[clfswm-devel] [PATCH] Do not create another empty frame on startup.

Xavier Maillard xma at gnu.org
Mon Apr 14 00:00:17 UTC 2008

   Xavier Maillard writes:

   > With current code, it may confuse users to have two empty frames on
   > startup.
   > This patch just remove the creation of the "default" frame of id 1.
   There is no two empty frames on startup.
   There is the root frame which contain a default frame.

Yes. I still think we should make the first frame creation, an
option or just stick with the hook setting.

Why not put the "default frame" in the *init-hook* as the default
? Dunno what do other people think about this, but I _really_ do
not like the default frame with no "easy way" to get rid of it
except killing the frame (or renaming it).

So something like this:

In package.lisp

(defun default-init-hook ()
  (let ((frame (add-frame (create-frame :name "Default" :layout nil :x 0.05 :y 0.05 :w 0.9 :h 0.9) *root-frame*)))
    (setf *current-child* (first (frame-child *current-root*)))))

(defparameter *init-hook* #'default-init-hook)

would be much acceptable to me.

I am sending a patch on top of this one. In the end all parts
will be happy:

- you. Still have the default frame created if you install these
  two patches
- I, since I will be able to easily change that by just setting
  another value to *init-hook* if I want to.



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