
+         'help-table
+         '((#\h :control) (#\f)))
+(define-presentation-to-command-translator describe-command
+    (command-name com-describe-command help-table
+                  :gesture :select
+                  :documentation "Describe command")
+    (object)
+    (list object))
+(define-command (com-apropos-command :name t :command-table help-table)
+    ((words '(sequence string) :prompt "Search word(s)"))
+  "Shows commands with documentation matching the search words.
+Words are comma delimited. When more than two words are given, the documentation must match any two."
+  ;; 23.8.6 "It is unspecified whether accept returns a list or a vector."
+  (setf words (coerce words 'list))
+  (when words
+    (let* ((command-table (find-applicable-command-table *application-frame*))
+	   (results (loop for (function . keys)
+			  in (find-all-commands-and-keystrokes-with-inheritance
+				  command-table)
+			  when (consp function)
+			    do (setq function (car function))
+			  when (let ((documentation (or (documentation function 'function) ""))
+				     (score 0))
+				 (cond
+				   ((> (length words) 1)
+				    (loop for word in words
+					  until (> score 1)
+					  when (or
+						 (search word (symbol-name function)
+						       :test #'char-equal)
+						 (search word documentation :test #'char-equal))
+					    do (incf score)
+					  finally (return (> score 1))))
+				   (t (or
+				       (search (first words) (symbol-name function)
+					       :test #'char-equal)
+				       (search (first words) documentation :test #'char-equal)))))
+			    collect (cons function keys))))
+      (if (null results)
+	  (display-message "No results for ~{~A~^, ~}" words)
+	  (let ((out-stream (help-stream *application-frame*
+					 (format nil "~10THelp: Apropos ~{~A~^, ~}"
+						 words))))
+	    (loop for (command . keys) in results
+		  for documentation = (or (documentation command 'function)
+					  "Not documented.")
+		  do (with-text-style (out-stream '(:sans-serif :bold nil))
+		       (present command
+				`(command-name :command-table ,command-table)
+				:stream out-stream))
+		     (with-drawing-options (out-stream :ink +dark-blue+
+						       :text-style '(:fix nil nil))
+		       (format out-stream "~30T~:[M-x ... RETURN~;~:*~{~A~^, ~}~]"
+			       (mapcar (lambda (keystrokes)
+					 (format nil "~{~A~^ ~}"
+						 (mapcar #'gesture-name (reverse keystrokes))))
+				       (car keys))))
+		     (with-text-style (out-stream '(:sans-serif nil nil))
+		       (format out-stream "~&~2T~A~%"
+			       (subseq documentation 0 (position #\Newline documentation))))
+		  count command into length
+		  finally (change-space-requirements out-stream
+				 :height (* length (stream-line-height out-stream)))
+			  (scroll-extent out-stream 0 0)))))))
+(set-key `(com-apropos-command ,*unsupplied-argument-marker*)
+	 'help-table
+	 '((#\h :control) (#\a)))
 ;;; Keyboard macros

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