[climacs-cvs] CVS climacs
dmurray at common-lisp.net
Fri May 12 16:52:33 UTC 2006
Update of /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv6788
Modified Files:
Log Message:
New commands: Multiple Query Replace, Query Exchange, and
Multiple Query Replace From Buffer.
--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/search-commands.lisp 2005/11/12 09:38:32 1.1
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/search-commands.lisp 2006/05/12 16:52:33 1.2
@@ -194,12 +194,12 @@
(string2 (handler-case
(if old-string2
(accept 'string
- :prompt (format nil "Query Replace ~A with"
+ :prompt (format nil "Replace ~A with"
:default old-string2
:default-type 'string)
(accept 'string
- :prompt (format nil "Query Replace ~A with" string1)))
+ :prompt (format nil "Replace ~A with" string1)))
(error () (progn (beep)
(display-message "Empty string")
(return-from com-query-replace nil)))))
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
:string1 string1
:string2 string2)
(query-replace-mode pane) t)
- (display-message "Query Replace ~A with ~A:"
+ (display-message "Replace ~A with ~A:"
string1 string2)
(simple-command-loop 'query-replace-climacs-table
(query-replace-mode pane)
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
(:capitalized (capitalize-buffer-region buffer offset1 offset2)))))
(incf occurrences)
(if (query-replace-find-next-match point string1)
- (display-message "Query Replace ~A with ~A:"
+ (display-message "Replace ~A with ~A:"
string1 string2)
(setf (query-replace-mode pane) nil))))
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
(let* ((pane (current-window))
(point (point pane)))
(if (query-replace-find-next-match point string1)
- (display-message "Query Replace ~A with ~A:"
+ (display-message "Replace ~A with ~A:"
string1 string2)
(setf (query-replace-mode pane) nil))))
@@ -287,3 +287,163 @@
'(:newline :return))))
(re-search-backward (point (current-window)) string)))
+;;; Multiple query replace
+(make-command-table 'multiple-query-replace-climacs-table :errorp nil)
+(defun multiple-query-replace-find-next-match (mark re list)
+ (multiple-value-bind (foundp start)
+ (re-search-forward mark re)
+ (when foundp
+ (loop with buffer = (buffer mark)
+ for string in list
+ when (buffer-looking-at buffer start string)
+ do (return string)))))
+(define-command (com-multiple-query-replace :name t :command-table search-table) ()
+ "Prompts for pairs of strings, replacing the first with the second.
+Entering an empty search string stops the prompting."
+ (let ((strings
+ (loop for string1 = (accept 'string :prompt "Multiple Query Replace")
+ until (string= string1 "")
+ for string2
+ = (accept 'string
+ :prompt (format nil
+ "Replace ~A with"
+ string1))
+ collecting (cons string1 string2))))
+ (multiple-query-replace strings)))
+(define-command (com-multiple-query-replace-from-buffer :name t :command-table search-table)
+ ((buffer 'buffer :prompt "Buffer with Query Repace strings"))
+ (unless (member buffer (buffers *application-frame*))
+ (beep)
+ (display-message "~A not an existing buffer" (name buffer))
+ (return-from com-multiple-query-replace-from-buffer nil))
+ (let* ((contents (buffer-substring buffer 0 (1- (size buffer))))
+ (strings (loop with length = (length contents)
+ with index = 0
+ with start = 0
+ while (< index length)
+ do (loop until (>= index length)
+ while (whitespacep (char contents index))
+ do (incf index))
+ (setf start index)
+ (loop until (>= index length)
+ until (whitespacep (char contents index))
+ do (incf index))
+ until (= start index)
+ collecting (string-trim '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline)
+ (subseq contents start index)))))
+ (unless (evenp (length strings))
+ (beep)
+ (display-message "Uneven number of strings in ~A" (name buffer))
+ (return-from com-multiple-query-replace-from-buffer nil))
+ (multiple-query-replace (loop for (string1 string2) on strings by #'cddr
+ collect (cons string1 string2)))))
+(define-command (com-query-exchange :name t :command-table search-table) ()
+ "Prompts for two strings to exchange for one another."
+ (let* ((string1 (accept 'string :prompt "Query Exchange"))
+ (string2 (accept 'string :prompt (format nil
+ "Exchange ~A and"
+ string1))))
+ (multiple-query-replace (list (cons string1 string2) (cons string2 string1)))))
+(defun multiple-query-replace (strings)
+ (declare (special strings))
+ (let* ((occurrences 0)
+ (search-strings (mapcar #'car strings))
+ (re (format nil "~{~A~^|~}" search-strings)))
+ (declare (special occurrences re))
+ (when strings
+ (let* ((pane (current-window))
+ (point (point pane))
+ (found (multiple-query-replace-find-next-match point re search-strings)))
+ (when found
+ (setf (query-replace-state pane)
+ (make-instance 'query-replace-state
+ :string1 found
+ :string2 (cdr (assoc found strings :test #'string=)))
+ (query-replace-mode pane)
+ t)
+ (display-message "Replace ~A with ~A: "
+ (string1 (query-replace-state pane))
+ (string2 (query-replace-state pane)))
+ (simple-command-loop 'multiple-query-replace-climacs-table
+ (query-replace-mode pane)
+ ((setf (query-replace-mode pane) nil))))))
+ (display-message "Replaced ~D occurrence~:P" occurrences)))
+(define-command (com-multiple-query-replace-replace
+ :name t
+ :command-table multiple-query-replace-climacs-table)
+ ()
+ (declare (special strings occurrences re))
+ (let* ((pane (current-window))
+ (point (point pane))
+ (buffer (buffer pane))
+ (state (query-replace-state pane))
+ (string1-length (length (string1 state))))
+ (backward-object point string1-length)
+ (let* ((offset1 (offset point))
+ (offset2 (+ offset1 string1-length))
+ (region-case (buffer-region-case buffer offset1 offset2)))
+ (delete-range point string1-length)
+ (insert-sequence point (string2 state))
+ (let ((new-offset2 (+ offset1 (length (string2 state)))))
+ (case region-case
+ (:upper-case (upcase-buffer-region buffer offset1 new-offset2))
+ (:lower-case (downcase-buffer-region buffer offset1 new-offset2))
+ (:capitalized (capitalize-buffer-region buffer offset1 new-offset2)))))
+ (incf occurrences)
+ (let ((found (multiple-query-replace-find-next-match
+ point
+ re
+ (mapcar #'car strings))))
+ (cond ((null found) (setf (query-replace-mode pane) nil))
+ (t (setf (query-replace-state pane)
+ (make-instance 'query-replace-state
+ :string1 found
+ :string2 (cdr (assoc found strings :test #'string=))))
+ (display-message "Replace ~A with ~A: "
+ (string1 (query-replace-state pane))
+ (string2 (query-replace-state pane))))))))
+(define-command (com-multiple-query-replace-skip
+ :name t
+ :command-table multiple-query-replace-climacs-table)
+ ()
+ (declare (special strings re))
+ (let* ((pane (current-window))
+ (point (point pane))
+ (found (multiple-query-replace-find-next-match
+ point
+ re
+ (mapcar #'car strings))))
+ (cond ((null found) (setf (query-replace-mode pane) nil))
+ (t (setf (query-replace-state pane)
+ (make-instance 'query-replace-state
+ :string1 found
+ :string2 (cdr (assoc found strings :test #'string=))))
+ (display-message "Replace ~A with ~A: "
+ (string1 (query-replace-state pane))
+ (string2 (query-replace-state pane)))))))
+(defun multiple-query-replace-set-key (gesture command)
+ (add-command-to-command-table command 'multiple-query-replace-climacs-table
+ :keystroke gesture
+ :errorp nil))
+(multiple-query-replace-set-key '(#\Newline) 'com-query-replace-exit)
+(multiple-query-replace-set-key '(#\Space) 'com-multiple-query-replace-replace)
+(multiple-query-replace-set-key '(#\Backspace) 'com-multiple-query-replace-skip)
+(multiple-query-replace-set-key '(#\Rubout) 'com-multiple-query-replace-skip)
+(multiple-query-replace-set-key '(#\q) 'com-query-replace-exit)
+(multiple-query-replace-set-key '(#\y) 'com-multiple-query-replace-replace)
+(multiple-query-replace-set-key '(#\n) 'com-multiple-query-replace-skip)
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