[clfswm-devel] Can we use complete REPL in clfswm directly ?
z_axis at 163.com
Sat Oct 13 00:19:28 UTC 2012
Can CLFSWM REPl output multiple line result ?
(defun div618 (p1 p2)
(let ((ratio '(0. 0.191 0.236 0.382 0.5 0.618 0.809 1.))
(price #'(lambda (r) (if (<= p1 p2) (+ p1 (* (- p2 p1) r)) (- p1
(* (- p1 p2) r))))))
(if (<= p1 p2)
(dolist (r (reverse ratio)) (format t "-------~3$
~$-------~%" r (funcall price r)))
(dolist (r ratio) (format t "-------~3$ ~$-------~%" r
(funcall price r))))))
The stumpwm REPL cannot output the result because div618 just return nil.
在 Sat, 13 Oct 2012 05:51:45 +0800,Philippe Brochard
<pbrochard at common-lisp.net> 写道:
> What do you lack in the CLFSWM REPL?
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