Expose mode: strange failures.

Michaël Cadilhac michael at cadilhac.name
Wed Dec 4 21:43:48 UTC 2013

Hi there folks, bonjour Philippe;

So I started to use CLFSWM for real today and I had a few crashes.
The output in xsession-error is rather terse, so if you have a magic
command to enable a more verbose debug, please tell me and I'll
happily make CLFSWM crash again :-).

The crashes are somewhat related to F10-Expose; I don't know to which
extent they are Expose-specific though.  At the following address:


is a picture of a behavior which does not trigger an error until I
click on the firefox window.  As you can see, the text is not
displayed, and the expose mode is only half drawn (
http://i.imgur.com/NRWuD4a.png shows the expected behavior ).  The
error that follows a click on firefox is:

Processing "New Tab - Mozilla Firefox": type=NORMAL #<XLIB:WINDOW :0 1200075>
Processing "micha at kleene: /dd": type=NORMAL #<XLIB:WINDOW :0 E0000D>
CLFSWM Error: The value #<XLIB:WINDOW :0 1200075>
              is not of type

A second crash I got came from a window with German words in the
title.  The reported error was:
Processing "genug - Wörterbuch Deutsch-Englisch - WordReference.com -
Mozilla Firefox": type=NORMAL #<XLIB:WINDOW :0 1800075>
              is not of type

... and from there, it went downhill until a full crash (see attached

Sorry if this report is unhelpful, do tell me if there's anything I can test.

Happy hacking,
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