[clim-desktop-cvs] CVS clim-desktop

thenriksen thenriksen at common-lisp.net
Fri Jun 2 21:06:32 UTC 2006

Update of /project/clim-desktop/cvsroot/clim-desktop
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv19697

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Added fallback indentation for macros (proper indentation of &body and
&rest parameters even when no specific rules have been defined for the
operator). Belongs in Climacs itself (as usual).

--- /project/clim-desktop/cvsroot/clim-desktop/swine.lisp	2006/06/01 23:21:29	1.19
+++ /project/clim-desktop/cvsroot/clim-desktop/swine.lisp	2006/06/02 21:06:32	1.20
@@ -470,6 +470,36 @@
       (show-note-counts notes (second result))
       (when notes (show-notes notes (name buffer) "")))))
+;;; Fix indentation of macro forms:
+;; Redefine the basic method from Climacs to check the symbols argument list.
+;; This gives us Emacs/SLIME-style indentation regarding 
+;; &body and &rest parameters in macros.
+(defmethod compute-list-indentation ((syntax lisp-syntax) symbol tree path)
+  (if (null (cdr path))
+      ;; top level
+      (let* ((arglist (arglist symbol))
+             (body-or-rest-pos (or (position '&body arglist)
+                                   (position '&rest arglist))))
+        (if (and (or (macro-function symbol)
+                     (special-operator-p symbol))
+                 (and (not (null body-or-rest-pos))
+                      (plusp body-or-rest-pos)))
+            ;; macro-form with "interesting" arguments.
+            (if (>= (- (car path) 2) body-or-rest-pos)
+                ;; &body arg.
+                (values (elt-noncomment (children tree) 1) 1)
+                ;; non-&body-arg.
+                (values (elt-noncomment (children tree) 1) 3))
+            ;; normal form.
+            (if (= (car path) 2)
+                ;; indent like first child
+                (values (elt-noncomment (children tree) 1) 0)
+                ;; indent like second child
+                (values (elt-noncomment (children tree) 2) 0))))
+      ;; inside a subexpression
+      (indent-form syntax (elt-noncomment (children tree) (car path)) (cdr path))))
 ;;; Parameter hinting code.
 ;;; -----------------------

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