[clfswm-devel] [BUG] m-t e => access-error

Xavier Maillard xma at gnu.org
Tue Mar 18 01:00:07 UTC 2008


I am hunting a bug that appeared from revision 44 or so.

How to reproduce:

1. startx (with either a dumped image or loading load.lisp)
2. enter second mode (m-t)
3. launch emacs (e)

If all goes well, you should see a crypting and mysterious
message telling you that there is an asunchronous access-error.
The debugger tells me to type 'continue' to "dismiss" the 
error, if I do, it continues as expected and my emacs window
appears *but* another access-error pops-up and then I stuck ;)

I tried to track down this bug but I failed. The only place I can
see access-error message is in clfswm.lisp (when opening the X

The tests were done with GNU Emacs 23.x (CVS) with -Q switch.



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