[clfswm-devel] CLFSWM 1102 released.

Philippe Brochard pbrochard at common-lisp.net
Sat Feb 5 22:45:41 UTC 2011

Hi everybody,

I'm very happy to announce a new CLFSWM release:


Since the last release, changes are mainly bugs fixes and internals

There is also some new code in contrib:
  - keyb_fr.lisp      to enable french keyboard layout
  - mpd.lisp          to handle the mpd (Music Player Daemon)
  - xmms.lisp         to handle xmms
  - reboot-halt.lisp  a menu to reboot/halt the machine
  - osd.lisp          the system I use to make On Screen Display in
  - server/           a client/server system to manage clfswm remotely
                      or with scripts. 

And now, CLFSWM can run another window manager while running (this can
be useful sometimes with some applications (for example java app))

The full ChangeLog is here:


As always, the main site is here:

And the clfswm trac is available here:

Have fun,


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