[clfswm-devel] [PATCH] Force XDG_CONFIG_HOME first

Philippe Brochard pbrochard at common-lisp.net
Sun Mar 9 12:32:37 UTC 2008

Xavier Maillard writes:

> Hi,

> Included is a rather small change I would like to submit. This
> patch just change the check order when trying to detect the
> configuration file to use.
> So it is a one-line patch that would not hurt anything.
> I think CLFSWM should first respect freedesktop.org
> specifications before failing back to "old habits" way. I am
> pleased to see you added support for the XDG_CONFIG_HOME
> standard, but now has come the time to just switch to it.
Yes, I think it's time too. I've applied the patch on my local
copy. I'll commit it when I have finished the 'new window hook'.

> [I already updated the wiki :)]
I see this, thanks!




Philippe Brochard    <pbrochard at common-lisp.net>

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