[clfswm-devel] clfswm.ebuild

madnificent madnificent at gmail.com
Tue Jan 17 14:53:36 UTC 2012

On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 3:07 PM, Stayvoid <stayvoid at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey!
> Sorry for the delayed reply.
> Here is what I have for today:
> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/533700/
> (I don't know bash and lisp. Please keep this in mind.)
> Gentoo guys told me that it should work.
> I'm pretty sure that it's not perfect.
> I've been told that I should use eclasses. But I don't know how.
> It's possible that I've also forgotten some Lisp-related options.
> How to run it? (I'm using clisp.)
> (I've installed clisp and clx manually. It's possible that the deps
> section is not working.)
> I've tried it this way:
> 1. I opened the clfswm's directory
> (/var/tmp/portage/x11-wm/clfswm-20110616_alpha/work/clfswm-1106-2/);
> 2. I ran clisp;
> 3. I typed (load "load.lisp") at the lisp prompt.
> 4. It failed.
> Here is the output:
> ;; blah-blah loading foo-blah
> *** - READ-LINE: Invalid byte #xC3 in CHARSET:ASCII conversation
> The following restarts are available:
> SKIP           :R1      skip 63 63 (UPDATE-MENUS (FIND-MENU 'STANDARD-MENU))-14
> STOP           :R2      stop loading file
> /root/.cache/common-lisp/clisp-2.48-unix-x86/var/tmp/portage/x11-wm/clfswm-20110616_alpha/work/clfswm-1106-2/src/menu-def.fas
> TRY-RECOMPILING :R3     Recompile menu-def and try loading it again
> RETRY          :R4      Retry loading component ("clfswm" "src" "menu-def").
> ACCEPT         :R5      Continue, treating loading component ("clfswm"
> "src" "menu-def") as having been successful.
> SKIP           :R6      skip (OOS 'LOAD-OP CLFSWM)
> STOP           :R7      stop loading file
> /var/tmp/portage/x11-wm/clfswm-20110616_alpha/work/clfswm-1106-2/load.lisp
> ABORT          :R8      Abort main loop
> I've tried several options, but that wasn't successful.
> (It will be nice if you tell me how to copy from the lisp prompt.
> Yeah, I've typed the whole thing myself.)
> Could you try to run it? (You can use sysresccd.)
> Cheers!

Hello Stayvoid,

Two topics, one about the ebuild, one about loading:


Could you also paste where the error occurs?  I haven't installed
CLFSWM that way and I don't feel like making my Gentoo systems dirty
(nor do I feel like attaching a monitor to either of them).  If you
catch the error's content you can use wgetpaste from a terminal.
Otherwise you can select the contents in the terminal and use the
middle mouse button to paste them in a graphical window.

I don't immediately see what's going wrong with it, but that may give us a clue.


My best guess is that (your) CLISP doesn't have support for non-ascii
characters.  I think there are CLFSWM users who prefer CLISP, so you
can likely compile it with said support.  However, for your own quick
hacks, you can also just dive in the lisp sources and change the
offending characters with something that exists in ASCII.
Alternatively, if Portage doesn't contain an ancient version of SBCL
(which it may well do (and that's not an offense towards Gentoo, it's
not alone on that front)), then it should come with support for UTF-8
out of the box.  You may want to try that first until someone tells
you how to get CLISP running with UTF-8 support.

The commands to get CLFSWM loaded then become:
cd /path/to/clfswm/;
(load "load.lisp")

you shouldn't get the same error message anymore.

Best regards,

Aad Versteden

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