[clfswm-devel] rearrange windows

Fernando Aguayo beren.olvar at gmail.com
Thu Nov 4 12:43:58 UTC 2010


Normally, when I'm using the tiled layouts I like to rearrange the
position of my windows. Since I couldn't find a way to do it I wrote
this function, which just switches the position of the current window with
the next one in the frame:

(defun change-pos (side)
  (when (xlib:window-p *current-child*)
    (let* ((parent (find-parent-frame *current-child*))
           (managed-children (frame-child parent))
           (len (length managed-children))
           (pos (child-position *current-child* managed-children))
           (npos (mod (+ pos side) len)))
      (rotatef (nth pos  (frame-child (find-parent-frame *current-child*)))
               (nth npos (frame-child (find-parent-frame *current-child*))))
(sorry for my lisp ;)

This almost works: every time I change the indexing I have to change
the layout for it to take effect. I tried to change the layout inside
the function but it just doesn't have the same effect.

I also loose the focus of the moved window. How can I retain it?

Is there a better way to do it?

Thank you!

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