[clhp-cvs] CVS update: clhp/tests/test-suite.lisp clhp/tests/Makefile clhp/tests/cgi-test.lisp

Anthony Ventimiglia aventimiglia at common-lisp.net
Wed Oct 15 14:05:58 UTC 2003

Update of /project/clhp/cvsroot/clhp/tests
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv10945/tests

Modified Files:
Added Files:
	test-suite.lisp Makefile 
Log Message:
Moved test-suite out of cgi-test into its own file, now I can write
tests for clhp as well. Modified Makefiles to deal with the new
directory. Now running make check from the toplevel runs the tests.

Date: Wed Oct 15 10:05:57 2003
Author: aventimiglia

Index: clhp/tests/cgi-test.lisp
diff -u clhp/tests/cgi-test.lisp:1.7 clhp/tests/cgi-test.lisp:1.8
--- clhp/tests/cgi-test.lisp:1.7	Wed Oct 15 08:50:51 2003
+++ clhp/tests/cgi-test.lisp	Wed Oct 15 10:05:56 2003
@@ -27,144 +27,12 @@
 (eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel)
   (unless (find-package :cgi)
-    (load "library:cgi")))
+    (load "library:cgi"))
+  (unless (find-package :net.common-lisp.aventimiglia.test-suite)
+    (load "test-suite"))
+  (when (find-package :clhp) (delete-package :clhp)))
-;; These macros Used for run-test methods
-(defmacro call-if-function (form)
-  `(when (functionp ,form) (funcall ,form)))
-(defmacro test-return (test &rest args)
-  `(cons (test-data-symbol data)
-    (if ,test
-	(progn (princ 'ok stream) (terpri) :OK)
-      (progn (princ 'failed stream) (format stream , at args)
-	     (terpri) :FAILED))))
-(defclass test-data ()
-  ((symbol :initform NIL
-	   :type symbol
-	   :reader test-data-symbol
-	   :initarg :symbol
-	   :documentation "The symbol name to be tested")
-   (pre-function :initform NIL
-		 :type (or function nil)
-		 :reader test-data-pre-function
-		 :initarg :pre-function
-		 :documentation "Function to be called prior to running tests")
-   (post-function :initform NIL
-		  :type (or function nil)
-		  :reader test-data-post-function
-		  :initarg :post-function
-		  :documentation "Function to be called after running tests"))
-  (:documentation "Abstract supertype for CLASS, STRUCTURE, VARIABLE
-and FUNCTION test-data"))
-(defclass function-test-data (test-data)
-  ((test-args :initform NIL
-	      :type list
-	      :reader function-test-data-test-args
-	      :initarg :test-args
-	      :documentation "A list of arguments to be passed to the
-function for testing")
-   (result-form :initform NIL
-		:reader function-test-data-result-form
-		:initarg :result-form
-		:documentation "The expected return value when SYMBOL
-is called with TEST-ARGS"))
-  (:documentation "A class to test functions or macros, taking
-TEST-ARGS as a list of arguments to call the function with and
-expecting RESULT-FORM to be the result"))
-(defclass output-function-test-data (function-test-data)
-  ((output :initform NIL
-	   :type string
-	   :reader output-function-test-data-output
-	   :initarg :output
-	   :documentation "A string which should be equal to the output"))
-  (:documentation "A subclass of function-test-data for testing macros
-or functions, but this is used when thye output to *STANDARD-OUTPUT*
-must be tested as well."))
-(defclass side-effect-function-test-data (function-test-data)
-  ((var-list :initform NIL
-	     :type list
-	     :reader side-effect-function-test-data-var-list
-	     :initarg :var-list
-	     :documentation "An a-list of ((SYMBOL VALUE)) pairs. All
-Symbols should be EQUAL to the VALUES after test function is
-  (:documentation "A subclass of function-test-data used to test
-functions which have side effects of setting global variables."))
-;; It's important that the RUN-TEST methods below all use DATA as the
-;; TEST-DATA object name, because some of the macros defined at the
-;; top of the file are hard coded to use the common names.
-(defmethod run-test ((data function-test-data)
-		     &optional (stream *standard-output*))
-  (unwind-protect
-      (progn
-	(call-if-function (test-data-pre-function data))
-	(let* ((test-form (cons (test-data-symbol data)
-				(function-test-data-test-args data)))
-	       (result (eval test-form)))
-	  (format stream "~S --> ~S : " test-form result)
-          (let ((test-result (function-test-data-result-form data)))
-            (test-return (equal result test-result)
-                         "~S expected" test-result))))
-    (call-if-function (test-data-post-function data))))
-(defmethod run-test ((data output-function-test-data)
-		     &optional (stream *standard-output*))
-  (unwind-protect
-      (progn
-	(call-if-function (test-data-pre-function data))
-	(let* ((test-form (cons (test-data-symbol data)
-				(function-test-data-test-args data)))
-	       (output (make-array 0 :element-type 'base-char
-				   :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t))
-	       (result (with-output-to-string
-			 (*standard-output* output)
-			 (eval test-form))))
-	  (format stream "~S --> ~S ~S : " test-form output result)
-	  (let ((test-output (output-function-test-data-output data))
-		(test-result (function-test-data-result-form data)))
-	    (test-return (and (equal result test-result)
-			      (string= output test-output))
-			 "~S -> ~S expected" test-output test-result))))
-	(call-if-function (test-data-post-function data))))
-(defmethod run-test ((data side-effect-function-test-data)
-		     &optional stream)
-  (unwind-protect
-      (progn
-	(call-if-function (test-data-pre-function data))
-	(let* ((test-form (cons (test-data-symbol data)
-				(function-test-data-test-args data)))
-	       (result (eval test-form))
-	       (test-var-list (side-effect-function-test-data-var-list
-			       data))
-	       (vars (mapcar #'(lambda (c) (car c)) test-var-list))
-	       (var-list (mapcar
-			  #'(lambda (|v|) (list |v| (eval |v|))) vars)))
-	  (format stream "~S --> ~S ~S : "
-		  test-form result var-list)
-	  (let ((test-result (output-function-test-data-output data)))
-	    (test-return (and (equal result test-result)
-			      (equal test-var-list var-list))
-			 "~S and ~S expected" test-result test-var-list))))
-    (call-if-function (test-data-post-function data))))	
-;; Example
-;(defvar list-test (make-instance 'function-test-data
-;                                :symbol 'list
-;                                :test-args '(1 2 3 4 5)
-;                                :result-form '(1 2 3 4 5)))
-;* (run-test list-test)
-;> (LIST 1 2 3 4 5) --> (1 2 3 4 5) : OK
-;> (LIST . :OK )  
+(use-package :test-suite)
 (defvar *cgi-tests*)
@@ -229,6 +97,10 @@
 		  :test-args '('(list 1 2 3))
 		  :output (format nil
 				  "(CGI:DEBUG: (LIST 1 2 3) --> (1 2 3))~%"))
+   (make-instance 'function-test-data
+		  :symbol 'cgi::ca-list-to-a-list
+		  :test-args '('((a . 1)(b . 2)(c . 3)))
+		  :result-form '((a 1)(b 2)(c 3)))
    (make-instance 'output-function-test-data
 		  :symbol 'cgi:header
 		  :output (format nil
@@ -249,11 +121,8 @@
 				     (fmakunbound 'cgi:header)
 				     (load "library:cgi"))
 		  :symbol 'cgi:header
-		  :output "")
-   (make-instance 'function-test-data
-		  :symbol 'cgi::ca-list-to-a-list
-		  :test-args '('((a . 1)(b . 2)(c . 3)))
-		  :result-form '((a 1)(b 2)(c 3)))))
+		  :output "")))
 ;   (make-instance 'side-effect-function-test-data
 ;                  :symbol 'cgi:init
 ;                  :pre-function #'(lambda ()
@@ -266,5 +135,8 @@
 ;                  :var-list '((cgi:*server-env* t)))))
-(defun run ()
-  (mapcar #'run-test *cgi-tests*))
\ No newline at end of file
+(eval-when (load)
+  (unix:unix-exit (cadr (multiple-value-list (run-tests *cgi-tests*)))))
\ No newline at end of file

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