[clfswm-devel] Request for comments: changing the meaning of group in CLFSWM.

Philippe Brochard pbrochard at common-lisp.net
Sat Mar 22 23:34:07 UTC 2008


Cyrille propose to change the meaning of groups in CLFSWM:

"I am  trying   to make  a case   to  change the meaning  of   group in
CLFSWM. For me, group  is a better word for  an arbitrary ensemble. In
CLFSWM, groups  are not  so arbitrary as   it  is link to  a  geometry
inclusion relation. So, I would prefer to use frame in that particular
case as this word has a geometrical sounding."

You can see the thread on the trac:

For actions on children with no geometry relationship (ie: children in
arbitrary groups) I propose a tag based system.
Each group have a list of tags and we can perform actions from those

And you, what is your prefered system to interact with arbitrary

I'd like to have some comments before doing anything so brutal on the
code :)



Philippe Brochard    <pbrochard at common-lisp.net>

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