Hidden features

Philippe Brochard pbrochard at common-lisp.net
Sat Mar 29 22:22:25 UTC 2014

Renaud Casenave-Péré a écrit :

> Hi,

> I'm trying to find new ways to use clfswm and as I looked around in the menu I
> tried to understand how I could use the command "Remove the current child from
> its parent frame". When I use it for example on a frame containing conkeror, the
> frame and conkeror are indeed removed from the parent frame but there seems to
> be no way to get conkeror back although it is still running in the background.
> How is this command best used?
As the documentation says, this function "remove the current child from
its parent frame". It is supposed to be used when you have copied the
current child in more than one frame. This is useful when you want
multiple view of a child (for example, with a layout per frame and the
same children reorganized in each).
But there is no guard: if you remove the last view of the child, you'll
have no way to retrieve it.
Maybe we must add this guard to prevent to remove the last instance of a
child. Tell me if you think so.

> Thanks,
Hope this help.


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