[clim-desktop-cvs] CVS clim-desktop

thenriksen thenriksen at common-lisp.net
Thu Mar 30 14:38:19 UTC 2006

Update of /project/clim-desktop/cvsroot/clim-desktop
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv14319

Modified Files:
	swine.lisp swine-cmds.lisp 
Log Message:
Improved the arglist lookup code with hints about which argument point
is at.

--- /project/clim-desktop/cvsroot/clim-desktop/swine.lisp	2006/01/06 03:15:45
+++ /project/clim-desktop/cvsroot/clim-desktop/swine.lisp	2006/03/30 14:38:19	1.2
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@
      (backward-expression m syntax)
      (buffer-substring (buffer mark) (offset m) end))))
 (defun symbol-name-at-mark (mark syntax)
  "Return the text of the symbol at mark."
  (let ((potential-form (or (form-around syntax (offset mark))
@@ -95,16 +94,10 @@
 	      (setf (offset mark) (start-offset parent)))))))
 (defun enclosing-list-first-word (mark syntax) 
- "Return the text of the expression at mark."
-  (cond 
-    ((in-type-p mark syntax 'list-form)
-     (let ((m (clone-mark mark)))
-       (when (backward-up-list-no-error m syntax)
-	 (let ((begin (offset m)))
-	   (re-search-forward m " |
-	   (buffer-substring (buffer mark) (1+ begin) (1- (offset m)))))))
-    (t nil)))
+ "Return the text of the expression at mark. Mark need not be in
+a complete list form."
+ ;; This is not very fast, but fast enough.
+ (first (reverse (enclosing-operator-names-at-mark mark syntax))))
 (defun macroexpand-with-swank (mark syntax &optional (all nil))
  (with-slots (package) syntax
@@ -426,6 +419,129 @@
       (show-swine-note-counts notes (second result))
       (when notes (show-swine-notes notes (name buffer) "")))))
+(defun split-lambda-list-on-keywords (lambda-list)
+  "Return an alist keying lambda list keywords of `lambda-list'
+to the symbols affected by the keywords."
+  (let ((sing-result '())
+        (env (position '&environment lambda-list)))
+    (when env
+      (push (list '&environment (elt lambda-list (1+ env))) sing-result)
+      (setf lambda-list (remove-if (constantly t) lambda-list :start env :end (+ env 2))))
+    (when (eq '&whole (first lambda-list))
+      (push (subseq lambda-list 0 2) sing-result)
+      (setf lambda-list (cddr lambda-list)))
+    (do ((llk '(&mandatory &optional &key &allow-other-keys &aux &rest &body))
+         (args (if (member (first lambda-list) +cl-lambda-list-keywords+)
+                   lambda-list
+                   (cons '&mandatory lambda-list))
+               (cdr args))
+         (chunk '())
+         (result '()))
+        ((null args)
+         (when chunk (push (nreverse chunk) result))
+         (nreverse (nconc sing-result result)))
+      (if (member (car args) llk)
+          (progn
+            (when chunk (push (nreverse chunk) result))
+            (setf chunk (list (car args))))
+          (push (car args) chunk)))))
+(defparameter +cl-lambda-list-keywords+
+  '(&whole &optional &rest &key &allow-other-keys &aux &body &environment))
+(defun affected-symbols-in-arglist (arglist index &optional preceeding-arg)
+  "Return a list of the symbols of `arglist' that would be
+  affected by entering a new argument at position `index'. Index
+  0 is just after the operator and before any
+  arguments. `Preceeding-arg' is either nil or a symbol of the
+  argument preceeding the one about to be written. Only
+  mandatory, &optional, &rest, &body and &key-arguments are
+  supported, and complex argument lists from macros may not be
+  interpreted correctly."
+  (let ((split-arglist (split-lambda-list-on-keywords arglist)))
+    (flet ((get-args (keyword)
+             (rest (assoc keyword split-arglist))))
+      (cond ((> (length (get-args '&mandatory))
+                index)
+             ;; We are in the main, mandatory, positional arguments.
+             (list (elt (get-args '&mandatory) index)))
+            ((> (+ (length (get-args '&optional))
+                   (length (get-args '&mandatory)))
+                index)
+             ;; We are in the &optional arguments.
+             (list (elt (get-args '&optional)
+                        (- index
+                           (length (get-args '&mandatory))))))
+            ((let ((body-or-rest-args (or (get-args '&rest)
+                                          (get-args '&body)))
+                   (key-arg (find (symbol-name preceeding-arg)
+                                  (get-args '&key)
+                                  :test #'string=
+                                  :key #'(lambda (arg)
+                                           (symbol-name (if (listp arg)
+                                                            (first arg)
+                                                            arg))))))
+               ;; We are in the &body, &rest or &key arguments.
+               (append (list key-arg)
+                       body-or-rest-args
+                       ;; Only highlight the &key
+                       ;; symbol if we are in a position to add a new
+                       ;; keyword-value pair, and not just in a position to
+                       ;; specify a value for a keyword.
+                       (when (and (null key-arg)
+                                  (get-args '&key))
+                         '(&key)))))))))
+(defun show-arglist-silent (symbol &optional provided-args-count preceeding-arg)
+  (when (fboundp symbol)
+      (let* ((arglist (swank::arglist symbol))
+             (affected-symbols (when provided-args-count
+                                 (affected-symbols-in-arglist
+                                  arglist
+                                  provided-args-count
+                                  preceeding-arg)))
+             (arglist-display (apply #'concatenate 'string
+                                     (format nil"(~A" symbol)
+                                     (append (loop for arg in arglist
+                                                for argno from 1
+                                                if (member arg affected-symbols)
+                                                collect (format nil " >~A<" arg)
+                                                else
+                                                collect (format nil " ~A" arg))
+                                             (list ")")))))
+        (esa:display-message arglist-display))))
+(defun show-arglist (symbol name)
+  (unless (show-arglist-silent symbol)
+    (esa:display-message "Function ~a not found." name)))
+;; This is a generic function in order to facilitate different
+;; argument list types for different form types (I'm not yet sure when
+;; this would be useful).
+(defgeneric show-arglist-for-form (mark syntax form)
+  (:documentation "Display the argument list for the operator of
+`form'. The list need not be complete. If an argument list cannot
+be retrieved for the operator, nothing will be displayed."))
+(defmethod show-arglist-for-form (mark syntax form)
+  (let* ((operator-token (second (children form)))
+         (function-symbol (when operator-token
+                            (token-to-symbol syntax operator-token))))
+    (if (fboundp function-symbol)
+        (let* ((mark-form (form-before syntax (offset mark)))
+               (argument-elt-position (position mark-form
+                                                (children form)))
+               (argument-position (when argument-elt-position
+                                    (1- argument-elt-position)))
+               (preceding-symbol (token-to-symbol syntax mark-form)))
+          (show-arglist-silent function-symbol
+                               argument-position
+                               preceding-symbol))
+        ;; If the symbol is not bound to a function, we move up
+        ;; a level and try that lists operator.
+        (when (parent form)
+          (show-arglist-for-form mark syntax (parent form))))))
 (defparameter *swine-find-definition-stack* '())
 (defun pop-find-definition-stack ()
--- /project/clim-desktop/cvsroot/clim-desktop/swine-cmds.lisp	2006/03/17 23:54:04	1.6
+++ /project/clim-desktop/cvsroot/clim-desktop/swine-cmds.lisp	2006/03/30 14:38:19	1.7
@@ -141,25 +141,17 @@
 	(closure:visit url))))
 (esa:set-key  'com-hyperspec-lookup
-          'lisp-table
-          '((#\c :control) (#\d :control) (#\h)))
+              'lisp-table
+              '((#\c :control) (#\d :control) (#\h)))
-(defun show-arglist-silent (symbol)
-  (if (fboundp symbol)
-      (let ((arglist (swank::arglist symbol)))
-        (esa:display-message (format nil "(~A~{ ~A~})" symbol arglist))
-        t)
-      nil))
-(defun show-arglist (symbol name)
-  (unless (show-arglist-silent symbol)
-    (esa:display-message "Function ~a not found." name)))
-(define-command (com-arglist-lookup :name t :command-table lisp-table) ()
-  (let* ((name (string-upcase (or (symbol-name-at-mark (point (current-window))
+(define-command (com-arglist-lookup :name t :command-table lisp-table)
+    ((symbol 'symbol :prompt "Symbol"))
+  "Show argument list for given symbol. If the provided argument
+is nil, this command will attempt to find a token at point."
+  (let* ((name (string-upcase (or symbol
+                                  (symbol-name-at-mark (point (current-window))
 						       (syntax (buffer (current-window))))
-				  (accept 'string :prompt "Arglist lookup for symbol")))))
+                                  (accept 'symbol :prompt "Symbol")))))
     (with-slots (package) (syntax (buffer (current-window)))
       (let ((function-symbol (let* ((pos2 (position #\: name :from-end t))
 				    (pos1 (if (and pos2 (char= (elt name (1- pos2)) #\:)) (1- pos2) pos2) ))
@@ -167,49 +159,25 @@
 				   (find-symbol name (or package *package*))))))
 	(show-arglist function-symbol (string-upcase name))))))
-(esa:set-key  'com-arglist-lookup
-	      'lisp-table
-	      '((#\c :control) (#\d :control) (#\a)))
+(esa:set-key '(com-arglist-lookup nil)
+             'lisp-table
+             '((#\c :control) (#\d :control) (#\a)))
 (define-command (com-swine-space :name t :command-table lisp-table)
-  (let ((mark (point (current-window))))
+  (let* ((window (current-window))
+         (mark (point window))
+         (syntax (syntax (buffer window))))
     ;; It is important that the space is inserted before we look up
     ;; any symbols, but at the same time, there must not be a space
     ;; between the mark and the symbol.
     (insert-character #\Space)
     (backward-object mark)
-    (let* ((name (string-upcase (or (enclosing-list-first-word
-                                     mark
-                                     (syntax (buffer (current-window))))
-                                    (symbol-name-at-mark
-                                     mark
-                                     (syntax (buffer (current-window))))))))
-      (when name
-        (with-slots (package) (syntax (buffer (current-window)))
-          (let ((function-symbol (let* ((pos2 (position #\: name :from-end t))
-                                        (pos1 (if (and pos2
-                                                       ;; If the first
-                                                       ;; element of
-                                                       ;; the list is
-                                                       ;; a keyword
-                                                       ;; symbol, pos2
-                                                       ;; might be 0.
-                                                       (plusp pos2)
-                                                       (char= (elt name (1- pos2)) #\:))
-                                                  (1- pos2) pos2)))
-                                   (handler-case (if pos1 (find-symbol (subseq name (1+ pos2)) (subseq name 0 pos1))
-                                                     (find-symbol name (or package *package*)))
-                                     (package-error (e)
-                                       ;; The specified symbol is in
-                                       ;; an invalid package.
-                                       (declare (ignore e))
-                                       nil)))))
-            (show-arglist-silent function-symbol))))
-      (forward-object mark)
-      (clear-completions))))
+    (let ((form (form-before syntax (offset mark))))
+      (when form
+        (show-arglist-for-form mark syntax form)))
+    (forward-object mark)
+    (clear-completions)))
 (esa:set-key 'com-swine-space

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