[climacs-cvs] CVS climacs

thenriksen thenriksen at common-lisp.net
Sun Apr 23 12:11:26 UTC 2006

Update of /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv28674

Modified Files:
	syntax.lisp packages.lisp misc-commands.lisp lisp-syntax.lisp 
	file-commands.lisp climacs.asd 
Log Message:
Added support for local options lines (the -*- ... -*- stuff), the
generic option Syntax/Mode and Base and Package options for Lisp

--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/syntax.lisp	2005/11/14 16:30:13	1.61
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/syntax.lisp	2006/04/23 12:11:26	1.62
@@ -208,6 +208,38 @@
 	(:default-initargs :command-table ',command-table , at default-initargs)
 	, at defclass-options))))
+(defgeneric eval-option (syntax name value)
+  (:documentation "Evaluate the option `name' with the specified
+  `value' for `syntax'.")
+  (:method (syntax name value)
+    ;; We do not want to error out if an invalid option is
+    ;; specified. Signal a condition? For now, silently ignore.
+    (declare (ignore syntax name value))))
+(defmethod eval-option :around (syntax (name string) value)
+  ;; Convert the name to a keyword symbol...
+  (eval-option syntax (intern name (find-package :keyword))
+               value))
+(defmacro define-option-for-syntax
+    (syntax option-name (syntax-symbol value-symbol) &body body)
+  "Define an option for the syntax specified by the symbol
+  `syntax'. `Option-name' should be a string that will be the
+  name of the option. The name will automatically be converted to
+  uppercase. When the option is being evaluated, `body' will be
+  run, with `syntax-symbol' bound to the syntax object the option
+  is being evaluated for, and `value-symbol' bound to the value
+  of the option."
+  ;; The name is converted to a keyword symbol which is used for all
+  ;; further identification.
+  (let ((name-symbol (gensym))
+        (symbol (intern (string-upcase option-name)
+                        (find-package :keyword))))
+   `(defmethod eval-option ((,syntax-symbol ,syntax)
+                            (,name-symbol (eql ,symbol))
+                            ,value-symbol)
+      , at body)))
 (defmacro define-syntax (class-name (name superclasses) &body body)
   `(progn (push '(,name . ,class-name) *syntaxes*)
--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/packages.lisp	2006/03/26 14:14:48	1.87
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/packages.lisp	2006/04/23 12:11:26	1.88
@@ -94,6 +94,8 @@
 (defpackage :climacs-syntax
   (:use :clim-lisp :clim :climacs-buffer :climacs-base :flexichain)
   (:export #:syntax #:define-syntax
+           #:eval-option
+           #:define-option-for-syntax
 	   #:update-syntax #:update-syntax-for-display
--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/misc-commands.lisp	2006/03/26 14:14:48	1.5
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/misc-commands.lisp	2006/04/23 12:11:26	1.6
@@ -28,6 +28,13 @@
 (in-package :climacs-gui)
+(define-command (com-reload-local-options-line
+                 :name t
+                 :command-table buffer-table)
+    ()
+  "Reload the local options line."
+  (evaluate-local-options-line (current-buffer)))
 (define-command (com-overwrite-mode :name t :command-table editing-table) ()
   (with-slots (overwrite-mode) (current-window)
     (setf overwrite-mode (not overwrite-mode))))
--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/lisp-syntax.lisp	2006/04/13 10:47:48	1.51
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/lisp-syntax.lisp	2006/04/23 12:11:26	1.52
@@ -42,11 +42,31 @@
-   (package))
+   (package)
+   (base :accessor base
+         :initform 10
+         :documentation "The base which numbers in the buffer are
+         expected to be in.")
+   (option-specified-package :accessor option-specified-package
+                             :initform nil
+                             :documentation "The package
+                             specified in the local options
+                             line (may be overridden
+                             by (in-package) forms)."))
   (:name "Lisp")
   (:pathname-types "lisp" "lsp" "cl")
   (:command-table lisp-table))
+(define-option-for-syntax lisp-syntax "Package" (syntax package-name)
+  (let ((specified-package (find-package package-name)))
+    (when specified-package
+      (setf (option-specified-package syntax) specified-package))))
+(define-option-for-syntax lisp-syntax "Base" (syntax base)
+  (let ((integer-base (parse-integer base :junk-allowed t)))
+    (when integer-base
+      (setf (base syntax) integer-base))))
 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((syntax lisp-syntax) &rest args)
   (declare (ignore args))
   (with-slots (buffer scan) syntax
--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/file-commands.lisp	2006/03/27 15:43:17	1.5
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/file-commands.lisp	2006/04/23 12:11:26	1.6
@@ -129,6 +129,67 @@
 	     :key #'climacs-syntax::syntax-description-pathname-types))
+(defun parse-local-options-line (line)
+  "Parse the local options line `line' and return an alist
+  mapping options to values. All option names will be coerced to
+  uppercase. `Line' must be stripped of the leading and
+  terminating -*- tokens."
+  (loop for pair in (split-sequence:split-sequence #\; line)
+     when (find #\: pair)
+     collect (destructuring-bind (key value)
+                 (loop for elem in (split-sequence:split-sequence #\: pair)
+                    collecting (string-trim " " elem))
+               (list (string-upcase key) value))))
+(defun evaluate-local-options (buffer options)
+  "Evaluate the local options `options' and modify `buffer' as
+  appropriate. `Options' should be an alist mapping option names
+  to their values."
+  ;; First, check whether we need to change the syntax (via the SYNTAX
+  ;; option). MODE is an alias for SYNTAX for compatibility with
+  ;; Emacs. If there is more than one option with one of these names,
+  ;; only the first will be acted upon.
+  (let ((specified-syntax
+         (syntax-from-name
+          (second (find-if #'(lambda (name)
+                               (or (string= name "SYNTAX")
+                                   (string= name "MODE")))
+                           options
+                           :key #'first)))))
+    (when specified-syntax
+      (setf (syntax buffer)
+            (make-instance specified-syntax
+                           :buffer buffer))))
+  ;; Now we iterate through the options (discarding SYNTAX and MODE
+  ;; options).
+  (loop for (name value) in options
+     unless (or (string= name "SYNTAX")
+                (string= name "MODE"))
+     do (eval-option (syntax buffer) name value)))
+(defun evaluate-local-options-line (buffer)
+  "Evaluate the local options line of `buffer'. If `buffer' does
+  not have a local options line, this function is a no-op."
+  ;; This could be simplified a bit by using regexps.
+  (let* ((beginning-mark (beginning-of-buffer
+                          (clone-mark (point buffer))))
+         (end-mark (end-of-line (clone-mark beginning-mark)))
+         (line (buffer-sequence buffer (offset beginning-mark) (offset end-mark)))
+         (first-occurence (search "-*-" line))
+         (second-occurence
+          (when first-occurence
+            (search "-*-" line :start2 (1+ first-occurence)))))
+    (when (and first-occurence
+               second-occurence)
+      ;; Strip away the -*-s.
+      (let ((cleaned-options-line (coerce (subseq line
+                                                  (+ first-occurence 3)
+                                                  second-occurence)
+                                          'string)))
+        (evaluate-local-options
+         buffer
+         (parse-local-options-line cleaned-options-line))))))
 ;; Adapted from cl-fad/PCL
 (defun directory-pathname-p (pathspec)
   "Returns NIL if PATHSPEC does not designate a directory."
@@ -153,13 +214,19 @@
 		     (pane (current-window)))
 		 (setf (offset (point (buffer pane))) (offset (point pane)))
 		 (setf (buffer (current-window)) buffer)
-		 (setf (syntax buffer)
-		       (make-instance (syntax-class-name-for-filepath filepath)
-			  :buffer buffer))
 		 ;; Don't want to create the file if it doesn't exist.
 		 (when (probe-file filepath)
 		   (with-open-file (stream filepath :direction :input)
-		     (input-from-stream stream buffer 0)))
+		     (input-from-stream stream buffer 0))
+                   ;; A file! That means we may have a local options
+                   ;; line to parse.
+                   (evaluate-local-options-line buffer))
+                 ;; If the local options line didn't set a syntax, do
+                 ;; it now.
+                 (when (null (syntax buffer))
+                   (setf (syntax buffer)
+                         (make-instance (syntax-class-name-for-filepath filepath)
+                                        :buffer buffer)))
 		 (setf (filepath buffer) filepath
 		       (name buffer) (filepath-filename filepath)
 		       (needs-saving buffer) nil)
--- /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/climacs.asd	2006/03/25 21:15:21	1.43
+++ /project/climacs/cvsroot/climacs/climacs.asd	2006/04/23 12:11:26	1.44
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 (defparameter *climacs-directory* (directory-namestring *load-truename*))
 (defsystem :climacs
-  :depends-on (:mcclim :flexichain :esa)
+  :depends-on (:mcclim :flexichain :esa :split-sequence)
   ((:module "cl-automaton"
 	    :components ((:file "automaton-package")

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