Expose mode: strange failures.

Philippe Brochard pbrochard at common-lisp.net
Fri Dec 13 21:25:44 UTC 2013

Michaël Cadilhac writes:

> On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 11:58 AM, Philippe Brochard
> <pbrochard at common-lisp.net> wrote:
>> Michaël Cadilhac writes:
>>> Merci!  I still have the random crashes with Expose mode though.
>> Ok, I spot it. I'm trying to solve it.
> Good news!
It's hopefully solved. Many thanks for the report!


>>> And two other unrelated things, if I may hijack my own thread:
>>> - I modified  reorder-brother-simple so that it behaves like
>>> reorder-brother when called with (child-root-p (current-child)), that
>>> is, (leave-frame) then (enter-frame).  I believe this is more
>>> consistent and should be done in master.
>> Ok. Can you send the patch you want to be applied?
Ok applied in your name.

> Sure thing; attached.  While I'm at it, I think I'm missing the point
> of brother circulation.  In Windows, Alt+Tab circulates the windows in
> the CLFSWM sense, right?  But then, if I stay on Alt and do successive
> tabs, this will go through all the windows; it seems that it's not the
> case in CLFSWM, is it?  Is Alt+Tab just a way to switch between the
> two top windows on the stack?
Don't release the alt key like in more standard window manager.

>>> - If I wanted to add a system tray to the toolbar, would
>>> https://github.com/lucashpandolfo/stumpwm-tray be a good start?
>> Yes this is a way. I haven't test it in stumpwm and it seems there is
>> some code related to stumpwm (for example (in-package :stumpwm)).
>> You can also look at some independent systray project.
> I wanted to have the list of child of the current root displayed in
> the toolbar (this I think I can easily do using toolbar.lisp) AND have
> a systray (for dropbox and tomboy).  Would you suggest a mixed
> approach relying on both toolbar.lisp and an external systray program?
I think it'll be far more easy with toolbar.lisp since external systray
rely on netwm functions (in netwm-util.lisp) and there is some
difference of view between clfswm and more common window manager view.

> Thanks again Philippe.
Your welcome :-)

> M.

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