Conkeror hangs when run using do-shell

Renaud Casenave-Péré renaud at
Sun Dec 8 07:28:10 UTC 2013


On Sat, Dec 07 2013, Philippe Brochard wrote:

> All works as expected here with clisp and sbcl. The code you send is
> working for me. I use conkeror every days and I've never seen a hang
> up.
> Please can you have a deeper look. And report any problem or suspect
> behaviour.

You're right… It seems to work properly now. Then I don't know, it was probably
a bug within conkeror or xulrunner, or maybe the /dev/null redirection did the
trick. Sorry for the noise :/

> The same, all works as expected here with those lines in my .clfsmwrc
> ;--------------------------------------------------
> (setf *steal-focus* nil)
> (setf *default-nw-hook* 'leave-focus-frame-nw-hook)
> ;--------------------------------------------------
> Please, can you give use more details on what you expect.

With the above settings, it works well when you are running a new application
but not if the application is already running and it only open a new tab. The
same applies for emacsclient, for example:

Run emacs normally and put it in server mode.
In a terminal, ask emacs to open a buffer within the open emacs frame: 
    `emacsclient test-file`

I don't really know why it behave like this but if you do it that way, X will
generate :focus-out / :focus-in events to the emacs frame without clfswm asking
it to actually change the focus and only after that X will generate a
:configure-request event where *steal-focus* is checked.

I have looked around in clfswm source and I came up with a simple patch which
should affect only (eq *steal-focus* nil) configurations by storing the
currently focused window and by registering a :focus-in event-handler where I
check if X did change the focus without clfswm telling it to.


diff --git a/src/clfswm.lisp b/src/clfswm.lisp
index 3b6545a..919bea2 100644
--- a/src/clfswm.lisp
+++ b/src/clfswm.lisp
@@ -129,6 +129,9 @@
 	       (> root-y (- (screen-height) 3)))
     (manage-focus window root-x root-y)))
+(define-handler main-mode :focus-in (window)
+  (unless (or *steal-focus* (child-equal-p window (focused-window)))
+	(focus-window (focused-window))))
 (define-handler main-mode :exposure (window)
   (awhen (find-frame-window window)
diff --git a/src/xlib-util.lisp b/src/xlib-util.lisp
index 5d8cb0f..7df2560 100644
--- a/src/xlib-util.lisp
+++ b/src/xlib-util.lisp
@@ -570,15 +570,21 @@ they should be windows. So use this function to make a window out of them."
     (setf (xlib:window-priority window) :above)))
-(defun no-focus ()
-  "don't focus any window but still read keyboard events."
-  (xlib:set-input-focus *display* *no-focus-window* :pointer-root))
-(defun focus-window (window)
-  "Give the window focus."
-  (no-focus)
-  (when (xlib:window-p window)
-    (xlib:set-input-focus *display* window :parent)))
+(let ((focused-window nil))
+  (defun no-focus ()
+	"don't focus any window but still read keyboard events."
+	(xlib:set-input-focus *display* *no-focus-window* :pointer-root)
+	(setf focused-window nil))
+  (defun focus-window (window)
+	"Give the window focus."
+	(no-focus)
+	(when (xlib:window-p window)
+	  (xlib:set-input-focus *display* window :parent)
+	  (setf focused-window window)))
+  (defun focused-window ()
+	focused-window))
 (defun raise-and-focus-window (window)
   "Raise and focus."


Please tell me if this patch is ok for you.


Renaud Casenave-Péré

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