[climacs-cvs] CVS climacs

thenriksen thenriksen at common-lisp.net
Mon May 1 18:36:41 UTC 2006

Update of /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv18869

Modified Files:
	packages.lisp gui.lisp 
Log Message:
Changed the colors of `climacs-rv' slightly and exported the symbol
from the :climacs-gui package.

--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/packages.lisp	2006/04/30 15:20:46	1.90
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/packages.lisp	2006/05/01 18:36:41	1.91
@@ -174,6 +174,7 @@
   ;;(:import-from :lisp-string)
   (:export :climacs ; Main entry point.
            ;; GUI functions follow.
+           :climacs-rv ; Entry point with alternate colors.
--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/gui.lisp	2006/03/27 15:54:31	1.209
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/gui.lisp	2006/05/01 18:36:41	1.210
@@ -203,23 +203,17 @@
   "Starts up a climacs session"
   ;; SBCL doesn't inherit dynamic bindings when starting new
   ;; processes, so start a new processes and THEN setup the colors.
-  (if new-process
-      (clim-sys:make-process (lambda ()
-			       (let ((*bg-color* +black+)
-				     (*fg-color* +white+)
-				     (*info-bg-color* +blue+)
-				     (*info-fg-color* +yellow+)
-				     (*mini-bg-color* +black+)
-				     (*mini-fg-color* +white+))
-				 (climacs :new-process nil :width width :height height)))
-			     :name process-name)
-      (let ((*bg-color* +black+)
-	    (*fg-color* +white+)
-	    (*info-bg-color* +blue+)
-	    (*info-fg-color* +yellow+)
-	    (*mini-bg-color* +black+)
-	    (*mini-fg-color* +white+))
-	(climacs :new-process new-process :process-name process-name :width width :height height))))
+  (flet ((run ()
+           (let ((*bg-color* +black+)
+                 (*fg-color* +gray+)
+                 (*info-bg-color* +darkslategray+)
+                 (*info-fg-color* +gray+)
+                 (*mini-bg-color* +black+)
+                 (*mini-fg-color* +white+))
+             (climacs :new-process nil :width width :height height))))
+    (if new-process
+      (clim-sys:make-process #'run :name process-name)
+      (run))))
 (defun display-info (frame pane)
   (let* ((master-pane (master-pane pane))

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