[clfswm-cvs] r212 - clfswm/src

Philippe Brochard pbrochard at common-lisp.net
Mon Apr 20 21:13:55 UTC 2009

Author: pbrochard
Date: Mon Apr 20 17:13:55 2009
New Revision: 212

Transitional: revert to old circulate behaviour


Modified: clfswm/src/bindings.lisp
--- clfswm/src/bindings.lisp	(original)
+++ clfswm/src/bindings.lisp	Mon Apr 20 17:13:55 2009
@@ -41,8 +41,9 @@
   (define-main-key ("Left" :mod-1) 'select-previous-brother)
   (define-main-key ("Down" :mod-1) 'select-previous-level)
   (define-main-key ("Up" :mod-1) 'select-next-level)
-  (define-circulate-modifier "Alt_L")
-  (define-circulate-reverse-modifier '("Shift_L" "Shift_R"))
+  ;; Work in progress
+  ;;  (define-circulate-modifier "Alt_L")
+  ;;  (define-circulate-reverse-modifier '("Shift_L" "Shift_R"))
   (define-main-key ("Tab" :mod-1) 'select-next-child)
   (define-main-key ("Tab" :mod-1 :shift) 'select-previous-child)
   (define-main-key ("Tab" :shift) 'switch-to-last-child)

Modified: clfswm/src/clfswm-info.lisp
--- clfswm/src/clfswm-info.lisp	(original)
+++ clfswm/src/clfswm-info.lisp	Mon Apr 20 17:13:55 2009
@@ -256,7 +256,10 @@
 	    (xgrab-keyboard *root*))
 	       (catch 'exit-info-loop
-		 (generic-mode :button-press-hook #'handle-button-press
+		 (generic-mode :loop-function (lambda ()
+						(raise-window (info-window info))
+						(draw-info-window info))
+			       :button-press-hook #'handle-button-press
 			       :button-release-hook #'handle-button-release
 			       :motion-notify-hook #'handle-motion-notify
 			       :key-press-hook #'handle-key))

Modified: clfswm/src/clfswm-internal.lisp
--- clfswm/src/clfswm-internal.lisp	(original)
+++ clfswm/src/clfswm-internal.lisp	Mon Apr 20 17:13:55 2009
@@ -744,138 +744,135 @@
-(let ((modifier nil)
-      (reverse-modifiers nil))
-  (defun define-circulate-modifier (keysym)
-    (setf modifier (multiple-value-list (xlib:keysym->keycodes *display* (keysym-name->keysym keysym)))))
-  (defun define-circulate-reverse-modifier (keysym-list)
-    (setf reverse-modifiers keysym-list))
-  (defun select-next-* (orig direction set-fun)
-    (let ((done nil)
-	  (hit 0))
-      (labels ((is-reverse-modifier (code state)
-		 (member (keysym->keysym-name (keycode->keysym code (state->modifiers state)))
-			 reverse-modifiers :test #'string=))
-	       (reorder ()
-		 (let ((elem (nth (mod (incf hit direction) (length orig)) orig)))
-		   (funcall set-fun (nconc (list elem) (remove elem orig)))))
-	       (handle-key-press (&rest event-slots &key code state &allow-other-keys)
-		 (declare (ignore event-slots))
-		 ;;(dbg 'press root code state)
-		 ;;(dbg (first reverse-modifiers) (state->modifiers state))
-		 (if (is-reverse-modifier code state)
-		     (setf direction -1)
-		     (reorder)))
-	       (handle-key-release (&rest event-slots &key code state &allow-other-keys)
-		 (declare (ignore event-slots))
-		 ;;(dbg 'release root code state)
-		 (when (is-reverse-modifier code state)
-		   (setf direction 1))
-		 (when (member code modifier)
-		   (setf done t)))
-	       (handle-select-next-child-event (&rest event-slots &key display event-key &allow-other-keys)
-		 (declare (ignore display))
-		 (with-xlib-protect
-		     (case event-key
-		       (:key-press (apply #'handle-key-press event-slots))
-		       (:key-release (apply #'handle-key-release event-slots))))
-		 t))
-	(ungrab-main-keys)
-	(xgrab-keyboard *root*)
-	(reorder)
-	(loop until done do
-	     (with-xlib-protect
-		 (xlib:display-finish-output *display*)
-	       (xlib:process-event *display* :handler #'handle-select-next-child-event)))
-	(xungrab-keyboard)
-	(grab-main-keys)))))
-(defun set-select-next-child (new)
-  (setf (frame-child *current-child*) new)
-  (show-all-children))
-(defun select-next-child ()
-  "Select the next child"
-  (select-next-* (frame-child *current-child*) 1 #'set-select-next-child))
-(defun select-previous-child ()
-  "Select the previous child"
-  (select-next-* (frame-child *current-child*) -1 #'set-select-next-child))
-(let ((parent nil))
-  (defun set-select-next-brother (new)
-    (let ((frame-is-root? (and (equal *current-root* *current-child*)
-			       (not (equal *current-root* *root-frame*)))))
-      (if frame-is-root?
-	  (hide-all *current-root*)
-	  (select-current-frame nil))
-      (setf (frame-child  parent) new
-	    *current-child* (frame-selected-child parent))
-      (when frame-is-root?
-	(setf *current-root* *current-child*))
-      (show-all-children *current-root*)))
-  (defun select-next-brother ()
-    "Select the next brother frame"
-    (setf parent (find-parent-frame *current-child*))
-    (when (frame-p parent)
-      (select-next-* (frame-child parent) 1 #'set-select-next-brother)))
-  (defun select-previous-brother ()
-    "Select the previous brother frame"
-    (setf parent (find-parent-frame *current-child*))
-    (when (frame-p parent)
-      (select-next-* (frame-child parent) -1 #'set-select-next-brother))))
-;;(defun select-next/previous-child (fun-rotate)
-;;  "Select the next/previous child"
-;;  (when (frame-p *current-child*)
-;;    (unselect-all-frames)
-;;    (with-slots (child) *current-child*
-;;      (setf child (funcall fun-rotate child)))
-;;    (show-all-children)))
+;; New circulate mode - work in progress
+;;(let ((modifier nil)
+;;      (reverse-modifiers nil))
+;;  (defun define-circulate-modifier (keysym)
+;;    (setf modifier (multiple-value-list (xlib:keysym->keycodes *display* (keysym-name->keysym keysym)))))
+;;  (defun define-circulate-reverse-modifier (keysym-list)
+;;    (setf reverse-modifiers keysym-list))
+;;  (defun select-next-* (orig direction set-fun)
+;;    (let ((done nil)
+;;	  (hit 0))
+;;      (labels ((is-reverse-modifier (code state)
+;;		 (member (keysym->keysym-name (keycode->keysym code (state->modifiers state)))
+;;			 reverse-modifiers :test #'string=))
+;;	       (reorder ()
+;;		 (let ((elem (nth (mod (incf hit direction) (length orig)) orig)))
+;;		   (funcall set-fun (nconc (list elem) (remove elem orig)))))
+;;	       (handle-key-press (&rest event-slots &key code state &allow-other-keys)
+;;		 (declare (ignore event-slots))
+;;		 ;;(dbg 'press root code state)
+;;		 ;;(dbg (first reverse-modifiers) (state->modifiers state))
+;;		 (if (is-reverse-modifier code state)
+;;		     (setf direction -1)
+;;		     (reorder)))
+;;	       (handle-key-release (&rest event-slots &key code state &allow-other-keys)
+;;		 (declare (ignore event-slots))
+;;		 ;;(dbg 'release root code state)
+;;		 (when (is-reverse-modifier code state)
+;;		   (setf direction 1))
+;;		 (when (member code modifier)
+;;		   (setf done t)))
+;;	       (handle-select-next-child-event (&rest event-slots &key display event-key &allow-other-keys)
+;;		 (declare (ignore display))
+;;		 (with-xlib-protect
+;;		     (case event-key
+;;		       (:key-press (apply #'handle-key-press event-slots))
+;;		       (:key-release (apply #'handle-key-release event-slots))))
+;;		 t))
+;;	(ungrab-main-keys)
+;;	(xgrab-keyboard *root*)
+;;	(reorder)
+;;	(loop until done do
+;;	     (with-xlib-protect
+;;		 (xlib:display-finish-output *display*)
+;;	       (xlib:process-event *display* :handler #'handle-select-next-child-event)))
+;;	(xungrab-keyboard)
+;;	(grab-main-keys)))))
+;;(defun set-select-next-child (new)
+;;  (setf (frame-child *current-child*) new)
+;;  (show-all-children))
 ;;(defun select-next-child ()
 ;;  "Select the next child"
-;;  (select-next/previous-child #'rotate-list))
+;;  (select-next-* (frame-child *current-child*) 1 #'set-select-next-child))
 ;;(defun select-previous-child ()
 ;;  "Select the previous child"
-;;  (select-next/previous-child #'anti-rotate-list))
-;;(defun select-next/previous-brother (fun-rotate)
-;;  "Select the next/previous brother frame"
-;;  (let ((frame-is-root? (and (equal *current-root* *current-child*)
-;;			     (not (equal *current-root* *root-frame*)))))
-;;    (if frame-is-root?
-;;	(hide-all *current-root*)
-;;	(select-current-frame nil))
-;;    (let ((parent (find-parent-frame *current-child*)))
-;;      (when (frame-p parent)
-;;	(with-slots (child) parent
-;;	  (setf child (funcall fun-rotate child))
-;;	  (setf *current-child* (frame-selected-child parent)))))
-;;    (when frame-is-root?
-;;      (setf *current-root* *current-child*))
-;;    (show-all-children *current-root*)))
+;;  (select-next-* (frame-child *current-child*) -1 #'set-select-next-child))
+;;(let ((parent nil))
+;;  (defun set-select-next-brother (new)
+;;    (let ((frame-is-root? (and (equal *current-root* *current-child*)
+;;			       (not (equal *current-root* *root-frame*)))))
+;;      (if frame-is-root?
+;;	  (hide-all *current-root*)
+;;	  (select-current-frame nil))
+;;      (setf (frame-child  parent) new
+;;	    *current-child* (frame-selected-child parent))
+;;      (when frame-is-root?
+;;	(setf *current-root* *current-child*))
+;;      (show-all-children *current-root*)))
-;;(defun select-next-brother ()
-;;  "Select the next brother frame"
-;;  (select-next/previous-brother #'anti-rotate-list))
+;;  (defun select-next-brother ()
+;;    "Select the next brother frame"
+;;    (setf parent (find-parent-frame *current-child*))
+;;    (when (frame-p parent)
+;;      (select-next-* (frame-child parent) 1 #'set-select-next-brother)))
-;;(defun select-previous-brother ()
-;;  "Select the previous brother frame"
-;;  (select-next/previous-brother #'rotate-list))
+;;  (defun select-previous-brother ()
+;;    "Select the previous brother frame"
+;;    (setf parent (find-parent-frame *current-child*))
+;;    (when (frame-p parent)
+;;      (select-next-* (frame-child parent) -1 #'set-select-next-brother))))
+;;; This is only transitional
+(defun select-next/previous-child (fun-rotate)
+  "Select the next/previous child"
+  (when (frame-p *current-child*)
+    (unselect-all-frames)
+    (with-slots (child) *current-child*
+      (setf child (funcall fun-rotate child)))
+    (show-all-children)))
+(defun select-next-child ()
+  "Select the next child"
+  (select-next/previous-child #'rotate-list))
+(defun select-previous-child ()
+  "Select the previous child"
+  (select-next/previous-child #'anti-rotate-list))
+(defun select-next/previous-brother (fun-rotate)
+  "Select the next/previous brother frame"
+  (let ((frame-is-root? (and (equal *current-root* *current-child*)
+			     (not (equal *current-root* *root-frame*)))))
+    (if frame-is-root?
+	(hide-all *current-root*)
+	(select-current-frame nil))
+    (let ((parent (find-parent-frame *current-child*)))
+      (when (frame-p parent)
+	(with-slots (child) parent
+	  (setf child (funcall fun-rotate child))
+	  (setf *current-child* (frame-selected-child parent)))))
+    (when frame-is-root?
+      (setf *current-root* *current-child*))
+    (show-all-children *current-root*)))
+(defun select-next-brother ()
+  "Select the next brother frame"
+  (select-next/previous-brother #'anti-rotate-list))
+(defun select-previous-brother ()
+  "Select the previous brother frame"
+  (select-next/previous-brother #'rotate-list))
+;;; end transitional part

Modified: clfswm/src/clfswm-second-mode.lisp
--- clfswm/src/clfswm-second-mode.lisp	(original)
+++ clfswm/src/clfswm-second-mode.lisp	Mon Apr 20 17:13:55 2009
@@ -63,7 +63,8 @@
 (defun sm-handle-motion-notify (&rest event-slots &key window root-x root-y &allow-other-keys)
   (declare (ignore event-slots))
   (unless (compress-motion-notify)
-    (funcall-button-from-code *second-mouse* 'motion 0 window root-x root-y *fun-press*)))
+    (funcall-button-from-code *second-mouse* 'motion 0 window root-x root-y *fun-press*)
+    (draw-second-mode-window)))
 (defun sm-handle-button-press (&rest event-slots &key window root-x root-y code state &allow-other-keys)
   (declare (ignore event-slots))

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