[clfswm-devel] How can I put xvkbd on the top?

Philippe Brochard pbrochard at common-lisp.net
Sat Feb 12 23:01:28 UTC 2011

Desmond O. Chang writes:

> Hi Philippe,
> On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 06:15, Philippe Brochard
> <pbrochard at common-lisp.net> wrote:
>> I've added the code to grab a never managed window if its raise
>> parameter is true.
> Thank you for your work.
>> Please, can you test? Thanks.
> I have found several problems (maybe not bugs).
> 1. The never managed window has no focus after I raise it.
This is normal, in the version you have tested I've made the choice to
only raise the window and not focus it since this is the expected
behaviour with xvkbd.
There is a need for something more sofisticated. So please, try the last
commit where you can specifiy if you want to raise, focus or do nothing
on a never managed window.

> 2. When a never managed window A is partially under a managed window
> B, I can't raise A by clicking its part which is not under B (of
> course with the modifier, for me, it's :mod-4).  I have to click the
> part under B with :mod-4 to raise A.
The wanted window is at the end of the (xlib:query-tree *root*). It's
fixed in the last commit.

> 3. If I want to move the never managed window, I have to drag it when
> I raise it.  That means, if it's already on the top, dragging doesn't
> work.
I have some problems with the terminal window (xterm or urxvt). There is
some work to be done to fix this.

> 4. The never managed window covers the top-left corner.  That means I
> can't hide the terminal unless I move it first, because I can't click
> the corner.
Hum, this works for me. Are you using the xterm (now urxvt with the last

> 5. clfswm will crash after reloading if it has at least a never
> managed window, either showing or hiding.  If clfswm has other managed
> windows, it will not crash until I click the same corner again.
I've some crash on reload. I'll look at this.

> My laptop runs Debian sid and clisp 1:2.48-3.1 with internal clx.
This means it's the new-clx. There has been some bugs fixed in the last
clisp/new-clx (2.49). Maybe you can try with a newer version or with
portable clx.

Please, try the last commit.

> Thanks,
> Des


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